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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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Ugh...I honestly don't see how they'll pull that one off, cause of Link primarily.

Maybe make it that he doesn't say a word the whole time and every time he opens his mouth to say something, some other character (from his party, since I can't really see movie being about Link going alone on a quest) speaks instead of him or NPC just starts answering with reply that involves Link's supposed (yet unheard by audience) question (like they do in interviews).

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HoloDust said:

Ugh...I honestly don't see how they'll pull that one off, cause of Link primarily.

Maybe make it that he doesn't say a word the whole time and every time he opens his mouth to say something, some other character (from his party, since I can't really see movie being about Link going alone on a quest) speaks instead of him or NPC just starts answering with reply that involves Link's supposed (yet unheard by audience) question (like they do in interviews).

Or leave Link out of it entirely and make the movie about Zelda's time in the past. Zelda's story arc of TotK.

SvennoJ said:
HoloDust said:

Ugh...I honestly don't see how they'll pull that one off, cause of Link primarily.

Maybe make it that he doesn't say a word the whole time and every time he opens his mouth to say something, some other character (from his party, since I can't really see movie being about Link going alone on a quest) speaks instead of him or NPC just starts answering with reply that involves Link's supposed (yet unheard by audience) question (like they do in interviews).

Or leave Link out of it entirely and make the movie about Zelda's time in the past. Zelda's story arc of TotK.

Oh, I really hope they won't do anything like that, since I find the story in TotK (and BotW) to be really subpar and disjointed from previous Zelda lore - not that I'm any lore expert on Zelda, mind you.

Also, I really don't want to watch a Zelda film without Link - that would be just weird, as much as I like idea of spinoff games set in Hyrule without Link.

So, as I said, I hope they will find a funny and clever way for Link not talking, except for his usual exclamations.

It'll be 100% majorly BotW/TotK inspired and Link will 100% speak. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.






Happy New Year!

It's time for a new year and a new poll!

Which Zelda game have you replayed and beaten the most? Do you have a favorite you keep going back to year after year?

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Zelda 2.

Veknoid_Outcast said:

Happy New Year!

It's time for a new year and a new poll!

Which Zelda game have you replayed and beaten the most? Do you have a favorite you keep going back to year after year?

Thanks for reminding me! Might be time to break out the Link to the Past game again since the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters and MArio RPG remake allowed me to play my #1 and #2 favourite games again in 2023!

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Happy New Year to you to!

Most beaten is probably Ocarina of Time. But A Link to the Past and Twilight Princess aren’t far behind. Still, interestingly enough Breath of the Wild’s single playthrough might have been longer than all the playthroughs of those others individually put together because of how long it was.

Just wanted to say nothing beats the original and this thread is awsomely long!


A Link to the Past is my most replayed Zelda title. I was 9 when it came out so the timing was perfect to get hooked. I recall calling my friend on the phone and asking him how to get unstuck

Since then I've replayed it several times.

I'm surprised to see Twilight Princess topping the poll so far. Is that a product of its multiple releases on GCN, Wii, and WiiU?