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Deyon said:
platformmaster918 said:

ok so you haven't tried Infamous, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Resistance, God of War, Twisted Metal, Warhawk, Sly, Ratchet, Jak, or LBP because of the review scores?  Also yes sales wise I would say Nintendo does and they lead in the platformer genre (Sony really only has Ratchet now that Jak has been put on ice and Sly isn't up to Mario levels), but sales aren't everything and you have to remember that Sony changes franchises every gen so their franchises don't get nearly as much of a following built up.

So many parents played Mario and now buy every one of them for their kids.  A lot of reviewers also are effected by nostalgia when grading Nintendo games (not saying they're bad but maybe a few of those 10s would turn to 8.5s if they didn't constantly bring up "magic" and "childhood feelings resurfacing").  Nintendo has the perfect strategy in making only 1 or 2 games for each franchise each gen.  They are of the highest quality and avoid series fatigue due to this.  It aslo ensures high sales for each iteration (NSMBU will sell millions upon millions not only because of its quality but also because of the fact that it probably won't ever get a successor so if you want 2d Mario on U you buy it and it stays at a high price because you can't get it from a sequel).  With this strategy they make a lot more money too considering they can sell games like Maro Kart DS for near full price still).

However Sony pumps out quality games at a high rate and makes awesome new IPs as well as investing in new types of games every gen that the other 2 wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.  Think you'd ever see Heavy Rain, Sly 4, or Journey on a MS system?  I don't think so.  My point is Nintendo is amazing and we need the pillar of their company and their franchises in this industry, but Sony is just as admirable for investing in NEW experiences and IPs even late in a generation and supporting their platforms longer than anyone.  You can't say one is better than the other on review scores and sales alone.

Dude, don't waste your energy. this thread is totally fake.

Just pointing out the differences in their strategies and why I don't think either can be factually said to be "better" than the other in the first party library department.  Of course I prefer Sony games but I understand why people think Nintendo has better ones and they're definitely ahead of MS for me.

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