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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 will reach 50% marketshare next year


What will you do when it hits 50%?

Pop a bottle and celebrate 221 67.38%
Weep and wail 106 32.32%
J_Allard said:
Turkish said:


My prediction for next year


PS3: 51%

360: 42%

Wii: 7%


Am I missing something? Is Nintendo dropping the WiiU?

Also, next Xbox is coming in 2013. Doubt the 360 will be that high. So PS3 might even get way more than 50% marketshare but will do so with less overall sales and will still be in 3rd place so.. celebration? Celebration.

I think it's kind of a given that WiiU, Nextbox, and PS4 are 8th gen so they don't factor into this market share debate

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

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Wii is already out of the race.

X360 will likely drop out very soon looking at the NeXbox in Q3/Q4 next year.

Isn't it a given that it'll hit 50%?

Something I have yet to understand is why people make everything into a contest. MSFT succeeded in what they wanted to do this generation. Nintendo succeeded as well so when the PS3 outsells the X360 it still hasn't diminished the fact that XBL, Software, X360, Wii were all successful and more so than the PS3.


JayWood2010 said:
Wii is already out of the race.

X360 will likely drop out very soon looking at the NeXbox in Q3/Q4 next year.

Isn't it a given that it'll hit 50%?

Something I have yet to understand is why people make everything into a contest. MSFT succeeded in what they wanted to do this generation. Nintendo succeeded as well so when the PS3 outsells the X360 it still hasn't diminished the fact that XBL, Software, X360, Wii were all successful and more so than the PS3.

yes but it is significant that they have a possibility of being the market leader despite launching at $600 which was 50% more than 360 and over twice as much as Wii, motion controls of Wii overshadowing its launch, no big exclusives for 2 years (system sellers), making a crazy hard to program for system resulting in inferior multiplats for 3 years, and being a year late compared to 360.  If they can sell over 100m despite all of that and win the last 4 years of this gen it just shows how powerful the PS name is.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

The usual crowd here playing down any positive sony threads. The damage control is hilarious.

platformmaster918 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Wii is already out of the race.

X360 will likely drop out very soon looking at the NeXbox in Q3/Q4 next year.

Isn't it a given that it'll hit 50%?

Something I have yet to understand is why people make everything into a contest. MSFT succeeded in what they wanted to do this generation. Nintendo succeeded as well so when the PS3 outsells the X360 it still hasn't diminished the fact that XBL, Software, X360, Wii were all successful and more so than the PS3.

yes but it is significant that they have a possibility of being the market leader despite launching at $600 which was 50% more than 360 and over twice as much as Wii, motion controls of Wii overshadowing its launch, no big exclusives for 2 years (system sellers), making a crazy hard to program for system resulting in inferior multiplats for 3 years, and being a year late compared to 360.  If they can sell over 100m despite all of that and win the last 4 years of this gen it just shows how powerful the PS name is.

What was your thoughts at the beginning of this generation?  Most people probably said, MSFT isn't a real competitor and Nintendo's gamecube sold mediocre.  X360 has sold 72 million compared to the XBOX's 25m.  Not only that but X360 dominates in software sells between the three and XBL has been a huge success.  Kinect has even been successful. Wii sold 97m compared to 25m gamecubes and made Motion controls successful.  PS3 has sold 70m compared to 145m PS2's.  That is a big decrease compared to it's competitors.  This means that Sony lost a huge marketshare this generation.  XBOX and Nintendo brands have grown.  Who has made the most profits this generation?  


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So you're including it in some sort of yearly market share percentage which also includes a console which has been succeeded already?  Weak...

kowenicki said:
babuks said:
Playstation is not a short term name. Tell us if Xbox console can sell 100 million... ever!

People still live in the past don't they. 

Go check out my recent thread.

The way you guys boast of 70 million 360 sales, Playstation fans have every right to boast. All of their previous 'consoles' sold over 100 million and PS3 still going strong.

There is definitely going to be a 360 and Wii U price-cut next year ,so anything could happen really..

kowenicki said:
babuks said:
kowenicki said:
babuks said:
Playstation is not a short term name. Tell us if Xbox console can sell 100 million... ever!

People still live in the past don't they. 

Go check out my recent thread.

The way you guys boast of 70 million 360 sales, Playstation fans have every right to boast. All of their previous 'consoles' sold over 100 million and PS3 still going strong.

you mean 2 did.

and 3 wont... in my opinion

PSP? nope, PSVita? lol.. yeah right, PS3?... nah.

kowenicki I try to look over your comments and just ignore but I'm seriously worried about you. I have this image your crying while cuddling your Xbox while write in these threads. This whole thread your acting crazy. Just relax. 

On topic: the PS3 will most likely hit 50% or more excluding next gem systems like the WiiU. But with I expect the wiiU to probably take about 40/50% depending on price and games ect. 

Pall 3 this gen have done amazing. Wii will be number 1, PS3 number 2 and 360 3rd but still selling so amazingly well considering how the xbox1 did. It was a win for gamers this gen.. Accept DLC and bloody FPS... 

Nsanity said:

There is definitely going to be a 360 and Wii U price-cut next year ,so anything could happen really..

Very true!