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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Forbes: Is Microsoft in trouble?

i'll buy that for a dollar!

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

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What utter garbage, hilarious

Turkish said:
Grandia said:
Turkish said:
Ask that question in 5 years. If Microsoft fails to capture a share of the tablet market, itll slowly head towards irrelevancy in the post pc era.

The better question is how relevant tablets still will be in 5 years. It is often the same with this hype products a vast increase in the beginning and a rapid downfall when the hype is over.

The traditional pc exist since 30 years even more, its nothing that will be replaced in the forseeable future as oppose to this  tablets has to show if someone still cares in 5 years from now on for them. 

1. Tablets will overtake laptops this year

2. Pc manufacturers' revenue and sales are going down, only Lenovo sold more

3. Intel's revenue are going down

4. The pc was never challenged in its entire life, tablets are a real threat. MS realized this and added tablet like interface to Win8.

You said it for your selfe Tablets will overtake laptops, so if at all the Tablet is a competitor for laptops and not for the traditional pc. Laptops for there selfes never replaced the pc so why should Tablets do this? In offices, for work and for hardcore PC gaming the traditional pc will still have its place in the future, like it had in the past.

And the Tablet really has to show if he still matters  in 5 years and if he can replace the Laptop.

Grandia said:
Turkish said:
Grandia said:
Turkish said:
Ask that question in 5 years. If Microsoft fails to capture a share of the tablet market, itll slowly head towards irrelevancy in the post pc era.

The better question is how relevant tablets still will be in 5 years. It is often the same with this hype products a vast increase in the beginning and a rapid downfall when the hype is over.

The traditional pc exist since 30 years even more, its nothing that will be replaced in the forseeable future as oppose to this  tablets has to show if someone still cares in 5 years from now on for them. 

1. Tablets will overtake laptops this year

2. Pc manufacturers' revenue and sales are going down, only Lenovo sold more

3. Intel's revenue are going down

4. The pc was never challenged in its entire life, tablets are a real threat. MS realized this and added tablet like interface to Win8.

You said it for your selfe Tablets will overtake laptops, so if at all the Tablet is a competitor for laptops and not for the traditional pc. Laptops for there selfes never replaced the pc so why should Tablets do this? In offices, for work and for hardcore PC gaming the traditional pc will still have its place in the future, like it had in the past.

And the Tablet really has to show if he still matters  in 5 years and if he can replace the Laptop.

Then explain to me why pc makers sell less pcs and Intels revenue going down?

LOL while this read was ridiculous MS products and Win8 are all doing rubbish compared to expectations and there past releases. Surface is dead. Win phone 8 is not very good. Lucky MS has a huge amount of money left so it doesn't really matter. That Ballmer is an idiot though he needs to go.

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Take my love, take my land..

The article is clearly a joke, so there is no need for this kind of fuss. But why everyone believes on this "tortoise" strategy? Getting years late on market after the competition is good strategy now? It worked before because the competitors were weak or simply outdated (IBM). Google and Apple aren't weak or outdated, they are dangerous competitors and had years of advantage in mobile market. They aren't IBM or Yahoo.

I can't accept the fact that WP took so long to arrive on market. Apple launchs iPhone and Google, an enterprise that never had made an OS, has an answer in about a year. MS, that already even had a mobile OS took 2~3 year to answer that and still was missing basic features that they only got right with WP8 now. They aren't in a good position now, they are in a terrible position and trying to change it.

Other thing is people thinking that tablets will go away. It won't happen. Why? Because PCs have low profit margins and tablets/smartphones are sold with big profit margins. And people buy new devices much earlier than PCs. They want you to buy a tablet or smartphone, not a PC and they can convice you to do that. Despite that, they're great devices: cheaper, long battery-lifes, good performance. I myself use my tablet everyday for all tasks and my laptop only to develop (and that is a niche function). These devices are a new class of computers that "just work". PCs are complex for the majority of people, tablets (even if they have less funcionality) are simple to use and that can be a game changer.


Grandia said:
The part where he predict that the struggling Sony will buy Microsofts Entertainment Device was the funniest lol.

Are you kidding? That was the most accurate part of the post. Sony will buy MS entertainment division. And will buy Nintendo too. Their next console will be the PlayStation-X U, you will play in the PlayStation Live Network and we will have a 3D Vita with two screens. And the next PS Sports game with Kinect will have Kratos and Master Chief. I know for sure because the brother of the girlfriend of the dad of a friend of mine works at Sony and they are already negotiating the deal to annouce it at E3.

What a piece of shit article... it's 1st April time already?

20% in PC market share made me laugh. Don't know where he pulled that number out of his ass but thats just not true. Apple laptops and desktops are prohibitively more expensive then a MS OS laptop/PC.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Maybe Micrisoft is in trouble if you ask me I saw a statistics pic last year that Sony leads the console market then Microsoft and then Nintendo. I only hope Microsoft does to do Sony's mistakes like the ps3 was not going well for three years in this console generation. People say Microsoft is going to have the most powerfull system next generation and having the most powerfull does not let you win. For example the ps3 but it is selling much much better than it did earlier this generation.

Also windows 8 is not going to well mainly because they copied Apple's iOS app system and stuffed up windows all together. Every person I ask when windows 8 came out if they think it is great and everyone a I asked said no because it was not how people have remembered windows from how it was. M$ is loosing money as a company for a long time. But I hope Microsoft does not get in trouble. Let's wish for the best for everyone to go well next gen like this gen = Wii won, Xbox 360 close to Wii as well as PS3 nearly passing the 360. THAT's THE GOOD NEWS THAT EVERYONE KNOWS. 😀😀😀