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Forums - General Discussion - If you are against gay marriage, explain why without mentioning religion


Are you for or against gay marriage?

For 290 49.49%
Against 171 29.18%
don't know 16 2.73%
whatever who cares? 108 18.43%

As kids, we all grow up watching marriages all around us in series, films, other media and in reality. We watch a beautiful, traditional ceremony where a couple of humans experience what many (who has experienced it) would consider their greatest moments in their lives and we think, "One day I will be up there at the altar with my future partner and have the time of my life."

To deny anyone to experience that dream come true is plain, inhumane cruelty.

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BasilZero said:
As kids, we all grow up watching marriages all around us in series, films, other media and in reality. We watch a beautiful, traditional ceremony where a couple of humans experience what many (who has experienced it) would consider their greatest moments in their lives and we think, "One day I will be up there at the altar with my future partner and have the time of my life."

To deny anyone to experience that dream come true is plain, inhumane cruelty.

You need to watch Clannad (even if you dont watch anime).


Player1x3 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
sales2099 said:

I personally don't care

Most arguments are religious based. The only one that I can think of is that many people fear things they can't understand, and since the vast majority of humans are straight.....ya. Also homosexuality hasn't been widely documented, let alone supported until the last 60 years or so. It'll take time to break the mindset humans have had since our dawn as a civilized race.

Historically homosexuality was pretty much accepted and well-documented in quite a few western cultures... like ancient Rome or Greece.

 That is actually a myth really... this video here explains it in details with lot of good points. It also shows some rather dirty and low deception tactics used by LGBT fanboys to create that myth

Same-sex marriages or "unions" were performed in ancient Rome. Emperors were in same-sex marriages... speaking of emperors, most of the earliest roman emperors were bisexual or homosexual. 

As for Greece... ok, don't really know that much about it so maybe whatever is said in that video is right.

Andrespetmonkey said:
Player1x3 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
sales2099 said:

I personally don't care

Most arguments are religious based. The only one that I can think of is that many people fear things they can't understand, and since the vast majority of humans are straight.....ya. Also homosexuality hasn't been widely documented, let alone supported until the last 60 years or so. It'll take time to break the mindset humans have had since our dawn as a civilized race.

Historically homosexuality was pretty much accepted and well-documented in quite a few western cultures... like ancient Rome or Greece.

 That is actually a myth really... this video here explains it in details with lot of good points. It also shows some rather dirty and low deception tactics used by LGBT fanboys to create that myth

Same-sex marriages or "unions" were performed in ancient Rome. Emperors were in same-sex marriages... speaking of emperors, most of the earliest roman emperors were bisexual or homosexual. 

As for Greece... ok, don't really know that much about it so maybe whatever is said in that video is right.

You shouldnt reallly use Rome as an example...they also allowed pedophilia and in some cases bestiality (Caligula etc...). They arent exactly a society to look upon when it comes to sexual acceptance

I don't think it's right to be gay, but I also realize it's not a choice and I think it's wrong (also pointless) to be against gay marriage.

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Because gay marriage forces homophobes to realize gay people aren't all constantly running around having sex with multiple partners. Imagine the damage it could do to the preconceived image of gay people! With that kind of propaganda people could end up thinking gay people are just like straight people after all... and we don't want that, do we?

Signature goes here!

Player1x3 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
Player1x3 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
sales2099 said:

I personally don't care

Most arguments are religious based. The only one that I can think of is that many people fear things they can't understand, and since the vast majority of humans are straight.....ya. Also homosexuality hasn't been widely documented, let alone supported until the last 60 years or so. It'll take time to break the mindset humans have had since our dawn as a civilized race.

Historically homosexuality was pretty much accepted and well-documented in quite a few western cultures... like ancient Rome or Greece.

 That is actually a myth really... this video here explains it in details with lot of good points. It also shows some rather dirty and low deception tactics used by LGBT fanboys to create that myth

Same-sex marriages or "unions" were performed in ancient Rome. Emperors were in same-sex marriages... speaking of emperors, most of the earliest roman emperors were bisexual or homosexual. 

As for Greece... ok, don't really know that much about it so maybe whatever is said in that video is right.

You shouldnt reallly use Rome as an example...they also allowed pedophilia and in some cases bestiality (Caligula etc...). They arent exactly a society to look upon when it comes to sexual acceptance

Do you know how many ancient societies allowed pedophilia by modern standards? A lot more than those that didn't, not that that's to say it makes it morally right, but to say they weren't exactly low on the morality spectrum. Anyway, this is irrelevant to my point, which is that the acceptence and documentation of homosexuality is not an exclusively modern phenomenon in the western world. My point has nothing to do with rights and wrongs.

Andrespetmonkey said:
Player1x3 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
Player1x3 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:
sales2099 said:

I personally don't care

Most arguments are religious based. The only one that I can think of is that many people fear things they can't understand, and since the vast majority of humans are straight.....ya. Also homosexuality hasn't been widely documented, let alone supported until the last 60 years or so. It'll take time to break the mindset humans have had since our dawn as a civilized race.

Historically homosexuality was pretty much accepted and well-documented in quite a few western cultures... like ancient Rome or Greece.

 That is actually a myth really... this video here explains it in details with lot of good points. It also shows some rather dirty and low deception tactics used by LGBT fanboys to create that myth

Same-sex marriages or "unions" were performed in ancient Rome. Emperors were in same-sex marriages... speaking of emperors, most of the earliest roman emperors were bisexual or homosexual. 

As for Greece... ok, don't really know that much about it so maybe whatever is said in that video is right.

You shouldnt reallly use Rome as an example...they also allowed pedophilia and in some cases bestiality (Caligula etc...). They arent exactly a society to look upon when it comes to sexual acceptance

Do you know how many ancient societies allowed pedophilia by modern standards? A lot more than those that didn't, not that that's to say it makes it morally right, but to say they weren't exactly low on the morality spectrum. Anyway, this is irrelevant to my point, which is that the acceptence and documentation of homosexuality is not an exclusively modern phenomenon in the western world. My point has nothing to do with rights and wrongs.

Well then, we should be glad Christianity ended stuff like that in the Western World :)

Let me first say that I don't think gays are bad people and that I think they deserve just as much respect as anyone else.

With that said I am for Civil Unions for gays that come with all the same legal amenities as marriage. What I mean is that it wouldn't be called Marriage, but it would be like it in a legal sense.

The reason for this is I look at the natural world as having a purpose. Men and woman have sexual organs for procreation. That is why we are sexually attracted to each other, to have sex and make babies. Marriage is the result of human culture responding to human nature. Male and female fit together in nature. I'm not of the opinion that this is a choice so I don't judge people for being gay, but at the same time I don't believe that it is what humans are supposed to be.

With that said I would actually prefer it if the government would get out of marriage almost completely. The only reason that the government regulates marriage is for tax reasons. In my opinion there should be very few laws regarding marriage and the only one I can think of right now is minimum age of consent. If the government wasn't involved then anyone could "marry" anyone they want so long as they are of legal age. It would be a civil contract between two people just like it used to be hundreds of years ago. Religious people would get married in a church before God and non-religious people would just sign a standard marriage contract and have any kind of ceremony they want. This would let gays consider themselves really married and people who don't like it can just choose not to consider it real marriage.

A piece of paper from the government granting legal license doesn't really matter two the two people who love each other and are devoted to each other. Cut out the government and marriage is what ever the people choose to consider it between themselves. If that marriage comes to and end it would be no different than two business partners splitting assets in the closing of a hardware store.

Put simply, I want the government out of our lives, but since that won't happen I'm for Gay Civil Unions instead of Gay Marriage based on the natural purpose male and female reproduction.

Player1x3 said:
Andrespetmonkey said:

Do you know how many ancient societies allowed pedophilia by modern standards? A lot more than those that didn't, not that that's to say it makes it morally right, but to say they weren't exactly low on the morality spectrum. Anyway, this is irrelevant to my point, which is that the acceptence and documentation of homosexuality is not an exclusively modern phenomenon in the western world. My point has nothing to do with rights and wrongs.

Well then, we should be glad Christianity ended stuff like that in the Western World :)

I'm not one for oppression and persecution of innocent people, but you can be glad at whatever you want mate.