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Train wreck said:
N-Magic said:
Nintendomintation at it’s finest. The Wii U will pick up in the coming months with Monster Hunter, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends and Wonderful 101 coming soon. Excellent start for Wii U.

Dont know how people can be so delusional.  Monster hunter is already out and its out the top 30.  Those games you mentioned are not system sellers. and its selling half of what the Wii did in the same time period for this week.

The fact that you have to compare it to the phenomenon that was the Wii in order to make Wii U sales bad says a lot... a whole lot.

Anyways, it's half Vita LTD already.

Just like everyone says Vita doesn't have to outsell 3DS/PSP to be successful, Wii U doesn't have to outsell the Wii to be successful.  PS3 didn't outsell the Wii LTD, you aren't implying it's a failure though.