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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan sales: Famitsu & Media create

3ds is a beast, Wii U drop much less than i expected, PS3 strong,PSP strong too

and Vita well atleast its rising a little bit.

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jonnybmk said:
Train wreck said:
N-Magic said:
Nintendomintation at it’s finest. The Wii U will pick up in the coming months with Monster Hunter, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends and Wonderful 101 coming soon. Excellent start for Wii U.

Dont know how people can be so delusional.  Monster hunter is already out and its out the top 30.  Those games you mentioned are not system sellers. and its selling half of what the Wii did in the same time period for this week.

News flash!

It's never going to sell Wii numbers.

So, in your mind, does that make it a "failure".

Just wondering.

I'd agree with that. 

I think globally we're looking at something more akin to 40-50 million WW for Wii U versus 100+ million for Wii. 

Soundwave said:
jonnybmk said:
Train wreck said:
N-Magic said:
Nintendomintation at it’s finest. The Wii U will pick up in the coming months with Monster Hunter, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends and Wonderful 101 coming soon. Excellent start for Wii U.

Dont know how people can be so delusional.  Monster hunter is already out and its out the top 30.  Those games you mentioned are not system sellers. and its selling half of what the Wii did in the same time period for this week.

News flash!

It's never going to sell Wii numbers.

So, in your mind, does that make it a "failure".

Just wondering.

I'd agree with that. 

I think globally we're looking at something more akin to 40-50 million WW for Wii U versus 100+ million for Wii. 

Wii U only 40 to 50 million? Impossible.

Wii was capable of 22 mil in a peak year. Granted I don't expect Wii U to match Wii either, but 65 million is the minimum.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

jonnybmk said:
Train wreck said:
N-Magic said:
Nintendomintation at it’s finest. The Wii U will pick up in the coming months with Monster Hunter, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends and Wonderful 101 coming soon. Excellent start for Wii U.

Dont know how people can be so delusional.  Monster hunter is already out and its out the top 30.  Those games you mentioned are not system sellers. and its selling half of what the Wii did in the same time period for this week.

News flash!

It's never going to sell Wii numbers.

So, in your mind, does that make it a "failure".

Just wondering.


*sigh*...News flash!  Not selling at Wii levels is a problem.  Lets go down the slippery slope shall we:

Wii sold ~ 6 million by march 07, Wii U will not touch that number, nor will they make Nintendo's own projection of 5.5 million by March '13 (neither will the wii at 5 million), nor will Nintendo hit their software goal (4 games per system currently half that with the busiest part of the holiday season over and delays to software next year  AND thats assuming the numbers on the site is correct) which in turn means higher losses (nitnendo projected just 6 billion yen in profit by march assuming everything it layed out would hit) since the Wii U is already sold at a loss and needs software sales to surplant losses (per Reggie, even though he did not mention the mix in which that scenario was true).

Lastly and the most important Iwata constanly mentions at the beginning in his briefings/conference calls that Nintendo's primary goal is to expand the gaming population for its products.  Wellllllll the Wii U selling less than the Wii is not expanding the gaming market thus failing at Nintendo's own primary goal.

But all that is neither here nor there.  Nintendo reports on January 21st, I'm sure we all will get a sense of just how well the company is doing.


Train wreck said:
jonnybmk said:
Train wreck said:
N-Magic said:
Nintendomintation at it’s finest. The Wii U will pick up in the coming months with Monster Hunter, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends and Wonderful 101 coming soon. Excellent start for Wii U.

Dont know how people can be so delusional.  Monster hunter is already out and its out the top 30.  Those games you mentioned are not system sellers. and its selling half of what the Wii did in the same time period for this week.

News flash!

It's never going to sell Wii numbers.

So, in your mind, does that make it a "failure".

Just wondering.


*sigh*...News flash!  Not selling at Wii levels is a problem.  Lets go down the slippery slope shall we:

Wii sold ~ 6 million by march 07, Wii U will not touch that number, nor will they make Nintendo's own projection of 5.5 million by March '13 (neither will the wii at 5 million), nor will Nintendo hit their software goal (4 games per system currently half that with the busiest part of the holiday season over and delays to software next year  AND thats assuming the numbers on the site is correct) which in turn means higher losses (nitnendo projected just 6 billion yen in profit by march assuming everything it layed out would hit) since the Wii U is already sold at a loss and needs software sales to surplant losses (per Reggie, even though he did not mention the mix in which that scenario was true).  During the spring if sales start to falter even more (due to the period and lack of games) and with 

Lastly and the most important Iwata constanly mentions at the beginning in his briefings/conference calls that Nintendo's primary goal is to expand the gaming population for its products.  Wellllllll the Wii U selling less than the Wii is not expanding the gaming market thus failing at Nintendo's own primary goal.

But all that is neither here nor there.  Nintendo reports on January 21st, I'm sure we all will get a sense of just how well the company is doing.



It was just a "yes" "no" question, man.

Around the Network
Train wreck said:
N-Magic said:
Nintendomintation at it’s finest. The Wii U will pick up in the coming months with Monster Hunter, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends and Wonderful 101 coming soon. Excellent start for Wii U.

Dont know how people can be so delusional.  Monster hunter is already out and its out the top 30.  Those games you mentioned are not system sellers. and its selling half of what the Wii did in the same time period for this week.

The fact that you have to compare it to the phenomenon that was the Wii in order to make Wii U sales bad says a lot... a whole lot.

Anyways, it's half Vita LTD already.

Just like everyone says Vita doesn't have to outsell 3DS/PSP to be successful, Wii U doesn't have to outsell the Wii to be successful.  PS3 didn't outsell the Wii LTD, you aren't implying it's a failure though.

thismeintiel said:

It's also important to note that the sales are ramping up for the other consoles because of the New Year holiday.  However, even with the large increase of buying, the Wii U still slipped ~9K units.  So, this isn't really a good thing.  Once the shopping frenzy is over, it is going to have a pretty big drop.

Wii U drop suspicious. 

I think something's up.  It definitely should've increased this week.  But it remained steady.  I think something's up...

I think Wii U is having supply problems.  Not saying it's soldout.  But I think model people want (the Premium) is not as widely available as the Basic set.  I know Iwata apologized for this in the last Nintendo Direct.  But this seems like the situation to me.

Nintendo need to start producing more Premium skus and getting them out of the door.  The Basic set seems to be in relatively low demand everywhere.

VGKing said:
ethomaz said:
So One Piece put PSP over 50k units... nice.

It's been a great year for One Piece and Playstation. Hopefully Nintendo doesn't steal this one.

Don't be mad because Capcom chose to develop a sexy new main line Monster Hunter game for the equally sexy 3DS and not the poor Vita.

Nintendo didn't have to steal.  Capcom just came willingly.  ;)

Kenology said:
Train wreck said:
N-Magic said:
Nintendomintation at it’s finest. The Wii U will pick up in the coming months with Monster Hunter, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends and Wonderful 101 coming soon. Excellent start for Wii U.

Dont know how people can be so delusional.  Monster hunter is already out and its out the top 30.  Those games you mentioned are not system sellers. and its selling half of what the Wii did in the same time period for this week.

The fact that you have to compare it to the phenomenon that was the Wii in order to make Wii U sales bad says a lot... a whole lot.

Anyways, it's half Vita LTD already.

Just like everyone says Vita doesn't have to outsell 3DS/PSP to be successful, Wii U doesn't have to outsell the Wii to be successful.  PS3 didn't outsell the Wii LTD, you aren't implying it's a failure though.

Maynard_Tool said:
Kenology said:

Anyways, it's half Vita LTD already.

...That line has perhaps never been more appropriate. Good show, sir.