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Are we seeing the first generation of young kids for whom it's normal (but perhaps still not over 50%) to have gamers as parents? Of course there have always been some gaming parents but with Wii's expansion of the market is it now becoming normal rather than odd?

When I was at school and we talked about the consoles we owned, we really did mean we ourselves owned them. I reckon more and more kids are going to be talking about the consoles they own and in fact mean their parents. They're going to have access to far more games than we ever did as kids. Most of us had to wait for special occassions to receive consoles and games as presents but if their parents are buying them on a fairly regular basis they're going to be seeing a steady flow of games into their home.

I don't know whether other people are noticing this? I only mention it because my brother and sister in law have recently got a Wii and DS. For a while they tried to keep them secret from their kids (3 and 4) as they wanted them to play outside, do healthy things, etc but now they're enjoying playing games together, particularly with the older one.

The only time my parents even went near gaming was when my mum borrowed my Game Boy to play Tetris on holidays (Until recently of course, they both now play Wii Sports!) and the idea of my parents owning a console was never going to happen.

Times are changing