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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 sales surpass Xbox 360 (Shipped Numbers)- report

LOL a lot of fanboy's in here can't handle the truth.

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Just need a quick explanation.

Why do shipped numbers mean anything? Shouldn't the only thing that matters is how many people actually buy your console? I mean just because you ship your console doesn't mean it actual sold it would just be sitting on a shelf. Or when companies say shipped to they also mean sold?

MB1025 said:
Just need a quick explanation.

Why do shipped numbers mean anything? Shouldn't the only thing that matters is how many people actually buy your console? I mean just because you ship your console doesn't mean it actual sold it would just be sitting on a shelf. Or when companies say shipped to they also mean sold?

Shipped is sold to a company. The retailer purchases that product to put it on store shelves. Sony/Microsoft don't give away their products to retailers for free...

BasilZero said:
Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
Wander_ said:

i've been to dubai and it is too damn hard to find Xbox & Wii games. It's all about the PlayStation there.

wha.. WHAT is THIS!! Gaming inequality!!! This is outrage!!

Looks at Japan*

Sony's more popular in the Middle East/South Asian countries so its no surprise. I've seen Playstations and other Sony products when I visited Dubai last year and whenever I visited India and not a single mention or fragment of anything mentioning Nintendo or Microsoft (other than OSes).

The problem with india is that it pirates the hell out of games so no one not even Sony can take full advantage of it's population.

Wander_ said:
BasilZero said:
Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
Wander_ said:

i've been to dubai and it is too damn hard to find Xbox & Wii games. It's all about the PlayStation there.

wha.. WHAT is THIS!! Gaming inequality!!! This is outrage!!

Looks at Japan*

Sony's more popular in the Middle East/South Asian countries so its no surprise. I've seen Playstations and other Sony products when I visited Dubai last year and whenever I visited India and not a single mention or fragment of anything mentioning Nintendo or Microsoft (other than OSes).

The problem with india is that it pirates the hell out of games so no one not even Sony can take full advantage of it's population.

No one can take advantage of India because everyone is poor as fuck. The living conditions are terrible.

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riderz13371 said:
Wander_ said:

The problem with india is that it pirates the hell out of games so no one not even Sony can take full advantage of it's population.

No one can take advantage of India because everyone is poor as fuck. The living conditions are terrible.

inb4ban.. Lol. Bye Bye you just got unbanned dude wait a while

JokerCompany said:
LOL a lot of fanboy's in here can't handle the truth.

numbers are wrong.

BasilZero said:
Wander_ said:
BasilZero said:

Sony's more popular in the Middle East/South Asian countries so its no surprise. I've seen Playstations and other Sony products when I visited Dubai last year and whenever I visited India and not a single mention or fragment of anything mentioning Nintendo or Microsoft (other than OSes).

The problem with india is that it pirates the hell out of games so no one not even Sony can take full advantage of it's population.

How the hell do you pirate hardware? The worst that can happen is the software wont sell but the hardware will like it did on the PSP lol.

i obviously meant Software.

thismeintiel said:
so anyone know whens the next time we get shipments? should be soon shouldnt it?

MS should be giving Q4 2012 numbers in a week or two.  Nintendo will give their shipments the week after.  Then Sony, the week after (usully comes in the first week or two of Feb).

@ OP

Something tells me they got these numbers wrong.  I would think the best Sony could hope for is to tie the 360 in shipments, not yet pass them.  Then again, maybe Sony made sure to get out enough of the Super Slim SKUs.  That and they may also have a price cut scheduled sometime soon.

i think sony are anticipating some strong sales the next few months. theres alot of big releases and theres gotta be a price cut along with it. time to give the PS3 one last final push!

Yea, if these numbers are correct, then Sony may be planning to cut the price just in time for their big exclusives to hit in a month or so.  Could come sooner than I had originally thought.

kowenicki said:
IDC are morons. They confirm this regularly.

Interesting. If they are indeed morons as you claim then it is remarkable that they have managed to hang around for the last 48 years.


At this stage it's not very important if the PS3 outsells the 360 other than bragging rights and possibly momentum heading into the next gen.

Though this does remind me of something Microsoft said a few years back unless my memory deceives me. First to 10 million wins or something to that effect??