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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kids with gaming parents

Are we seeing the first generation of young kids for whom it's normal (but perhaps still not over 50%) to have gamers as parents? Of course there have always been some gaming parents but with Wii's expansion of the market is it now becoming normal rather than odd?

When I was at school and we talked about the consoles we owned, we really did mean we ourselves owned them. I reckon more and more kids are going to be talking about the consoles they own and in fact mean their parents. They're going to have access to far more games than we ever did as kids. Most of us had to wait for special occassions to receive consoles and games as presents but if their parents are buying them on a fairly regular basis they're going to be seeing a steady flow of games into their home.

I don't know whether other people are noticing this? I only mention it because my brother and sister in law have recently got a Wii and DS. For a while they tried to keep them secret from their kids (3 and 4) as they wanted them to play outside, do healthy things, etc but now they're enjoying playing games together, particularly with the older one.

The only time my parents even went near gaming was when my mum borrowed my Game Boy to play Tetris on holidays (Until recently of course, they both now play Wii Sports!) and the idea of my parents owning a console was never going to happen.

Times are changing  

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My mother and father are both mid fiftys--the only gamming my mother has ever done was those gay dvd games---my father while a pc gammer would never touch a they both play wii and my mother just bought a DS


My dad literally forces me to play his ataris with him, he loves atari, he has them all. He is convinced the games on the atari 1200 can never be topped.


Arkanoid anyone?

I am a parent - mid 30s, a 4 year old son, a 1 year old daughter - and I have been gaming since the days of Pong. It's a current trend - the kids in the 80s who busted a move on Super Mario Brothers - are now parents, executives, home owners and the like. I will never quit gaming.

And since we have better incomes these days, folks are going to fuel the success of gaming. I started buying two consoles per gen when I was in college. Now, I am stepping up my game and doing all three.

Just wait and see - gaming is really, really starting to earn respect from business journals, etc. and it's no longer something that can be laughed off.

My dad used to love playing Goldeneye and Mario Kart on the N64, and recently I got both of my parents to play Wii Sports and Bomberman '93 over winter break. So, I guess that's something!

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



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i'm 41 have 3 kids(6.5 and 3.5twins) - mainly a pc gamer but i got the wii.

At This Time neither the ps3 nor the 360 have many games that i would allow my 7yr old to play, while on the wii there are many games he can play.

we have fun together playing, the twins love watching mario galaxy or Z&W or sports or M&S@O etc and they are starting to learn to play the wii as well

got 2 gba's for the twins to learn to play, and 2 DS's -one for wife, one for son..

I raised my daughter to be a Nintendo prodigy. She is 12 now and the turning point of her pwning me at games is fast approaching.


My father get into games thanks to Ocarina Of time, he was already 45. AFter that he start to get a passion for Rpg's and action adventures, he beat TP before than me, and now he is much better than me in Wii sports.
I don't have kids yet, But I will love to share my hobby with them, and I hope I can train a future Street fighter champion soon.

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

My mom is 52, and she is un-freaking-stopable in Tetris Attack for the SNES. She plays it every day. I play games for/with my 6 year old daughter, whenever I'm not working. She's gonna be awesome some day. Video games have been around for so long, that it's just a matter of time before we have gamers in Congress! I don't know whether I should be happy, or scared.

My dad has been a PC gamer since the text only days, so I've been playing PC games my entire life, in fact I'm going to play a round of StarCraft with him today.

My mom definitely doesn't play games though but my dad always has which is pretty cool.

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