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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan sales: Famitsu & Media create

the_dengle said:

It's not even a matter of whether or not they would do it. The fact is that a company like Nintendo can't possibly outbid a monstrously large company like Microsoft. It's just not real.

The evidence is plain to see. How did Nintendo get Viewtiful Joe? They didn't throw money at Capcom. They threw Zelda at Capcom -- and the result was Four Swords and The Minish Cap. How did Nintendo get Sonic in Smash Bros? They let Sega use Mario in Sonic & Mario at the Olympic Games.

How do you think Microsoft gets timed exclusive DLC content for CoD? What's stopping Sony and Nintendo from getting it just as early? The money. Sony can't compete with Microsoft's money, and Nintendo can't compete with either company's money. It would be pointless for them to try to "buy" exclusives with cold hard cash, because Sony and Microsoft could outbid them at every turn.

What about all of the great indie content the Wii U has been getting on the eShop? Surely Nintendo is paying those developers cash money to make their games... nope, as it turns out, Nintendo has just made a very indie developer-friendly online network.

Oh, I know, Nintendo threw money at Platinum to get Bayonetta 2 as an exclusive, right? Well, yes and no. Nintendo is paying for the game's development, so they get publishing credits; it's not some shady backroom deal meant to keep the game off Sony and Microsoft's consoles, but a completely transparent move to provide funding no one else was willing to provide to a smaller studio. It's the difference between bribing the publisher and being the publisher.

Just like all the resident evils that was exclusive to gamecube.  

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Nintendo domination as usual.

NoCtiS_NoX said:
the_dengle said:

It's not even a matter of whether or not they would do it. The fact is that a company like Nintendo can't possibly outbid a monstrously large company like Microsoft. It's just not real.

The evidence is plain to see. How did Nintendo get Viewtiful Joe? They didn't throw money at Capcom. They threw Zelda at Capcom -- and the result was Four Swords and The Minish Cap. How did Nintendo get Sonic in Smash Bros? They let Sega use Mario in Sonic & Mario at the Olympic Games.

How do you think Microsoft gets timed exclusive DLC content for CoD? What's stopping Sony and Nintendo from getting it just as early? The money. Sony can't compete with Microsoft's money, and Nintendo can't compete with either company's money. It would be pointless for them to try to "buy" exclusives with cold hard cash, because Sony and Microsoft could outbid them at every turn.

What about all of the great indie content the Wii U has been getting on the eShop? Surely Nintendo is paying those developers cash money to make their games... nope, as it turns out, Nintendo has just made a very indie developer-friendly online network.

Oh, I know, Nintendo threw money at Platinum to get Bayonetta 2 as an exclusive, right? Well, yes and no. Nintendo is paying for the game's development, so they get publishing credits; it's not some shady backroom deal meant to keep the game off Sony and Microsoft's consoles, but a completely transparent move to provide funding no one else was willing to provide to a smaller studio. It's the difference between bribing the publisher and being the publisher.

Just like all the resident evils that was exclusive to gamecube.  

After a few months, with no annoucement, RE4 suddenly appeared on the PS2?! It's as if they had some timed exclusivity agreement!

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Kenology said:
thismeintiel said:

It's also important to note that the sales are ramping up for the other consoles because of the New Year holiday.  However, even with the large increase of buying, the Wii U still slipped ~9K units.  So, this isn't really a good thing.  Once the shopping frenzy is over, it is going to have a pretty big drop.

Wii U drop suspicious. 

I think something's up.  It definitely should've increased this week.  But it remained steady.  I think something's up...

I think Wii U is having supply problems.  Not saying it's soldout.  But I think model people want (the Premium) is not as widely available as the Basic set.  I know Iwata apologized for this in the last Nintendo Direct.  But this seems like the situation to me.

Nintendo need to start producing more Premium skus and getting them out of the door.  The Basic set seems to be in relatively low demand everywhere.

I highly doubt that.  Nintendo has been able to replenish all stock in the US after a week or so of launch.  I don't believe there was any serious stock issues in EU.  And with all the Nintendo fans saying Nintendo was holding off stock for Japan, hence "low" stock and low sales everywhere else, I would imagine they would have plenty of stock for Japan.

thismeintiel said:
Kenology said:
thismeintiel said:

It's also important to note that the sales are ramping up for the other consoles because of the New Year holiday.  However, even with the large increase of buying, the Wii U still slipped ~9K units.  So, this isn't really a good thing.  Once the shopping frenzy is over, it is going to have a pretty big drop.

Wii U drop suspicious. 

I think something's up.  It definitely should've increased this week.  But it remained steady.  I think something's up...

I think Wii U is having supply problems.  Not saying it's soldout.  But I think model people want (the Premium) is not as widely available as the Basic set.  I know Iwata apologized for this in the last Nintendo Direct.  But this seems like the situation to me.

Nintendo need to start producing more Premium skus and getting them out of the door.  The Basic set seems to be in relatively low demand everywhere.

I highly doubt that.  Nintendo has been able to replenish all stock in the US after a week or so of launch.  I don't believe there was any serious stock issues in EU.  And with all the Nintendo fans saying Nintendo was holding off stock for Japan, hence "low" stock and low sales everywhere else, I would imagine they would have plenty of stock for Japan.

It's also much easier to manage demand for Japan than it is other major countries. It's far more land locked and takes much less time from warehouse to retailer.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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outlawauron said:
the_dengle said:

It's not even a matter of whether or not they would do it. The fact is that a company like Nintendo can't possibly outbid a monstrously large company like Microsoft. It's just not real.

The evidence is plain to see. How did Nintendo get Viewtiful Joe? They didn't throw money at Capcom. They threw Zelda at Capcom -- and the result was Four Swords and The Minish Cap. How did Nintendo get Sonic in Smash Bros? They let Sega use Mario in Sonic & Mario at the Olympic Games.

How do you think Microsoft gets timed exclusive DLC content for CoD? What's stopping Sony and Nintendo from getting it just as early? The money. Sony can't compete with Microsoft's money, and Nintendo can't compete with either company's money. It would be pointless for them to try to "buy" exclusives with cold hard cash, because Sony and Microsoft could outbid them at every turn.

What about all of the great indie content the Wii U has been getting on the eShop? Surely Nintendo is paying those developers cash money to make their games... nope, as it turns out, Nintendo has just made a very indie developer-friendly online network.

Oh, I know, Nintendo threw money at Platinum to get Bayonetta 2 as an exclusive, right? Well, yes and no. Nintendo is paying for the game's development, so they get publishing credits; it's not some shady backroom deal meant to keep the game off Sony and Microsoft's consoles, but a completely transparent move to provide funding no one else was willing to provide to a smaller studio. It's the difference between bribing the publisher and being the publisher.

Develolper friendly networks tend to mean that there are cash or other incentives for developing on their network. Sony set up the Pub Fund to help pay for the budgets of indie provided it sells a certain amount.

Please do not act like Nintendo is some small and meager company. They have far more cash than Sony does and are worth far more. They may not do the raw revenue numbers that the others do, but they certainly make more off their games than the others. Another fault you have is not considering the inclusion of characters and IPs part of payment. I'd say the inclusion of Mario in Sega's Olmypic Games series is far more valuable than if Nintendo funded it's entire development and advertising budget. The game wouldn't have sold without it.

Paying for a game is not a shady backroom deal. It's a business move that all three major console developers take part to guarantee games. While Nintendo was behind the 8-ball with the Wii, they're certainly doing it now. They somehow got exclusive content for Ninja Gaiden that will not be released on PS3 and 360. Now that Nintendo is finally embracing online, you will see it more and more. It's not bribing either. 3rd party publishers seek out these deals because their budgets are so large, it helps them have some guarantees. That's why there's exclusive DLC per console, why you have exclusive pre-order bonuses, etc. It's not shady, it's now an open business practice and you're sticking your head in the sand if you believe Nintendo is somehow above it.

And I'm sure the second Sony or Capcom announce a Mh game for the Vita (or maybe PS4), he'll be the first to cry moneyhatting.  Every company does it.  Of course, no one did it on the level MS did earlier this gen.

jonnybmk said:


At best that "article" is satire.

Listen, I'm all for national pride. But as it stands, your country is not relevant in any way in this type of discussion.

Yes. You have some hot women (even the hairy ones).

But that alone does NOT make Brazil relevant. Brazil is child's play, a second thought, a fleeting memory of old technology. You said yourself that the PS2 came to Brazil in 2009. Are you serious?! 2009?!

While the rest of us are looking forward to the REAL next generation, you are 2 generations behind.

So please. Take your nationalistic pride elsewhere and realize that the world turns just fine without Brazil. The USA is the decision maker and always will be. We don't need you.

BRAZIL IS IRRELEVANT. (you do have hot women though)

Thanks!  :^)


outlawauron said:
Viper1 said:
VGKing said:

I'm not mad bro, but Sony should be.
Capcom wouldn't do it willingly, Nintendo must be paying them. Maybe there's some form of next-gen timed-exclusive sort of thing? I just don't see why Capcom would willingly abandon a platform or company which made their IP such a phenomenon.

There should have at least been some Monster Hunter port from the PSP for the Vita....what the hell happened? I just don't think Sony will let Nintendo dominate. They have something up their sleeve to save the Vita in Japan.(I'm betting its a Monster Hunter)

You mean like how Monster Hunter Tri showed up on the Wii instead of the PS3?

Maybe it's the Nintendo dominating Japan sales factor.  


And are you implying that Sony will at some point pay off Capcom to get the MH franchise back on a Sony platform?  More specifically, how exactly do you see Sony convincing Capcom to jump ship from a 9 million install base (and growing rapidly) to a 1 million install base (growing slower than the Dreamcast)?

A real, new MH will do fantastic regardless of the platform its released on.

Only somewhat true.   A console sales driver can increase it's potential sales base higher than a game that doesn't drive hardware   But not the point that a 9:1 sales gap can be ignored.  And you can be certain the money people at Capcom sure as hell aren't ignoring it.

outlawauron said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

Just like all the resident evils that was exclusive to gamecube.  

After a few months, with no annoucement, RE4 suddenly appeared on the PS2?! It's as if they had some timed exclusivity agreement!

Hey, looks liek those money guys at Capcom sure as hell didn't ignore the huge sales discrepency of the GC and PS2.

And no, it wasn't intended to be just a timed GC exclusive.  It was part of a 5 game deal with Nintendo that was inked not long after GC launched and was born out of the great relationship Capcom and Nintendo had from Resident Evil remake and the Zelda IP use..  The poor sales of the GC made the execs at Capcom push for PS2 ports of several of the 5 games and the cancelation of one of the 5 altogether.   Shinji Mikami himself cited their reversal of the deal with Nintendo as one of his reasons for leaving Capcom.  Mikami stated he'd commit Harikari if Capcom ported RE4 to another console.  Capcom later made fun of him by including "Mikami's Head" in God Hand.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Kenology said:
VGKing said:

I'm not mad bro, but Sony should be.
Capcom wouldn't do it willingly, Nintendo must be paying them. Maybe there's some form of next-gen timed-exclusive sort of thing? I just don't see why Capcom would willingly abandon a platform or company which made their IP such a phenomenon.

There should have at least been some Monster Hunter port from the PSP for the Vita....what the hell happened? I just don't think Sony will let Nintendo dominate. They have something up their sleeve to save the Vita in Japan.(I'm betting its a Monster Hunter)

Nah, Nintendo just gave them an outlet to allow MH to become big in Japan by handling the marketing.  That seems to be their agreement.  It just looks like Capcom bet on the right horse when it came to deciding whether to bring the game to 3DS or Vita.

But, glad you're not losing hope!

You do realize that Monster Hunter was HUGE on the PSP right? They didn't/don't need Nintendo to handle the marketing..

Don't be so sure, so far 3DS and Wii U have only gotten ports of the Wii Monster Hunter....I would hardly call that a win for Nintendo. Monster Hunter 4 however is a win. Anyway, the only reason Vita is struggling is because the biggest IP on the PSP has yet to be confirmed to be coming to Vita. A simple Monster Hunter V(ita) announcement would increase Vita sales exponentially.

Claymore said:
Really can't see how they can save the Vita now.

Monster Hunter. It is coming one day. 
If there was some kind of falling out between Sony/Capcom, I'm sure we would have heard something.

I'm betting an announcement next year with a release from Q4 '13 to Q2 '14.