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pezus said:
DanneSandin said:
pezus said:
Don't you have a gaming PC o.O? If so, try to get most multiplats on that and buy the exclusives on PS3, like everything GoW, Ratchet and Clank, GT5, Uncharted, LBP and the JRPGs if you like those!

Well, yes I do ^^ I'm playing Darksiders and Batman: AA on my PC - buuuut the controls is quite cumbersome! At least in Darksiders. I had to put the game on hold for a while because I got so annoyed with them... And after playing Xenoblade I've come to realize I like to have a bigger screen while playing! My current screen... well... it's a joke to be frank!!

But what kind of JRPG's are they? Are they turn based? Or real time?

You can use the PS3 controller with PC games! And just move your PC to your TV or the other way around ;o

Most are probably turn based/real time hybrids in some form. Like real-time but with cooldowns for your actions. You should check out Ni no Kuni! Oh and Valkyria Chronicles!

Hehe I know I can, and I MUST get me a proper controller! But unfortunately, I can't move my PC to the TV since I'm living with my gf whom usually hogs it...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.