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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Do you ever just feel like ending it?

Ignoring all the other thread you made(which I feel are disgusting, especially for a video game sales site) I would strongly recommend you see a physician and a counsellor to point you in the right direction for getting help(hope you are reading this and take the advice). I know others in my life, including me, that have gone through feeling like this and it can help to talk with people that will and can help and can keep it private for yourself.

Prediction: GTA V will be my favourite game of all time.

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Netyaroze said:
enditall727 said:
Netyaroze said:
Roma said:

Sorry I won't waist my time explaining things to everybody that disagrees. there is lots of information on the net you can either chose to research or ignore it and you will find out when you die if what you did was correct or wrong.

I have chosen my path which is Islam also I don't fear death like most non religious people do. It's all about doing as many things you can before you die and have as much fun as you can because you only live once lol. for me it's living a normal life but I obey God to my best of abilities and still have fun and do what I want in life as long as it is within the boundaries of what does not hurt me or others. I only live once and if I do not obey God I will risk burning in hell for the sake of having "fun" in my life and ignoring everything God told me in the Quran!
and with that I will leave this discussion!


Its pointless to argue with me about religion my reasoning has no holes in it. I have done my research long ago. And I certainly don't want you to waste your time. Btw I am not afraid of death, with or without god. 


If your life makes you happy there is no need to change anything. 

It's nice to here that. we'll can I ask you what your take on cave men and dinosaurs are? do you believe in ghosts? and why do ghosts Roam the earthing all spirits are supposed to go to either heaven or he'll when they died?


.. Just curious

My take on cavemen and dinosaurs ? Well, tbh I don't understand your question. Whats your take ? It would help me to understand what you mean. 

Ghosts ? What is the definition of a ghost for you ? Flying bubbles of energy with a conciousness ? But no. I don't believe in Ghosts. 


Lol auto correct killed my last comment

But I mean spirits/souls when I say ghosts. do you think we used to be cave men? and where did the dinosaurs come from? 

enditall727 said:
Netyaroze said:

My take on cavemen and dinosaurs ? Well, tbh I don't understand your question. Whats your take ? It would help me to understand what you mean. 

Ghosts ? What is the definition of a ghost for you ? Flying bubbles of energy with a conciousness ? But no. I don't believe in Ghosts. 


Lol auto correct killed my last comment

But I mean spirits/souls when I say ghosts. do you think we used to be cave men? and where did the dinosaurs come from? 

Well, souls are a fuzzy term. So I have no opinion regarding this.


Yes I think we were cave men, were I live there is plenty of evidence to be found in a 300 mile radius.

Dinosaurs developed through evolution from Reptiles/Amphibians.

WTF!! this guy is about to kill himself and he get's banned, if he dies i'm gonna blame you Mr Khan.

good times bad times try get out and get some morning sun and keep your head busy and keep away from rpg try to speak w people more