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jonnybmk said:


At best that "article" is satire.

Listen, I'm all for national pride. But as it stands, your country is not relevant in any way in this type of discussion.

Yes. You have some hot women (even the hairy ones).

But that alone does NOT make Brazil relevant. Brazil is child's play, a second thought, a fleeting memory of old technology. You said yourself that the PS2 came to Brazil in 2009. Are you serious?! 2009?!

While the rest of us are looking forward to the REAL next generation, you are 2 generations behind.

So please. Take your nationalistic pride elsewhere and realize that the world turns just fine without Brazil. The USA is the decision maker and always will be. We don't need you.

BRAZIL IS IRRELEVANT. (you do have hot women though)

Thanks!  :^)
