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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft could end up in 3rd place next-gen

Who do so many people only focus on raw specs? You'd think by now when EVERY generation proves it doesn't really matter in the end, they'd get over it.

It comes down to experiences.

To me this coming gen it will be the combination of games and other OS features/entertainment. So far MS is the only one I'm sure that will provide it all in a well defined platform.

Sony and Nintendo will have their respective games, but I'm questioning if they'll provide the rest. However, due to Japan, I don't think MS will ever be first.

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I don't know where MS will end up, because every gen is basically random.
However, I do think they are in the best position out of the three.

Sony is in financial trouble and they have to support the PS Vita as well. It needs every support it can get, otherwise 3rd party publishers won't do anything for it either. Sony has a lot of homework to do. This might have an impact on the PS4 and the software support for it.

The Wii U is not exactly doing crazy numbers (not bad either btw) and the tech behind it is not new to anybody. They made a pretty big bet with the tablet controller and have to stick with it for about 5 years now. There still has to be the software that proves that this controller is more than a gimmick. Old ports won't do the trick. These are just as useful as standard DS3 games were to promote the PS Move.

MS biggest advantage this gen is that they are the first company in the videogame industry that understood to sell a service with the games. Xbox Live is so freaking huge compared to everything else. MS makes 1 billion USD per year just with the fees. This money is an undeniable advantage over the competition. The online business is head and shoulder above the competition. Sure PS+ is nice for you guys, but this is Sony playing catch-up. XBLA games, media functionality, streaming services with hundreds of Apps, Skype, smartglass and soon an even better interaction with every Windows 8 PC is just on another level.  There are more than 40 million XBL users (not accounts) out there and this number will only increase till the next Xbox is released. This number is a year old already btw.

People are overestimating the games btw. 98% of the games are multiplat anyway. Halo, Gears, Fable, Forza, Kinect and a couple of new IPs from the newly built studios will do just fine. I think it will be all about the service in the future and that is where MS is leading the way.

I could be wrong though. As I said, a new gen is always random.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

superchunk said:
Who do so many people only focus on raw specs? You'd think by now when EVERY generation proves it doesn't really matter in the end, they'd get over it.

It comes down to experiences.

To me this coming gen it will be the combination of games and other OS features/entertainment. So far MS is the only one I'm sure that will provide it all in a well defined platform.

Sony and Nintendo will have their respective games, but I'm questioning if they'll provide the rest. However, due to Japan, I don't think MS will ever be first.

Good to see a change in your perspective SC. Going from Why would i ever want to purchase a nextbox 720 to this. How things will turn out no one knows but i like that fact that you changed your thought process. Most people just stick to one thing and defend it till end. 

It was the first time i had major disagreement with your logic. Judging something even before it is out. Just like this thread.

green_sky said:
superchunk said:
Who do so many people only focus on raw specs? You'd think by now when EVERY generation proves it doesn't really matter in the end, they'd get over it.

It comes down to experiences.

To me this coming gen it will be the combination of games and other OS features/entertainment. So far MS is the only one I'm sure that will provide it all in a well defined platform.

Sony and Nintendo will have their respective games, but I'm questioning if they'll provide the rest. However, due to Japan, I don't think MS will ever be first.

Good to see a change in your perspective SC. Going from Why would i ever want to purchase a nextbox 720 to this. How things will turn out no one knows but i like that fact that you changed your thought process. Most people just stick to one thing and defend it till end. 

It was the first time i had major disagreement with your logic. Judging something even before it is out. Just like this thread.

lol, that thread was more of a combination of me trolling as well as just pondering out loud. There is only one absolute for me, I will buy the Nintendo console.

Everything else comes down to what it is and at what price.

superchunk said:
green_sky said:

Good to see a change in your perspective SC. Going from Why would i ever want to purchase a nextbox 720 to this. How things will turn out no one knows but i like that fact that you changed your thought process. Most people just stick to one thing and defend it till end. 

It was the first time i had major disagreement with your logic. Judging something even before it is out. Just like this thread.

lol, that thread was more of a combination of me trolling as well as just pondering out loud. There is only one absolute for me, I will buy the Nintendo console.

Everything else comes down to what it is and at what price.

Yea that seriously disturbed my sleep. If Superchunk starts to think like that than everyone else's thinking is d00med.

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The Nextbox will do good, especially in N America. Overall I predict the console will sell alot more than the WiiU.

sales2099 said:
VGKing said:

1) Casual gamers don't buy as much software as core gamers.

2) Some recent Kinect releases have done well and older games are still selling.

3) As long as core gamers get software they enjoy, they'll be happy. It doesn't have to be 1st party software. Bear in mind the best selling games PS3 and 360 are not new IPs.

4) Arguing about rumors is a complete waste of time.

5) Since Kinect uses the console hardware for resources, the current Kienct could actually perform better on MS's new console. Kinect hacks on the PC are more impressive than what we've seen on the 360.

6) Sony has focused on a lot of games and what do they have to show for it in 2012? A lot of flops. People are primarily buying 3rd party games that aren't exclusives. If MS isn't focused on games than I'm confused why their 2012 lineup was arguably better than Sony and Nintendo.

7) You're under the illusion that MS isn't focused on games, yet you ignore the 360 is a total package. Great games, it has the most streaming services, and it has a low price point. Perhaps you should be giving credit where its due.

1. Just Dance says hi.

2. Such as?

3. It does have to be first party. No sane publisher would release an exclusive title next-gen, unless they are payed a whole lot of money.

4. No one asked you to participate.

5. Pretty sure they're developing a new Kinect and games made for Kinect 2 won't be playable with Kinect 1.

6. You call it a flop, I call it building a fanbase. Not all games can sell millions. Sony exclusives in particular have great legs and you forget that all these "Flops" were released on PSN as well and open up the possibility for Sony to offer them as free PS+ downloads.

7. Microsoft ISN"T focused on games. The last 2 E3 press conferences are proof of that. They are focused on services. They had a great line-up last year with Halo and Forza...but then again they had the same the year before. Where is the variety? Where are the risks? I see them taking risks just not where they should be.

No, its a flop. Making games for the sake of making games may please you, but the majority of PS3 gamers yawn (by not buying them). I think that thought rocks you to the core so you pretend its all "diGitalZ sales!!". PS3 gamers are notorious for not caring about digital as much as 360 gamers do. Minecrfat sells 5 million yet Journey can't even break 1 million. Cmon.

MS is focused on many things. Why does it have to be 100/0 ratios with you people? Games are always a necessity, but now MS is expanding in the media hub and casual sector as well. Thing is, when your successful, you exand.

You just tell me your selfish, that you want your console to cater to you and only you. Other demographics are beneath you. As long as you get your fix, no matter how badly most of their games sell, as long as YOUR happy right? Ill never understand a PS fan.

@ bold
LMFAO! Did I ever say that?  No. Go re-read my post.

@ italics
It doesn't have to be 100/0 and I never said it was. And what do you mean "you people"? Don't answer that because I already know. Reported.


DirtyP2002 said:

I don't know where MS will end up, because every gen is basically random.
However, I do think they are in the best position out of the three.

Sony is in financial trouble and they have to support the PS Vita as well. It needs every support it can get, otherwise 3rd party publishers won't do anything for it either. Sony has a lot of homework to do. This might have an impact on the PS4 and the software support for it.

The Wii U is not exactly doing crazy numbers (not bad either btw) and the tech behind it is not new to anybody. They made a pretty big bet with the tablet controller and have to stick with it for about 5 years now. There still has to be the software that proves that this controller is more than a gimmick. Old ports won't do the trick. These are just as useful as standard DS3 games were to promote the PS Move.

MS biggest advantage this gen is that they are the first company in the videogame industry that understood to sell a service with the games. Xbox Live is so freaking huge compared to everything else. MS makes 1 billion USD per year just with the fees. This money is an undeniable advantage over the competition. The online business is head and shoulder above the competition. Sure PS+ is nice for you guys, but this is Sony playing catch-up. XBLA games, media functionality, streaming services with hundreds of Apps, Skype, smartglass and soon an even better interaction with every Windows 8 PC is just on another level.  There are more than 40 million XBL users (not accounts) out there and this number will only increase till the next Xbox is released. This number is a year old already btw.

People are overestimating the games btw. 98% of the games are multiplat anyway. Halo, Gears, Fable, Forza, Kinect and a couple of new IPs from the newly built studios will do just fine. I think it will be all about the service in the future and that is where MS is leading the way.

I could be wrong though. As I said, a new gen is always random.

Sony's financials will have little impact on PS4 support. 3rd parties want to make the most money so they make their games for both Xbox 720/PS4. 

The Wii U isn't doing bad? Really? You call 50k sales good for a new console? That is worldwide BTW.

LOL @ that 1 Billion thing. Just lol. Sony isn't playing catch up anymore. They may have already surpassed Live with PS+ Now its all just down to personal preference.

dsgrue3 said:
Raze said:
I see the 720 being 1st or 2nd, Nintendo will find a way to recover before launch and secure either 1st or 2nd. PS4 will come in 3rd, with a smaller market needing a combo system (like Wii owners owning a PS3)combined with a higher price tag as Sony is known for.

Oh look, another person who is opposed to facing the reality that is the low sales of Wii U. In a few years, I'll return to laugh at this post.

Please do. Recent history has proven a similar trend. The 3DS got off to a subpar start, and if I remember, even the DS took a while to ramp up. I don't recall the 3DS having a good first 6 months, and everyone said it was dead in the water too. History tends to repeat itself.

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey 

Wander_ said:
Cyrus_ATX said:


Keep dreaming!