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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2012 - Stage 2 - Round 1

4p - RolStoppable
3p - noname2200
2p - axumblade
1p - spurgeonryan

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4p - spurge
3p - Axum
2p - Rol
1p - noname

4p - Axum
3p - Noname
2p - Rol
1p - Spurge

Really tough round. -_-

4p: AxumBlade
3p: RolStoppable
2p: NoName2200
1p: SpurgeonRyan

This stage is off to a brutal start...

4p: RolStoppable
3p: axumblade
2p: noname2200
1p: spurgeonryan

Signature goes here!

Around the Network

That was quite the confessional, Zero.

This is so exciting!!!

axumblade said:
zero129 said:
axumblade said:
zero129 said:
axumblade said:

Thanks for all the votes guys! And I don't think I've ever seen people apologize for not voting for me in one of these tournaments. :P I'm not really offended by getting lower votes considering that the competition is extremely tough this round.

4. Rol (If anything for creating my favorite trap thread of all time.)
3. Spurgeonryan (I had to move you down for confessing you've never seen archer...)
2. noname (For such a noname, you've made such a name for yourself. Great guy and host of the great Wii and Steam secret santa threads. I always feel bad because I'm always too broke to participate though. :/)
1. axumblade (he once called me a Sony fanboy and then didn't ban himself for calling me a fanboy...)

I wanted to put you higher (why the hell did you have to get added in with Spurge and Rol )

But i had to vote for spurge cos his pretty much my right hand dude here, and well Rol has become my Rival in MK7 so i had to add him.

Im really sorry axum if it means anything your my fav mod this site has ever had , And really if it wasnt for Spurge and Rol being in this round i would of put you first against anyone else!!

Bah i feel really bad now i dont like this round at all

lol. Why do you feel bad? I was being honest. I don't take offense to getting voted underneath any of these users. They're all really great guys!

I feel bad cos i hate this round, too many people i like in it, for me this round is even worse then the last one

Im changing my vote!!

4p - axumblade
3p - spurgeonryan
2p - RolStoppable
1p - noname2200



I still fill bad that so many great users got put together in this round

LOL You don't have to change your vote. The rounds are difficult for everyone but I think all of us realize at the end of the day, it's just a competition. :)

Are you vote fishing?

That's it, you have a 30 point penalty in this round.

Agent 0129. Flip flopped brother

axumblade said:

Not my intention. I was originally just saying I thought it was funny that you and khan felt the need to apologize for not voting me higher. I'm not sure why zero got involved. lol

Are you trying to make an excuse?

50 point penalty for you.