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well since u own a pc ill ignore ps3 games that are on the pc. ill also try to say games that will interest your taste

-Red Dead redemption - option world game, people say its a GTA with horses but it surely isnt. the game has a solid story with a strong meaning behind it, deep charecters specially your character john marston. it also has one of the best if not the best DLC ever made undead nightmare! if your buying a console red dead redemption is a MUST

- Journey, well i havent played it yet, but from what i hear its a game every gamer must play

- LittleBigPlanet - the game is REALLY fun and they games LPB1/2 are pretty cheap on PSN

- Puppeteer - the game is coming out this year, its a 2D platformer with a very innovative idea, that the levels move around the player, its based on some sort of japanese theater, check out the trailer

- Rain, check the trailer out it seems really nice. its coming out this year

- PlayStation ALL start battle royal. simply the game is fun as hell

i cant think of any more right now, ill have to think about it later lol