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Forums - Sony Discussion - Famitsu: 64% of Japanese players plan to buy PS Vita this year.

its the same story since launch everyone wants it but has no reason to buy it. sony and 3rd parties need to give people a reason with software, they have done half the job with the hardware but thats not enough.

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It'd be great to see how many people took this survey....

think-man said:
You no its BS when 360 is at 10.6% in japan


So it basically says that a whole bunch of people want to buy a Vita all of a sudden for no good reason. No way in hell.

J_Allard said:
think-man said:
You no its BS when 360 is at 10.6% in japan


360 is at the end of its life. I imagine you'd be able to find a 360 + games for super cheap. With how huge the used game market is, I wouldn't be surprised if there are ample savings to be had.

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Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
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Are Japanese people are more methodical about their purchases than Americans?...

I'm quite sure that the reason the 3DS is lower is because this does NOT include people who already have a 3DS, and I am sure a LOT of Famitsu readers have one, but not a Vita.
The poll results mean very little about what will happen this year in terms of overall sales.

All talk. A better than sign than nobody saying they want it, but we don't know if this'll translate into anything meaningful.

Galaki said:
What do you expect? Sony has no gamez so their gamers have too much time to do polls.

No more questions!! LOL

34 years playing games.


Marucha said:
Are Japanese people are more methodical about their purchases than Americans?...

Generally? Yes. Yes they are. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)