I've served my two weeks and I'm still banned. Guess it's permanent. :(
I've served my two weeks and I'm still banned. Guess it's permanent. :(
d21lewis said: I've served my two weeks and I'm still banned. Guess it's permanent. :( |
Is there any way to reverse the ban? Outside of buying an new Wii U, I mean.
Trunkin said:
Really, I could just log in as one of the other profiles on my Wii U. I always could. I just don't want to because d21lewis is who I am. Today was day fourteen. Maybe tomorrow. If not, I guess I just have to accept it.
d21lewis said:
Really, I could just log in as one of the other profiles on my Wii U. I always could. I just don't want to because d21lewis is who I am. Today was day fourteen. Maybe tomorrow. If not, I guess I just have to accept it. |
Well, best of luck to you. I'll have to remember to be very careful if I ever do get a Wii U. Which apparently means no mentioning other companies products under any circumstances.
I posted a screenshot of Traynor in the shower with female Shepard from Mass Effect 3 with the comment "I like where this is going". Mods saw it and only marked it as a spoiler.
Weird, that they left that up considering how tough you've had it.
Have you contacted Nintendo to see if its perm or will open back up?
oni-link said:
Well naturally people are going to leave in droves.
Frankly, not many people are entering to begin with. See those Wii U sales thus far?
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Wait, d21Lewis is back on Miiverse?
Thats a sure fire way of ensuring a forum that dies within a matter of months as well as a class action suite somewhere down the road.