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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Big 3's owned Ip's Sony 221, MSFT 90, Nintendo, 96

Nem said:
NobleTeam360 said:
And Nintendo is still last in this regard as well.

I'm not sure you should be celebrating as most Microsoft IP's are Xbox live arcade stuff.

I wasn't celebrating I was just stating a fact. 

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Nem said:

I am pretty sure Blue dragon does not belong to microsoft, as titles have been released on the DS. Its mistwalkers. Dunno about lost odyssey.


I love me some wipeout... but Sony, please, a new Rollcage. That series was so much fun! It deserves a comeback.

Microsoft allows some games to go to DS.  They let Rare make a few games for DS as well including Viva Pinata.  DS is not competition to Microsoft.  But if you show me that is isnt owned by MSFT just let me know


glanced the list but ... that can't be right.

Nintendo's list is also missing A LOT of IP's. Talk about Pushmo, Dillon, Eternal Darkness, Fatal Frame, Steel Diver and so on.


Edit: If you look really close at my Sig/avatar, you can spot another missing Nintendo IP.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

JayWood2010 said:

Sony Computer Entertainment  (293)

Not currently a fair comparison, as the lists for MS and Sony have repeats like the ones I've quoted above.

It also leaves off a number of Nintendo IPs, like Geist, Disaster, Brain Training/Age, Advance/Battalion Wars, Flingsmash, Kensax, Line Attack Heroes, Doshin, Eternal Darkness...

EDIT: And of course, it should be noted that Mario Party and Mario Kart can be treated as distinct subfranchises.

Not to mention that Sony doesn't own the Crash franchise, anymore.

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I think you miss a lot of them and that counts for all three.


Aielyn said:
JayWood2010 said:

Sony Computer Entertainment  (293)

Not currently a fair comparison, as the lists for MS and Sony have repeats like the ones I've quoted above.

It also leaves off a number of Nintendo IPs, like Geist, Disaster, Brain Training/Age, Advance/Battalion Wars, Flingsmash, Kensax, Line Attack Heroes, Doshin, Eternal Darkness...

Fixing now.  Let me know if anything else needs to be fixed


Also funny:

Kinect Adventures
Kinect Fun Labs
Kinect Sports
Kinect Joy Ride


Wii (series)

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

I love all the repeating Sony and MS ones yet all the Nintendo ones are bundled together. Also a lot missing.

For example, note how Crash and Kinect receive 4 IP's each, yet Mario and Wii gets 1. So the first two should be one, and Mario should be extended to at least 7 (2D Mario, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario, Mario Sports (number of these), probably more), with Wii getting 5 (Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Party, Wii Fit, Wii Music). The same extends to other things as well; if Playstation Home is present, then why not Mii-related stuff? And where's NintendoLand?

There's work to be done here, but it's a good comparison to begin with.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

the MSFT and Sony list make my head hurt. How are kinect and crash in their multiple times?

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian