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Kresnik said:
I tried to pick trailers that showed the theme of the game while also incorporating a bit of gameplay. But some of them don't show it off so well. The best thing to do if you want to see what a game is like is either to watch a review, or download the demo and give them a try.

But all the things I listed come wholeheartedly recommended!

That was one great post man!! I'll be sure to watch all those videos!!

I've mostly been a Nintendo only gamer this whole gen; I only used to play strategy games on my PC until I got a hold on my brothers Wii, and then finally got one myself. And after that I've started to try different games on my PC; right now I'm playing Darksiders and Batman: AA on it, and will most probably also try out Fable (I played Fable 2 and really enjoyed it), the first Ass creed and the first Mass Eff as well. As soon as I get a new mouse I'll try Skyrim as well

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.