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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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Veknoid_Outcast said:
DevilRising said:
While I am eagerly anticipating a glorious new 3D Zelda for Wii U, gorgeous and epic as it's sure to be (and I REALLY wish/hope that they stick to the Ocarina/Twilight Princess art style), and as amazing and fun as I'm sure that game will be. I really must say I would love to see a new 2D SPRITE BASED classic styled Zelda. Not made by Capcom or some other developer, but by Nintendo themselves. In fact, I'm probably in the miniority, but I'd even love to see another Zelda II styled game. That game was always highly underrated and for it's time it was very ambitious, with it's scope and battle mechanics (of actually having to strike and block properly). But Link's Awakening has always been my fav. 2D Zelda, so something in THAT style would be amazing.

Now that is an interesting idea.

I'm not crazy about Zelda II -- I'd rank it second to last -- but it's still a really good game. I don't know if fans would go for it, but it would be a fun experiment.


Like I said, I think Zelda II was highly underrated. It's a very complex (and difficult for the right reasons) game for it's time. At the VERY least, if not 2D gameplay, I'd love to see them bring some Zelda II elements back that they haven't used since, like a real "level up" system, and manual jumping (not couting the feather in Link's Awakening).





Why would you say the "era of 2D Zelda is over"? I suppose you would have said that before NSMB on DS came out, for 2D Mario as well, yes? I would prefer 2D Zelda (and 2D Mario for that matter) to be sprite based, but that's my preference. But regardless, I can see them eventually putting out another overhead, classic styled Zelda game. Why not? You say Zelda will be "3D, as it should be"....why is that? Personally, I find nothing in the opinion that 3D gaming is superior to 2D. They're two different things, and I honestly think there's room enough for both. In fact I'd like to see a lot MORE 2D games these days. I think that the entire games market jumped on the 3D bandwagon before they should have, and really abandoned 2D for the most part, when they had still barely scratched the surface of what 2D graphics and gameplay could offer with more powerful hardware. You look at an "old" (by now) game like Symphony of the Night. It was a masterpiece for it's time....but they could do so much better. I see modern games like Wario Land: Shake It, A Boy and His Blob, and Muramasa (and Vanillaware's other games for that matter), and know that I was right about that. I see those games, and salivate at the idea of a gorgeous 2D hand-drawn Metroid like that, or a gorgeous hand drawn Zelda, etc. etc.

There is still a lot of life left in 2D, as far as this man's concerned, and to me it will never "get old" or be "past it's time". 2D gaming is it's own experience, and I think it would be to the benefit of gaming in general that it sticks around. Personally, I get rather tired of all the big budget, "AAA" 3D games that flood the market these I get rather stoked when I see something come along like Vanillaware's Dragon's Crown (which I wish would fucking come out already).

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DevilRising said:


Why would you say the "era of 2D Zelda is over"? I suppose you would have said that before NSMB on DS came out, for 2D Mario as well, yes? I would prefer 2D Zelda (and 2D Mario for that matter) to be sprite based, but that's my preference. But regardless, I can see them eventually putting out another overhead, classic styled Zelda game. Why not? You say Zelda will be "3D, as it should be"....why is that? Personally, I find nothing in the opinion that 3D gaming is superior to 2D. They're two different things, and I honestly think there's room enough for both. In fact I'd like to see a lot MORE 2D games these days. I think that the entire games market jumped on the 3D bandwagon before they should have, and really abandoned 2D for the most part, when they had still barely scratched the surface of what 2D graphics and gameplay could offer with more powerful hardware. You look at an "old" (by now) game like Symphony of the Night. It was a masterpiece for it's time....but they could do so much better. I see modern games like Wario Land: Shake It, A Boy and His Blob, and Muramasa (and Vanillaware's other games for that matter), and know that I was right about that. I see those games, and salivate at the idea of a gorgeous 2D hand-drawn Metroid like that, or a gorgeous hand drawn Zelda, etc. etc.

There is still a lot of life left in 2D, as far as this man's concerned, and to me it will never "get old" or be "past it's time". 2D gaming is it's own experience, and I think it would be to the benefit of gaming in general that it sticks around. Personally, I get rather tired of all the big budget, "AAA" 3D games that flood the market these I get rather stoked when I see something come along like Vanillaware's Dragon's Crown (which I wish would fucking come out already).

I get how you feel, I really do. My second favorite Zelda is a 2D game; Link's Awakening. I still play my NES and SNES fairly regularly, it's not getting old for me either. Yoshi's Island I feel is one of the most beautiful and one of the best games ever made. And regardless of what happens, I will be the first in line!

However, when I say "[it] will be 3D, like it should" (which, I give you, was a little harsh a term) I meant it when considering 'exposure'. They can't justify an overhead 2D and sprite based Zelda now, when there's Mario 3D Land and Ocarina 3D. Zelda is one of their 'representative' franchises. Every entry in the series is an advertisement for the system, which is probably why they pour so much money into each entry even when it only sells a small amount of units compared to most Mario titles. Arguably, together with 3D Mario, it is what people look at when wanting to know what a system can do. If a new, main-line and original 3DS Zelda would be sprite based, the general public and the press would be massively underwhelmed ("That's it?") and it wouldn't be representative of what the system is about. The world has changed in that regard.

It's a lot easier with Mario. The franchise has so many branches in so many genres, and none of them are expected to follow a certain pattern. Also, it has much simpler gameplay mechanics than a full Zelda. For Mario, it's much easier to justify an entry in 'retro-style' as it shows little evolving anyway due to it's nature. Next to 2D Mario, of which I agree has revitalised the sidescroller genre brilliantly, you still have the ground-breaking main series and nobody would argue NSMB and the Galaxies belong together in the same line. They live side by side. Of course, you could argue they do the same for Zelda, advertise it as a seperate spin-off series (which I wouldn't oppose), but that's a whole other discussion! For the main series, which until now is still the only series to begin with, it's best to keep this 'representative' approach. Maybe they can give the Tingle game a sequel .

I hope that clears it up a little .

Veknoid_Outcast said:

Very good points.

Still, I hope the era of 2D Zelda isn't over for good. The 2D platform game is still alive and well, thanks in large part to Nintendo, so I'm hopeful top-down 2D action-adventure games will stay healthy too.

They could release a digital one some day, a side-game, an hommage to the 2D age of sorts. Or, like I replied to DevilRising create a spin-off series, like Mario who has so many, as a fan service .

A top down Zelda ala SNES/GB would be very welcomed, but NINTENDO GIVE US MAJORAS REMAKE ALREADY.

@S. Peelman

I see what you're saying. Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely looking forward to the next 3D Zelda for Wii U, in HD and all that. I'm not really a "graphics guy", at least in the sense that I would just as soon look at classic Pac-Man as the newest Crysis game. But on the other hand, ESPECIALLY with the Twilight Princess type art style they showed off in that "demo", which I REALLY wish/hope they'd stick to, I would absolutely love to see/play a drop dead gorgeous, epic, sprawling, even "open world" HD Zelda. And maybe you're right. I'd love for them to make both that, and then a Link's Awakening styled game for Wii U eShop. That'd satisfy me plenty.

DevilRising said:
@S. Peelman

I see what you're saying. Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely looking forward to the next 3D Zelda for Wii U, in HD and all that. I'm not really a "graphics guy", at least in the sense that I would just as soon look at classic Pac-Man as the newest Crysis game. But on the other hand, ESPECIALLY with the Twilight Princess type art style they showed off in that "demo", which I REALLY wish/hope they'd stick to, I would absolutely love to see/play a drop dead gorgeous, epic, sprawling, even "open world" HD Zelda. And maybe you're right. I'd love for them to make both that, and then a Link's Awakening styled game for Wii U eShop. That'd satisfy me plenty.

Then we see eye to eye you and I. Good talk !

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What goes better with Zelda than....Pokemon?





From artist Finni Chang:

It's a tough one but I've chosen 2D for the next handheld game. There's nothing wrong with 3D but I've just been replaying The Minish Cap and remembered how different the 2D games play (not worse or better just different). It would be nice to play a 2D title on newer hardware (but really either is fine by me - any new Zelda would be good)!

Also Pokemon x Zelda art is brilliant!

I want moar Zelda rumors NOOOOW!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

It's funny how 2D mario is simpler than 3D mario, but 2D Zelda is much bigger than 3D Zelda.

I vote 2D. I well get a 3D Zelda on Wii U for sure, I want to play a 2D Zelda with modern sensibilities.

2D games are always bigger than 3D games, and they are IMO better for exploration. I want 2D.

I like 3D games just as much, but variety is always nice.

This thread was hard to find. Why is the search function so horribad?

OT - I have been speculating a bit regarding the next 3DS Zelda and what if the game had Tingle as a major character, not like in Wind Waker. I would like a title having him involved and it would fit very well on the 3DS.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

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