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Forums - Sony Discussion - GT5 v2.10, 2014 Corvette, NSX Concept, Willow Springs, Seattle Circuit, Apricot Hill, Ginza District and a lot more

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ethomaz said:
thatt Acura looks so mean it's awesome. OP why don't you turn this into the official GT thread.

I don't like the official threads approach because nobody see the updates...

i understand. the work i've done in the official Bioshock infinite thread goes unnoticed cause it seems the site has no interest in it. all updates are linked to the op for easy find.

there's a 98% chance i'll never do a official thread again.

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iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


Got a retro room? Post it here!

Will definitely grab Willow Springs when it comes out.
But most of all I'm waiting for Apricot Hill and Seattle Circuit to come back...!

The new Corvetter is really sexy.

ethomaz said:
thatt Acura looks so mean it's awesome. OP why don't you turn this into the official GT thread.

I don't like the official threads approach because nobody see the updates...

i understand. the work i've done in the official Bioshock infinite thread goes unnoticed cause it seems the site has no interest in it. all updates are linked to the op for easy find.

there's a 98% chance i'll never do a official thread again.

@Marcus You don't know that. A lot of people just likes to look at it and leave without posting anything.  I do that most of the time. look at the new stuff posted and leave


OT: Great stuff for GT5

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Normally I don't like the Acura line, but DAMN! 10/10.

Everyone needs to play Lost Odyssey! Any opposition to this and I will have to just say, "If it's a fight you want, you got it!"

Also, I'm really happy with how the new Corvette looks. It's not a "get off my lawn" type of car anymore....but sadly you know that's the kind of people who will drive it!

Everyone needs to play Lost Odyssey! Any opposition to this and I will have to just say, "If it's a fight you want, you got it!"

Looks too much like the current Camero from the back but overall its the best looking Corvette ever.  With a starting price over $100K its going to be a long time before I see one on the road. 

I loved both Apricot Hill and the Seattle course, two of my favorites. And that Corvette looks awesome. Love that they're bringing back the Stringray name.

If there really is a new night-time city track, I'll have to play again.

Have some interior shots of the Corvette from GTPlanet

That's called mastery of craft^