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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GTAIV in October 2007 if not for PS3 version!

R* Blames PS3 for Delay

Posted On: Thursday 24 January 2008

Reports are coming in to us that the delay was because of development issues with the PS3. Rockstar hinted that GTA IV may have actually been ready for release back in October if it were not for the PS3 development going slowly.

A Rockstar rep has come out and told MTV that the PS3 was a big factor in why GTA IV had to be delayed beyond its scheduled holiday 2007 release date in either October or November.

He did state though that the development is at the point now where the PS3 version has caught up to the Xbox 360 version.

He stated that the PS3 is no longer an issue in terms of the development of GTA IV on it, stating that it is identical to the Xbox 360 version.

Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick stated that the reason for the delay of GTA IV was due to “technological problems,” or “challenges.”

The rep told MTV News that “It’s really no surprise to anybody that the PS3 was definitely a contributing factor to that.”

He stated “That’s not to say, there’s anything wrong with the PS3 version. It’s awesome. They’re both identical.”



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It wouldn't be that much of a shocker if that's the case. Every single time the game has been shown to internet sites it's been the 360 version since they announced it. Every trailer has been made using 360 hardware also. They are finally going to show the PS3 version in a few weeks, that should tell people who aren't completely blind something.

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Yea, blame it on the PS3. IM pretty sure the gameplay showed with horrific framerate issues amongst other problems was running on 360 hardware.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

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currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Don't trust what they say, MS paid them $50M.

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oh snap

Well I hope the game itself got some big improvements as well.

LOL at the ps3 fanboy comments:D

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

IGN has stated that the game has improved since they last saw it six months ago, when it was running on the 360. So it wasn't running well on their either.

R* just wasn't used to the PS3's hardware. Now they are. R* had a year start on working on the 360.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
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The choices made for the PS3 have been disastrous as far as third party developers are concerned. Sorry if this seems like trolling but I'm truly frustrated and angry that Sony in their arrogance chose to "fix" a problem that didn't exist (needing the cell for gaming).

Not only has this caused delays in games to affect PS3 games and cause numerous third parties to go over budget and quite possibly for some to collapse but it has leaked over and caused 360 games to be delayed as well.

And now we hear of multiplatform third party games being cancelled and I have no doubts that the PS3 development costs and the lengthy development time on that console bear a lot of the responsibility for it.

Anyways I guess we get to now wait until 2009 or whenever for games like Resident Evil 5 and Nintendo must be really laughing at exactly how much Sony blew it. I guess Blu-Ray and the Cell must have been worth losing the console race.