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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - "How I got banned from Miiverse" by d21lewis

I've served my two weeks and I'm still banned. Guess it's permanent. :(

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d21lewis said:
I've served my two weeks and I'm still banned. Guess it's permanent. :(

Is there any way to reverse the ban? Outside of buying an new Wii U, I mean.

Trunkin said:
d21lewis said:
I've served my two weeks and I'm still banned. Guess it's permanent. :(

Is there any way to reverse the ban? Outside of buying an new Wii U, I mean.

Really, I could just log in as one of the other profiles on my Wii U.  I always could.  I just don't want to because d21lewis is who I am.  Today was day fourteen.  Maybe tomorrow.  If not, I guess I just have to accept it.

d21lewis said:
Trunkin said:
d21lewis said:
I've served my two weeks and I'm still banned. Guess it's permanent. :(

Is there any way to reverse the ban? Outside of buying an new Wii U, I mean.

Really, I could just log in as one of the other profiles on my Wii U.  I always could.  I just don't want to because d21lewis is who I am.  Today was day fourteen.  Maybe tomorrow.  If not, I guess I just have to accept it.

Well, best of luck to you. I'll have to remember to be very careful if I ever do get a Wii U. Which apparently means no mentioning other companies products under any circumstances.

I posted a screenshot of Traynor in the shower with female Shepard from Mass Effect 3 with the comment "I like where this is going". Mods saw it and only marked it as a spoiler.

Weird, that they left that up considering how tough you've had it.

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I'm back!!

Have you contacted Nintendo to see if its perm or will open back up?

oni-link said:
guiduc said:
runqvist said:
Why do you care? That place sounds like a place I would not like to be part of. Nintendo moderation, oh my god. :D

Feels like Half-Life 2 all over again. Nintendo playing Combine role... for a better world :D

If you don't like their rules than get out of Miiverse.  Sorry but it's true!!!

Well naturally people are going to leave in droves.

Frankly, not many people are entering to begin with. See those Wii U sales thus far?

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Wait, d21Lewis is back on Miiverse?

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!

Thats a sure fire way of ensuring a forum that dies within a matter of months as well as a class action suite somewhere down the road.