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Forums - Sony Discussion - Recommend me some PS3 games!

hatmoza said:
badgenome said:
You should buy a PS3 for Flower, which is a game about flowers.

STOP RIGHT THERE! You evil son of a bitch! Just because you like sprouting vaginas here and there doesn't give you the right to turn perfectly good gamers into pussies!



It's multiplat but I'm gonna recommend it anyways. Please get and play Catherine and I'll love you forever.

Oh yeah, I remember you had that avatar a while ago ^^ But I'm not quite sure what kind of a game it is...?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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Have you had access to all the seventh-gen multi-plats, or were you a Nintendo-only gamer?  Just curious, because it opens up a lot more games if you didn't own one of the HD twins/a capable PC.


Regardless, my recommendations are:


- Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time (you can also buy the HD Collection & Tools of Destruction).

Third person shooter-platformer hybrid that bucks the "over the shoulder" view and borrows a few ideas from Super Mario Galaxy.

- LittleBigPlanet 2 (consider the first game as well if you want an enjoyable single-player experience)

2D platform game meets "platform for games".  Community levels will keep you occupied for months, level creator can keep you occupied for years.

- WipEout HD Fury

Futuristic racer that packs in just about every game mode you can think of, making it my personal favourite PS3 racing experience.

- Infamous (second game is also worth picking up)

Open world superhero game featuring one of the most entertaining stories this gen.  Play good or play bad.  Definitely worth picking up.

- Heavenly Sword

Beautiful hack 'n' slash adventure.  Not worth full price, but very much worth picking up for the price it's going for pre-owned.

- Valkyria Chronicles

Incredibly enjoyable strategy-rpg, probably one of my favourite games to come out of Japan this gen.

- Metal Gear Solid 4 (you can also buy the HD Collection & the original game on PSN.  I wouldn't start with 4)

Ending to a story I'd been following since the late 90's.  Beautiful, heartbreaking and a thoroughly fantastic journey.

- Portal 2

Absolutely stellar first person puzzle game.  An incredible experience; surprisingly great co-op mode as well.


I tried to pick trailers that showed the theme of the game while also incorporating a bit of gameplay. But some of them don't show it off so well. The best thing to do if you want to see what a game is like is either to watch a review, or download the demo and give them a try.

But all the things I listed come wholeheartedly recommended!

DanneSandin said:
ps3-sales! said:
Skyrim isn't broken on Ps3. Posted a comment on your wall....

Anyway, what hasn't been suggested yet... The Walking Dead is fantastic. Most likely my GOTY 2012.

Haha yeah, I saw that :D sorry for my ignorant comment in the OP ^^

Oh, Walking Dead I had forgotten about!!

All I know about Ni No Kuni is that it is a JRPG... Now, I gotta ask; is it turn based??

It's not turned based, the basic battle system to similar to Pokemon but in 3d. You control your character in battle, but isn't completely real time. You have a time meter that you can attack in. At least look into it, I've heard nothing but great things for the gameplay, story, visuals, and soundtrack. Here's Ign's review to it :D

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

Kresnik said:
I tried to pick trailers that showed the theme of the game while also incorporating a bit of gameplay. But some of them don't show it off so well. The best thing to do if you want to see what a game is like is either to watch a review, or download the demo and give them a try.

But all the things I listed come wholeheartedly recommended!

Wow. OP listen to this guy and look at the post that he posted with all the videos. Some AMAZING games and they're all (except portal 2) only available on Ps3. From the ones he listed I can vouch for Infamous, Portal 2, Heavenly Sword, and Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time that they are all amazing games.

A crack in time was very close to my personal Goty 2009 but ultimately lost to Assassin's Creed 2. WHICH BTW, is also a great game. Also I posted a review for Ni No Kuni that shows off the basics of the game, I recommend you learn about it!

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

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Kresnik said:
I tried to pick trailers that showed the theme of the game while also incorporating a bit of gameplay. But some of them don't show it off so well. The best thing to do if you want to see what a game is like is either to watch a review, or download the demo and give them a try.

But all the things I listed come wholeheartedly recommended!

That was one great post man!! I'll be sure to watch all those videos!!

I've mostly been a Nintendo only gamer this whole gen; I only used to play strategy games on my PC until I got a hold on my brothers Wii, and then finally got one myself. And after that I've started to try different games on my PC; right now I'm playing Darksiders and Batman: AA on it, and will most probably also try out Fable (I played Fable 2 and really enjoyed it), the first Ass creed and the first Mass Eff as well. As soon as I get a new mouse I'll try Skyrim as well

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

ps3-sales! said:
DanneSandin said:
ps3-sales! said:
Skyrim isn't broken on Ps3. Posted a comment on your wall....

Anyway, what hasn't been suggested yet... The Walking Dead is fantastic. Most likely my GOTY 2012.

Haha yeah, I saw that :D sorry for my ignorant comment in the OP ^^

Oh, Walking Dead I had forgotten about!!

All I know about Ni No Kuni is that it is a JRPG... Now, I gotta ask; is it turn based??

It's not turned based, the basic battle system to similar to Pokemon but in 3d. You control your character in battle, but isn't completely real time. You have a time meter that you can attack in. At least look into it, I've heard nothing but great things for the gameplay, story, visuals, and soundtrack. Here's Ign's review to it :D


I'll look in to it for sure :D

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

pezus said:
DanneSandin said:
pezus said:
Don't you have a gaming PC o.O? If so, try to get most multiplats on that and buy the exclusives on PS3, like everything GoW, Ratchet and Clank, GT5, Uncharted, LBP and the JRPGs if you like those!

Well, yes I do ^^ I'm playing Darksiders and Batman: AA on my PC - buuuut the controls is quite cumbersome! At least in Darksiders. I had to put the game on hold for a while because I got so annoyed with them... And after playing Xenoblade I've come to realize I like to have a bigger screen while playing! My current screen... well... it's a joke to be frank!!

But what kind of JRPG's are they? Are they turn based? Or real time?

You can use the PS3 controller with PC games! And just move your PC to your TV or the other way around ;o

Most are probably turn based/real time hybrids in some form. Like real-time but with cooldowns for your actions. You should check out Ni no Kuni! Oh and Valkyria Chronicles!

Hehe I know I can, and I MUST get me a proper controller! But unfortunately, I can't move my PC to the TV since I'm living with my gf whom usually hogs it...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

ps3-sales! said:
Kresnik said:
I tried to pick trailers that showed the theme of the game while also incorporating a bit of gameplay. But some of them don't show it off so well. The best thing to do if you want to see what a game is like is either to watch a review, or download the demo and give them a try.

But all the things I listed come wholeheartedly recommended!

Wow. OP listen to this guy and look at the post that he posted with all the videos. Some AMAZING games and their all (except portal 2) only available on Ps3. From the ones he listed I can vouch for Infamous, Portal 2, Heavenly Sword, and Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time that they are all amazing games. A crack in time was very close to my personal Goty 2009 but ultimately lost to Assassin's Creed 2. WHICH BTW, is also a great game. Also I posted a review for Ni No Kuni that shows off the basics of the game, I recommend you learn about it!

Yeah, I saw that post and I love it!! It's truly a great post!! I have Ass Creed for the PC right here, I just have to finish Darksiders and Batman before beginning it ^^

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

well since u own a pc ill ignore ps3 games that are on the pc. ill also try to say games that will interest your taste

-Red Dead redemption - option world game, people say its a GTA with horses but it surely isnt. the game has a solid story with a strong meaning behind it, deep charecters specially your character john marston. it also has one of the best if not the best DLC ever made undead nightmare! if your buying a console red dead redemption is a MUST

- Journey, well i havent played it yet, but from what i hear its a game every gamer must play

- LittleBigPlanet - the game is REALLY fun and they games LPB1/2 are pretty cheap on PSN

- Puppeteer - the game is coming out this year, its a 2D platformer with a very innovative idea, that the levels move around the player, its based on some sort of japanese theater, check out the trailer

- Rain, check the trailer out it seems really nice. its coming out this year

- PlayStation ALL start battle royal. simply the game is fun as hell

i cant think of any more right now, ill have to think about it later lol