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I don't know if shrines and puzzles are better designed than BOTW, more likely to inclined they are not

But they are MUCH better to solve, that's for sure. Ultrahand is miles ahead Magnesis, just being able to control it with a stick adds much better precision than junk and clunky motion controls that uses to make me solve even the most simply puzzles a hell. The fact you can now "attach" things is a gift

Fusing mechanic made remote bombs obsolete and are just much better way to control. And as never a bit fan of stasis, although it has its uses the puzzles involving hitting them were annoying. Recall replaces it in a very elegant way and adds a lot of spicy on puzzle solving

The only one rune I miss is cryonis. They really didn't have a proper replacement to it, that's why this game is so filled with convenient pieces of wood or metal when you are in some water sections

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And my favorite of them all is of course ascend

Changed the way I explore the world, making it much less burdensome. Turned stamina requeriments so much more lenient and greatly reduced the time I need backtracking sections I initially missed because I couldn't climb

Finally found the champions leathers

Took me so long that I already could upgrade it to 4 stars

I'll change it to be my primary gear now, it just looks so nice and the defense is good

I'm pairing it with amber earrings because being stylish > having a good defenses (and that's why desert voe gear is the best but I digress)

Now I need to figure out where to find the diamond circlet for a full comeback of my main gear from BOTW, plan to only challenge Ganondorf after upgrade all them to 4 stars

I'm still in doubt whether to use ascend, feels like fast travel. But also seems to be the only way (next to fast travel) to get out of the depths as the balloons simply get stuck on the fog ceiling and then despawn. I got a dozen light roots activated so far, made it to the south end of the map in the depths and stumbled onto a labyrinth last night, Gerudo desert one I think. There is no way in in the depths, both sides are locked with a solid gate. There's a central shaft leading up so maybe you get into it from Hyrule?

Still haven't found the 3rd set of the glowing gear set (of there is a third piece), every mine I find now has a crystalized charge in the chest. Also a mysterious arena like platform with some ice blocks to melt yet nothing appeared. I kinda feel like I'm running around chapter 3 in Death Stranding before any of the quests are active, exploring the world before the (story) actors move in. Fun to explore but feels like I have to go back to many sections later for (side) quests.

Stuff is getting harder to kill, dropped weapons start to get better as well. I'm definitely 'leveling' up despite not doing any shrines. Mini bosses stay off limits, avoid. Just too big of a bullet sponge, weapons break too fast on those. Sneak around them and keep exploring, mapping the depths. It's easy to spot the next light root now balloons are available at every build station. Float up with some wood fire and mark the next couple. Getting there is a lot harder, the cliffs and mountains in the depths can be quite extreme. Climbing for 5-10 minutes from ledge to ledge when no balloon option available. The world is massive down here.

zeldaring said:

Thanks looking forward to the review.

Here it is - not very short, but I tried to keep it to the (bullet) point - full review would go at least 2-3x that.

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SvennoJ said:

I'm still in doubt whether to use ascend, feels like fast travel. But also seems to be the only way (next to fast travel) to get out of the depths as the balloons simply get stuck on the fog ceiling and then despawn. I got a dozen light roots activated so far, made it to the south end of the map in the depths and stumbled onto a labyrinth last night, Gerudo desert one I think. There is no way in in the depths, both sides are locked with a solid gate. There's a central shaft leading up so maybe you get into it from Hyrule?

Still haven't found the 3rd set of the glowing gear set (of there is a third piece), every mine I find now has a crystalized charge in the chest. Also a mysterious arena like platform with some ice blocks to melt yet nothing appeared. I kinda feel like I'm running around chapter 3 in Death Stranding before any of the quests are active, exploring the world before the (story) actors move in. Fun to explore but feels like I have to go back to many sections later for (side) quests.

Stuff is getting harder to kill, dropped weapons start to get better as well. I'm definitely 'leveling' up despite not doing any shrines. Mini bosses stay off limits, avoid. Just too big of a bullet sponge, weapons break too fast on those. Sneak around them and keep exploring, mapping the depths. It's easy to spot the next light root now balloons are available at every build station. Float up with some wood fire and mark the next couple. Getting there is a lot harder, the cliffs and mountains in the depths can be quite extreme. Climbing for 5-10 minutes from ledge to ledge when no balloon option available. The world is massive down here.

There are puzzles that you can only solve with ascend

IcaroRibeiro said:

There are puzzles that you can only solve with ascend

Yes, there was one on the tutorial island already. What I meant is using ascend to 'fast' travel, either from the bottom of a cave to the top of a mountain or straight from the depths up to Hyrule. But maybe it's the only way to reach certain places, dunno yet.

I guess using a balloon in the right spot should get me out of the Depths, I just haven't found an opening in the ceiling yet. I'll eventually make it back to where I came in the depths for the first photographer quest or use the big hole at Hyrule castle which I tried to dive in right after coming down from Great Sky Island. Two access points I know off before 'abandoning' the top side world. I'm currently following the South edge of the map to the West edge, picking up poes and Zonaite as I go. At about 1200 poes now and about a 1000 Zonaite (after already converting the max twice at the forge construct in the central mine)

Trees down here don't seem to give wood, so that's my one resource I have to be very careful with. Used for a balloon you can pick the burning fire back up, just don't make a campfire. Also no Zonai Gacha machines down here thus walking around with a limited supply of one time use cooking pots. Not that I really have any need for food with just 4 hearts. And all the status effects last so short it's not really worth making elixirs for.

HoloDust said:
zeldaring said:

Thanks looking forward to the review.

Here it is - not very short, but I tried to keep it to the (bullet) point - full review would go at least 2-3x that.

Thanks for review. seems like they haven't fixed anything for me as well based on tha review. I could not care less about building things, and the combat being easy and puzzle being cheesed sounds really bad for me.

Fusing a shield with rocket is a game changer for me omg

PortisheadBiscuit said:

Fusing a shield with rocket is a game changer for me omg

Lol. Fusing one with a cannon is quite effective as well! Sadly laser beams just shoot upwards when attached to a shield. Hmm maybe fuse a beam with a spear? I want my laser gun :)