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Note that I'm not listing games that aren't actually owned by the company, although if such a game is on the list anyway, I may note it.

Microsoft repeats:
Mech series
Microsoft Simulator series
racer Madness series (equivalent to Excite)
Crimson series
Kinect series
Age Of series
possibly Fusion/Fuzion series, Battle series (I can't be certain, these may be unrelated games with similar names)
debatably Conker/Banjo-Kazooie

Sony repeats:
Crash Bandicoot series (although these should be removed entirely - owned by Activision) - includes Crash Bash, not Crash Commando
Eye series
Go! series
Spyro series (again, owned by Activision, should be removed)
possibly Beyond series, Rapid series (I can't be certain, these may be unrelated games with similar names)

Those are the ones I spotted. I can't be bothered looking for more Nintendo IPs missing, or working out which IPs on each are incorrectly listed (as in, not actually owned by respective company). I will point out Fatal Frame, which I believe is majority owned by Tecmo, with Nintendo merely being a part-owner. It's debatable, though.

EDIT: Also, it lists X separately from Xenoblade (which may or may not be reasonable - it's not 100% clear whether it's part of the Xenoblade IP or a new IP), and it's missing Baten Kaitos (Nintendo published the sequel, so it's not owned by Namco Bandai).