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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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Oh wow that makes sense. I thought it was like after beating Divine beasts.
Makes a kind rpg but more natural, love it.

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Wyrdness said:

I love that after more than three years, we're still finding out new things about BOTW. It's insanely deep.

BOTW has officially crossed the 20m total with a combined figure of 20.2m for both versions.

NS - 18.6m

WiiU - 1.6m

Now all that remains is for the NS version to sell 20m by itself.

Last edited by Wyrdness - on 06 August 2020

Thread title and poll updated!

Old poll results: 

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This is crazy...a modder has created a functional Mario Kart track INSIDE Breath of the Wild:

Q3 or Q4 2021

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