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The article is clearly a joke, so there is no need for this kind of fuss. But why everyone believes on this "tortoise" strategy? Getting years late on market after the competition is good strategy now? It worked before because the competitors were weak or simply outdated (IBM). Google and Apple aren't weak or outdated, they are dangerous competitors and had years of advantage in mobile market. They aren't IBM or Yahoo.

I can't accept the fact that WP took so long to arrive on market. Apple launchs iPhone and Google, an enterprise that never had made an OS, has an answer in about a year. MS, that already even had a mobile OS took 2~3 year to answer that and still was missing basic features that they only got right with WP8 now. They aren't in a good position now, they are in a terrible position and trying to change it.

Other thing is people thinking that tablets will go away. It won't happen. Why? Because PCs have low profit margins and tablets/smartphones are sold with big profit margins. And people buy new devices much earlier than PCs. They want you to buy a tablet or smartphone, not a PC and they can convice you to do that. Despite that, they're great devices: cheaper, long battery-lifes, good performance. I myself use my tablet everyday for all tasks and my laptop only to develop (and that is a niche function). These devices are a new class of computers that "just work". PCs are complex for the majority of people, tablets (even if they have less funcionality) are simple to use and that can be a game changer.


Grandia said:
The part where he predict that the struggling Sony will buy Microsofts Entertainment Device was the funniest lol.

Are you kidding? That was the most accurate part of the post. Sony will buy MS entertainment division. And will buy Nintendo too. Their next console will be the PlayStation-X U, you will play in the PlayStation Live Network and we will have a 3D Vita with two screens. And the next PS Sports game with Kinect will have Kratos and Master Chief. I know for sure because the brother of the girlfriend of the dad of a friend of mine works at Sony and they are already negotiating the deal to annouce it at E3.