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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 sales surpass Xbox 360 (Shipped Numbers)- report

If this ends up being true, then the PS3 is obviously undertracked :S

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Wander_ said:
kowenicki said:
zhao3gold said:
To those who doesn't believe this IDC report:

It is highly likely IDC got the information from Microsoft and Sony regarding to the shipment figures. I think Sony and MS already knew how many consoles they shipped in last Q, but just wait for the date to announce it.

To those who is favor in X360 like me:

Don't argue these numbers. Just accept it. X360 did great, but it had some issues in Mainland Europe, Japan and emerging markets. MS needs to face this issue and see how important these markets are. Without these markets, Xbox brand will never defeat its competitors. This is a great lesson for MS. Anyway, we should be still pleased with Xbox360 sales performance this gen.

No... it really isnt likely at all.  To say that is very naive.

Shipment fugures will be released in quarterly reports to investors first.   Not to some external organisation that is trying to maske money from a predictive report.  It would be extremely inappropriate and there would be uproar if they released them to an extrernal body first.  You dont know how business works.

Oh great you're here. I'm OUT see ya guys.

Hes here? ::Ducks::

Well I doubt that his has happened yet but it's inevitable. For years PS3 has sold more outside of holidays but with Kinect X360 has managed to sell so much in US during holiday period that it has made the gap strech to that basic 3 million that it has been for years. However this year Kinect effect seems to have died a lot so even during holidays wordwide numbers should go to Sony so when get shipment numbers the difference should be something like 2 million or even under. That Sony will erase before next holidays. Kinect really was major success for MS.

Kaz really did a good job replacing Kutaragi as CEO of SCE .

Considering how mishandled the transition from PS2 to PS3 was. These numbers are a victory for Sony.

I don't believe it. Total unique install base? Probably. Total shipments? Not yet. That would mean PS3 shipped 7m units since november, it shipped likely around 5.5-6m this quarter, which would put it 1m behind the 360.

Unless something happens, the PS3 will outship it in the first 6 months of this year.

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Anybody, what was the official shipment figures for PS3/x360 for 2nd quarter? (I mean shipped up to 30th of September 2012).

Playstation 3 was shipped approximate 6.5million in Q4 of calenda year 2011. If I were not wrong, this year all consoles had some declines. PS3 might have the smallest decling trend comparing to its competitors, so maximumly PS3 might be shipped
Based on IDC report, PS3 was shipped roughly 7million in 2 months. It seemed wrong considering the decline. But it is too difficult to finalize it. If Sony really shipped 7million+ through Q4, it might be over shipped the consoles, just like what people said about X360 last year.

Now VGChartz should be checking and updating accordingly. It's time for the adjustments. I still believe PS3 is under tracked by atleast 1mn margin.

Sharu said:
Anybody, what was the official shipment figures for PS3/x360 for 2nd quarter? (I mean shipped up to 30th of September 2012).

Well MS had shipped 70 million 360s as of their last quarterly report at the end of the September.

We don't know how many PS3s were shipped at that time as Sony combined PS2 and PS3 shipments together. As of Nov. 4th, Sony announced that PS3 shipments had reached 70 million.

Last year the PS3 shipped 6.5 million units from Oct-Dec. If this IDC report is correct then they would have shipped 7 million PS3s in only 2 months. (Nov-Dec) Possibly making it over 8 million for the quarter.(including Oct) That seems strange considering both the PS3 and 360 have been declining this year.

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

It's hard to believe that they're still able to charge $4,500 for a report after this: