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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kids with gaming parents

My dad taught me how to play SMB3.
it was good times with my dad back then
he stoped playing after the SNES

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I'm 42 with two sons (11 and 7) and while I'm happy to let them claim its their PS3, DS, PSP, etc. it's definately my PC...

Would like more fun games for PS3 otherwise I suspect we'll be adding a Wii to the family 'arcade'. We probably will anyway, my wife's pretty curious about Wii Fit...

So yes, I'm sure gaming 'families' are here already and will only grow in number.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

my dad is amazed by Spore and im gonna try and get him to buy it for the Wii for me... and him

My Dad hasn't played a game since Combat on the 2600.

My Mom played a lot of puzzle games with me as a kid. We would play games like Kickle Cubicle or Klax a lot together.

My in-laws never touched games before and now they both own DS Lites... What Nintendo has done in the past 3 years is truly phenominal.

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My dad is a long time PC gamer, he's retired now but still plays the odd RPG or adventure. My brother and I are both casual gamers with kids. My brother has a PS3 which he, his wife and 3yr old play with and my son has a Wii which I use as well.

Actually, despite my son having N64, GC and PS2s I never purchased a console game for myself (not since I had a Colecovision), until the Wii came along, and now I have an entire library of them. However, my tastes are much more elitic than my son's who's more of a core gamer.


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Iono my dad has a SNES with Zelda A Link to the Past (which he played for hours) and he got me into gaming... But well, I don't have very old parents (41 yrs old) but still...

Well, just as the old timers said (actually, i'm not surprised a bit, that mostly fathers have posted to this topic), the reason for gaming parents isn't the Wii, the reason is that todays parents started gaming 20 years ago (possibly even 30). Wii definately has caused a lot of lapsed gamers to come back, but the reason itself for gaming parents isn't the Wii. But it definately is the reason for gaming grandparents. Even my mom likes to play Wii Plays fishing with my kids.

@madskillz: How do you have time to play? 4 and 1 year old kids should take a lot of your gaming time while they're awake. I have 3 kids, 3,5yo, 2yo and soon 1yo and i don't have any time to play unless kids are sleeping (except for a few games that my kids like to play).

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

My mom is 37 and she always wants to play pacman and frogger, my dad is 44 and he loves to play Galaga and always makes me play with him.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

I'm a gaming parent. My dad was a gamer when I was younger. He used to give me $20au when I was a kid to go to lock-ins at the arcade :D what a great dad :D I'll tech my daughter to kick lil boys ass in games :D But I plan to limit her gaming as there are more important things to be done. Keeping gaming as entertainment :D

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

My parents are anti-gamers, my dad hates the fact that I love it, the only time that he has ever touched a controller is when I was about 8 and I just got my first home console, PS1, and he touched the controller, and that was it, not intention of playing it. He does, however, take an interest in it from the business perspective