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Maybe Micrisoft is in trouble if you ask me I saw a statistics pic last year that Sony leads the console market then Microsoft and then Nintendo. I only hope Microsoft does to do Sony's mistakes like the ps3 was not going well for three years in this console generation. People say Microsoft is going to have the most powerfull system next generation and having the most powerfull does not let you win. For example the ps3 but it is selling much much better than it did earlier this generation.

Also windows 8 is not going to well mainly because they copied Apple's iOS app system and stuffed up windows all together. Every person I ask when windows 8 came out if they think it is great and everyone a I asked said no because it was not how people have remembered windows from how it was. M$ is loosing money as a company for a long time. But I hope Microsoft does not get in trouble. Let's wish for the best for everyone to go well next gen like this gen = Wii won, Xbox 360 close to Wii as well as PS3 nearly passing the 360. THAT's THE GOOD NEWS THAT EVERYONE KNOWS. 😀😀😀