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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has less First Party Studios than Microsoft. 21 vs 15

Deyon said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Deyon said:
Who would i believe, the media that says Sony has the most 1st party studios or Jaywood's messy/confusing list ?

It was pretty easy to read to me.

All gaming media IGN,Gamespot,Gametrailers....etc, says that Sony has the most 1st party studios than out of nowhere this dude comes out and says the opposite and you expect me to believe him? HELL NO!!!!!!

And they do.  Sony had more 1st party studios making games this generation.  A lot of these studios was just built in recent years by Microsoft.  Relax bro


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platformmaster918 said:

ok so you haven't tried Infamous, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Resistance, God of War, Twisted Metal, Warhawk, Sly, Ratchet, Jak, or LBP because of the review scores?  Also yes sales wise I would say Nintendo does and they lead in the platformer genre (Sony really only has Ratchet now that Jak has been put on ice and Sly isn't up to Mario levels), but sales aren't everything and you have to remember that Sony changes franchises every gen so their franchises don't get nearly as much of a following built up.

So many parents played Mario and now buy every one of them for their kids.  A lot of reviewers also are effected by nostalgia when grading Nintendo games (not saying they're bad but maybe a few of those 10s would turn to 8.5s if they didn't constantly bring up "magic" and "childhood feelings resurfacing").  Nintendo has the perfect strategy in making only 1 or 2 games for each franchise each gen.  They are of the highest quality and avoid series fatigue due to this.  It aslo ensures high sales for each iteration (NSMBU will sell millions upon millions not only because of its quality but also because of the fact that it probably won't ever get a successor so if you want 2d Mario on U you buy it and it stays at a high price because you can't get it from a sequel).  With this strategy they make a lot more money too considering they can sell games like Maro Kart DS for near full price still).

However Sony pumps out quality games at a high rate and makes awesome new IPs as well as investing in new types of games every gen that the other 2 wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.  Think you'd ever see Heavy Rain, Sly 4, or Journey on a MS system?  I don't think so.  My point is Nintendo is amazing and we need the pillar of their company and their franchises in this industry, but Sony is just as admirable for investing in NEW experiences and IPs even late in a generation and supporting their platforms longer than anyone.  You can't say one is better than the other on review scores and sales alone.

Dude, don't waste your energy. this thread is totally fake.

JayWood2010 said:
platformmaster918 said:

is this factoring in the 2 team studios like MM, ND, and SSM that can work on 2 games at once?

Also how long has this been true because if it's been awhile then I guess it's just quality over quantity.  I can name way more awesome Playstation 3 games than 360 games imo.  I can also name more good 360 games than Wii games but I still prefer Wii because I just like platformers and adventure games more than shooters.  The few that I do like are games like Half-Life and Resistance 3 with unique features and skip on the cinematic crap.

If you will, go back and edit your last response and get rid of the OP as it is unneccessary.

As you can see a lot of these studios have been created in the last few years.  It looks like they are preparing for next gen with these studios.  We dont know what they are working on yet. 

ok I thought so about the recent forming, but my point about 2 team developers still stands.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

Deyon said:
platformmaster918 said:

ok so you haven't tried Infamous, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Resistance, God of War, Twisted Metal, Warhawk, Sly, Ratchet, Jak, or LBP because of the review scores?  Also yes sales wise I would say Nintendo does and they lead in the platformer genre (Sony really only has Ratchet now that Jak has been put on ice and Sly isn't up to Mario levels), but sales aren't everything and you have to remember that Sony changes franchises every gen so their franchises don't get nearly as much of a following built up.

So many parents played Mario and now buy every one of them for their kids.  A lot of reviewers also are effected by nostalgia when grading Nintendo games (not saying they're bad but maybe a few of those 10s would turn to 8.5s if they didn't constantly bring up "magic" and "childhood feelings resurfacing").  Nintendo has the perfect strategy in making only 1 or 2 games for each franchise each gen.  They are of the highest quality and avoid series fatigue due to this.  It aslo ensures high sales for each iteration (NSMBU will sell millions upon millions not only because of its quality but also because of the fact that it probably won't ever get a successor so if you want 2d Mario on U you buy it and it stays at a high price because you can't get it from a sequel).  With this strategy they make a lot more money too considering they can sell games like Maro Kart DS for near full price still).

However Sony pumps out quality games at a high rate and makes awesome new IPs as well as investing in new types of games every gen that the other 2 wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.  Think you'd ever see Heavy Rain, Sly 4, or Journey on a MS system?  I don't think so.  My point is Nintendo is amazing and we need the pillar of their company and their franchises in this industry, but Sony is just as admirable for investing in NEW experiences and IPs even late in a generation and supporting their platforms longer than anyone.  You can't say one is better than the other on review scores and sales alone.

Dude, don't waste your energy. this thread is totally fake.

Just pointing out the differences in their strategies and why I don't think either can be factually said to be "better" than the other in the first party library department.  Of course I prefer Sony games but I understand why people think Nintendo has better ones and they're definitely ahead of MS for me.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

platformmaster918 said:
JayWood2010 said:
platformmaster918 said:

is this factoring in the 2 team studios like MM, ND, and SSM that can work on 2 games at once?

Also how long has this been true because if it's been awhile then I guess it's just quality over quantity.  I can name way more awesome Playstation 3 games than 360 games imo.  I can also name more good 360 games than Wii games but I still prefer Wii because I just like platformers and adventure games more than shooters.  The few that I do like are games like Half-Life and Resistance 3 with unique features and skip on the cinematic crap.

If you will, go back and edit your last response and get rid of the OP as it is unneccessary.

As you can see a lot of these studios have been created in the last few years.  It looks like they are preparing for next gen with these studios.  We dont know what they are working on yet. 

ok I thought so about the recent forming, but my point about 2 team developers still stands.

Oh yeah I get that.  Some studios does develop in seperate teams like Naughty Dog did with uncharted 2 and Last of Us.  Rare is another example of that.  They have numerous amount of teams that work on multiple titles do simultaneosly.    Some companies do and some dont.


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JayWood2010 said:
sethnintendo said:

Interesting... Are they mainly making XBL games or what? I'm not too knowledgeable with their current IP offerings but it seems like Sony shoots out way more IPs than Microsoft.

Still will never let Microsoft down for ignoring Crimson Skies IP.  I would never buy a console from them but that is one of the few games they made that I enjoyed.

So far we know Black Tusk Studios is working on a huge project (They said as big as halo).  Also a cinimatic game is being made by one of their studios although we dont know which one, and Marlow Briggs is another one if it turns out to be a game.  Right now it is just a patented trademark under game software but it could end up being DLC or a character, who knows.

This list is a mess. Sine Mora and its dev are under Microsoft while the game also came out on Vita and PS3.

Deyon said:


Dude, don't waste your energy. this thread is totally fake.

Go look it up each and every one of these studios yourself and tell me im wrong.  You sound ridiculous.  People on these forums know I wouldnt be falsifying information like this.  So either leave this thread or stop being childish and comment on something that is actually true


kivi95 said:
DanneSandin said:
bananaking21 said:
DanneSandin said:
Anyways, this gen will be really interesting to watch! As far as I'm concerned: Nintendo's 1st party games >>>Sony>>>>>MS

But maybe that'll change now??

you havent played sony first party to judge

Oh, but I have :D some... many years ago ^^ But just by looking at sales tells me this, and the scores and stuff like that. And besides, I've never found GoW to be something that would entice me, and I haven't played a GT since the first installment of the series ^^ But I'm not much for racers... Only game that looks good to me is UC... And only game MS has that's any good is/was Fable. But c'mon, we all know Nintendo pwns everyone else when it comes to 1st party. That's just the way it is.

If you don't like new ips then yes. The reason I like the ps3 1st party games the most is because they release new ips every generation.

Yeah, I have to admit that's a pretty awesome thing to do!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

JayWood2010 said:
bananaking21 said:
can somebody explain to me the difference between first party and second party?


First Party - Completely owned by the platform holder 

Second Party - Usually a third party studio who has been contracted by the platform holder to work on a license owned by the platform holder 

Third Party - A game developed by an outside company based on their own original intellectual property 


The IP doesn't have to be owned by the platform holder to be a second party, the IP can be owned by the third party but contractually made solely for one console manufacturer. If they just hired a third party it would still be first party (The last Metroid for instance in tandem with Retro). Other than that you're spot on. ;)

JayWood2010 said:
Deyon said:


Dude, don't waste your energy. this thread is totally fake.

Go look it up each and every one of these studios yourself and tell me im wrong.  You sound ridiculous.  People on these forums know I wouldnt be falsifying information like this.  So either leave this thread or stop being childish and comment on something that is actually true

I'm not going to dispute the accuracy of this list, how many studios does Nintendo have though?

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers