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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 will reach 50% marketshare next year


What will you do when it hits 50%?

Pop a bottle and celebrate 221 67.38%
Weep and wail 106 32.32%
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:
platformmaster918 said:
JayWood2010 said:
platformmaster918 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Wii is already out of the race.

X360 will likely drop out very soon looking at the NeXbox in Q3/Q4 next year.

Isn't it a given that it'll hit 50%?

Something I have yet to understand is why people make everything into a contest. MSFT succeeded in what they wanted to do this generation. Nintendo succeeded as well so when the PS3 outsells the X360 it still hasn't diminished the fact that XBL, Software, X360, Wii were all successful and more so than the PS3.

yes but it is significant that they have a possibility of being the market leader despite launching at $600 which was 50% more than 360 and over twice as much as Wii, motion controls of Wii overshadowing its launch, no big exclusives for 2 years (system sellers), making a crazy hard to program for system resulting in inferior multiplats for 3 years, and being a year late compared to 360.  If they can sell over 100m despite all of that and win the last 4 years of this gen it just shows how powerful the PS name is.

What was your thoughts at the beginning of this generation?  Most people probably said, MSFT isn't a real competitor and Nintendo's gamecube sold mediocre.  X360 has sold 72 million compared to the XBOX's 25m.  Not only that but X360 dominates in software sells between the three and XBL has been a huge success.  Kinect has even been successful. Wii sold 97m compared to 25m gamecubes and made Motion controls successful.  PS3 has sold 70m compared to 145m PS2's.  That is a big decrease compared to it's competitors.  This means that Sony lost a huge marketshare this generation.  XBOX and Nintendo brands have grown.  Who has made the most profits this generation?  

I'm not saying Sony had the most profitable generation or the most successful (yet), but they also spotted their competitors everything imaginable.  For those of you who say the PS brand is dying, you need to look at what happened to other consoles who made even one of these mistakes.  They never sniffed 50m let alone 100m.  If they can be the best selling console this gen, or even second, they will be the first to ever do so at such a high price and being late and making a multitude of other moves that would spell death for a less powerful name.  This shows that next gen, if they price right ($400) and are on time (dev kit schedule suggests 2013) and use the architecture that is rumored their first parties and free online have them set to take back the lead.  This kind of success shows that the verdict is out on these systems and people are choosing PS now that the prices are reasonable for it (still higher than its competitors for the whole gen).  Yeah the others have been successful, but it was all dependent on Sony errors that they may not be spotted next gen.

This is key, right here. I feel like the 360 is a one hit wonder that mostly benefited from a year head start and Sony's huge stumble at the beginning of this gen. The NextBox is definitely not going to have that kind of success again mainly because Sony is much more prepared.

OT: The PS3 getting at least 50% marketshare next year is quite possible. Though, will I be ecstatic about this? Not really, but nor will I think it's meaningless.

Wow, lmao  You're not even worth the debate.  Have a Merry Christmas.

Says the person that just dismisses my comment without any constructive input. Merry Christmas.

No I haven't had the time or even wanted to debate about things like this lately.  If you want to get all angry then go right ahead but I expect facts not some opinion piece of garbage that has nothing to back it up.  So yes I don't even want to waste time on you guys.  But I'm glad you took the time to reply to me twice talking about the same thing.  

I'm not saying Xbox is a one hit wonder because their userbase has grown now and obviously something made by Microsoft wasn't going to stay down at 24 million forever, but they were spotted a TON of sales by Sony mistakes.  Without this gen's severe handicaps Sony will most likely lead them next gen.  The brand name is stronger as shown by the higher sales even though PS is STILL more expensive.  If it's the highest selling console despite being the most expensive the entire gen that may be the first time that's ever happened.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

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platformmaster918 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:

No I haven't had the time or even wanted to debate about things like this lately.  If you want to get all angry then go right ahead but I expect facts not some opinion piece of garbage that has nothing to back it up.  So yes I don't even want to waste time on you guys.  But I'm glad you took the time to reply to me twice talking about the same thing.  

I'm not saying Xbox is a one hit wonder because their userbase has grown now and obviously something made by Microsoft wasn't going to stay down at 24 million forever, but they were spotted a TON of sales by Sony mistakes.  Without this gen's severe handicaps Sony will most likely lead them next gen.  The brand name is stronger as shown by the higher sales even though PS is STILL more expensive.  If it's the highest selling console despite being the most expensive the entire gen that may be the first time that's ever happened.

Both mistakes and things you do right defines you.  You act as if Sony has sold a lot more than MSFT and that is simply not true. They virtually sell the same, while sony has been outselling it lately but not by a lot either. And no Sony did not spot MSFT those sales.  X360 has more western games than Sony so most likely the NeXbox will stay dominate in the West next gen.  It hasn't been some fluke like you act like.  MSFT has proven to be a great competitor and has topped Sony in many ways.  What mistakes has sony made?  Releasing a $600 console?  Besides that what was a big mistake they've made.  No you just aren't giving credit where it is due.  Both MSFT and Sony has captured hardcore gamers but Kinect has been a success and XBL as well.  MSFT brought Achievements, a great online, and many others to this generation.  What has sony brought new?  MSFT has had a good business strategy and by you acting like they were some fluke and they don't deserve it makes you look bad.  Sony has done well with the PS3 but it lost a lot of market share to both Nintendo and MSFT, so instead of making excuses step up and realize that both Ninetendo and MSFT has done extremely well this generation.

You and others seem to think Sony is some dominate force like they use to be, but in present day it isn't.  MSFT and Sony will continue to compete next gen at a high level.

My whole point is MSFT was not spotted those sells, they earned them.


HesAPooka said:
Kasz216 said:
HesAPooka said:
the_dengle said:
Is this really cause for celebration? It's like celebrating the 360's 100% marketshare in 2005. Sony is like that person who stays at the party after everyone else has left, insisting that the party's not over yet, unable to take a hint that it's time to go, and reveling in finally being "the life of the party."

That makes about as much sense as saying that a films total gross doesn't matter, and only the first weekend is an indication of how strong it performs. 

Looking at "Total gross" would be looking at "total market share".

Really it's more like saying "picking a random weekend vs other movies well after the movies came out and the movies are in dollar theatres is meanginless."


I see where you're coming from but considering both PS3 and Xbox are still selling huge numbers each year they are far from the dollar theaters. Their sales still matter this year, and will matter next year, and probably the year after that. Even if one of the two does release another console. 

Dollar movie theatres was supposed to reflect the lack of revenue, not sales.   Thoug saying both are still selling huge numbers is still a stretch as the PS3 at the highest marketshare will still have sold less then it ever has in a year.


The whole thing reminds me of those "Fake records" sports teams will come up with to try and excite there fans even though most people don't care. 

Gaining market share as the others move onto the next gen of systems is nothing good, it's just looking to leave Sony with a late start again next gen that no one wants to see.
As for the comments about Sony continuing to support the ps3 long after the ps4 appears on the scene I also hope this isn't true. The ps4 most likely wont be BC due to the complexities of the Cell and that means there could be ps3 gems coming out to draw people from moving on, sort of like the current situation where the Psp is draining from the Vita with it's lack of the umd drive. The next generation system should be done like pulling a plaster, quick very painful jolt then it's done and the Next Generation can begin, Kutaragi style :D

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

It will be a great achievement for PS3, total sales will be very close to Wii in Japan.

Around the Network
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:
platformmaster918 said:
JayWood2010 said:
platformmaster918 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Wii is already out of the race.

X360 will likely drop out very soon looking at the NeXbox in Q3/Q4 next year.

Isn't it a given that it'll hit 50%?

Something I have yet to understand is why people make everything into a contest. MSFT succeeded in what they wanted to do this generation. Nintendo succeeded as well so when the PS3 outsells the X360 it still hasn't diminished the fact that XBL, Software, X360, Wii were all successful and more so than the PS3.

yes but it is significant that they have a possibility of being the market leader despite launching at $600 which was 50% more than 360 and over twice as much as Wii, motion controls of Wii overshadowing its launch, no big exclusives for 2 years (system sellers), making a crazy hard to program for system resulting in inferior multiplats for 3 years, and being a year late compared to 360.  If they can sell over 100m despite all of that and win the last 4 years of this gen it just shows how powerful the PS name is.

What was your thoughts at the beginning of this generation?  Most people probably said, MSFT isn't a real competitor and Nintendo's gamecube sold mediocre.  X360 has sold 72 million compared to the XBOX's 25m.  Not only that but X360 dominates in software sells between the three and XBL has been a huge success.  Kinect has even been successful. Wii sold 97m compared to 25m gamecubes and made Motion controls successful.  PS3 has sold 70m compared to 145m PS2's.  That is a big decrease compared to it's competitors.  This means that Sony lost a huge marketshare this generation.  XBOX and Nintendo brands have grown.  Who has made the most profits this generation?  

I'm not saying Sony had the most profitable generation or the most successful (yet), but they also spotted their competitors everything imaginable.  For those of you who say the PS brand is dying, you need to look at what happened to other consoles who made even one of these mistakes.  They never sniffed 50m let alone 100m.  If they can be the best selling console this gen, or even second, they will be the first to ever do so at such a high price and being late and making a multitude of other moves that would spell death for a less powerful name.  This shows that next gen, if they price right ($400) and are on time (dev kit schedule suggests 2013) and use the architecture that is rumored their first parties and free online have them set to take back the lead.  This kind of success shows that the verdict is out on these systems and people are choosing PS now that the prices are reasonable for it (still higher than its competitors for the whole gen).  Yeah the others have been successful, but it was all dependent on Sony errors that they may not be spotted next gen.

This is key, right here. I feel like the 360 is a one hit wonder that mostly benefited from a year head start and Sony's huge stumble at the beginning of this gen. The NextBox is definitely not going to have that kind of success again mainly because Sony is much more prepared.

OT: The PS3 getting at least 50% marketshare next year is quite possible. Though, will I be ecstatic about this? Not really, but nor will I think it's meaningless.

Wow, lmao  You're not even worth the debate.  Have a Merry Christmas.

Says the person that just dismisses my comment without any constructive input. Merry Christmas.

No I haven't had the time or even wanted to debate about things like this lately.  If you want to get all angry then go right ahead but I expect facts not some opinion piece of garbage that has nothing to back it up.  So yes I don't even want to waste time on you guys.  But I'm glad you took the time to reply to me twice talking about the same thing.  

Funny because I also expect facts and not garbage opinion. It's funny that you claim to be more on the right when your comment before didn't even pertain to the actual topic. But hey, if you prefer to rile me up with snarky comments like this and not give constructive criticism, be my guest. However, don't expect me to get all angry as you claim. Good day.

Aura7541 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:

This is key, right here. I feel like the 360 is a one hit wonder that mostly benefited from a year head start and Sony's huge stumble at the beginning of this gen. The NextBox is definitely not going to have that kind of success again mainly because Sony is much more prepared.

OT: The PS3 getting at least 50% marketshare next year is quite possible. Though, will I be ecstatic about this? Not really, but nor will I think it's meaningless.

Wow, lmao  You're not even worth the debate.  Have a Merry Christmas.

Says the person that just dismisses my comment without any constructive input. Merry Christmas.

No I haven't had the time or even wanted to debate about things like this lately.  If you want to get all angry then go right ahead but I expect facts not some opinion piece of garbage that has nothing to back it up.  So yes I don't even want to waste time on you guys.  But I'm glad you took the time to reply to me twice talking about the same thing.  

Funny because I also expect facts and not garbage opinion. It's funny that you claim to be more on the right when your comment before didn't even pertain to the actual topic. But hey, if you prefer to rile me up with snarky comments like this and not give constructive criticism, be my guest. However, don't expect me to get all angry as you claim. Good day.

As I said before I dont feel like taking the time to write this stuff out.  S I'll just copy and paste my previous comment.

Both mistakes and things you do right defines you.  You act as if Sony has sold a lot more than MSFT and that is simply not true. They virtually sell the same, while sony has been outselling it lately but not by a lot either. And no Sony did not spot MSFT those sales.  X360 has more western games than Sony so most likely the NeXbox will stay dominate in the West next gen.  It hasn't been some fluke like you act like.  MSFT has proven to be a great competitor and has topped Sony in many ways.  What mistakes has sony made?  Releasing a $600 console?  Besides that what was a big mistake they've made.  No you just aren't giving credit where it is due.  Both MSFT and Sony has captured hardcore gamers but Kinect has been a success and XBL as well.  MSFT brought Achievements, a great online, and many others to this generation.  What has sony brought new?  MSFT has had a good business strategy and by you acting like they were some fluke and they don't deserve it makes you look bad.  Sony has done well with the PS3 but it lost a lot of market share to both Nintendo and MSFT, so instead of making excuses step up and realize that both Ninetendo and MSFT has done extremely well this generation.

You and others seem to think Sony is some dominate force like they use to be, but in present day it isn't.  MSFT and Sony will continue to compete next gen at a high level.

My whole point is MSFT was not spotted those sells, they earned them.


JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:

This is key, right here. I feel like the 360 is a one hit wonder that mostly benefited from a year head start and Sony's huge stumble at the beginning of this gen. The NextBox is definitely not going to have that kind of success again mainly because Sony is much more prepared.

OT: The PS3 getting at least 50% marketshare next year is quite possible. Though, will I be ecstatic about this? Not really, but nor will I think it's meaningless.

Wow, lmao  You're not even worth the debate.  Have a Merry Christmas.

Says the person that just dismisses my comment without any constructive input. Merry Christmas.

No I haven't had the time or even wanted to debate about things like this lately.  If you want to get all angry then go right ahead but I expect facts not some opinion piece of garbage that has nothing to back it up.  So yes I don't even want to waste time on you guys.  But I'm glad you took the time to reply to me twice talking about the same thing.  

Funny because I also expect facts and not garbage opinion. It's funny that you claim to be more on the right when your comment before didn't even pertain to the actual topic. But hey, if you prefer to rile me up with snarky comments like this and not give constructive criticism, be my guest. However, don't expect me to get all angry as you claim. Good day.

As I said before I dont feel like taking the time to write this stuff out.  S I'll just copy and paste my previous comment.

Both mistakes and things you do right defines you.  You act as if Sony has sold a lot more than MSFT and that is simply not true. They virtually sell the same, while sony has been outselling it lately but not by a lot either. And no Sony did not spot MSFT those sales.  X360 has more western games than Sony so most likely the NeXbox will stay dominate in the West next gen.  It hasn't been some fluke like you act like.  MSFT has proven to be a great competitor and has topped Sony in many ways.  What mistakes has sony made?  Releasing a $600 console?  Besides that what was a big mistake they've made.  No you just aren't giving credit where it is due.  Both MSFT and Sony has captured hardcore gamers but Kinect has been a success and XBL as well.  MSFT brought Achievements, a great online, and many others to this generation.  What has sony brought new?  MSFT has had a good business strategy and by you acting like they were some fluke and they don't deserve it makes you look bad.  Sony has done well with the PS3 but it lost a lot of market share to both Nintendo and MSFT, so instead of making excuses step up and realize that both Ninetendo and MSFT has done extremely well this generation.

You and others seem to think Sony is some dominate force like they use to be, but in present day it isn't.  MSFT and Sony will continue to compete next gen at a high level.

My whole point is MSFT was not spotted those sells, they earned them.

Way to go into hasty conclusions. Microsoft's strategy did well in this generation. However, most likely it'll only do well in this generation. It is unlikely that the same strategy will work next gen due to Sony adopting a much different strategy next gen.

"What has Sony brought new?" Why would you ask a question like that when the answer is so obvious? You asked the question as if Sony didn't do anything new.  Just look at Journey for crying out loud and that's just one example.

"You and others seem to think Sony is some dominate force like they use to be, but in present day it isn't." You wouldn't be saying that had you not instantly resort to such snark, so quit crying wolf. Have I ever said the 360 was a fluke? No, I meant to say that Microsoft's strategy of this gen will only work as well as it did for one generation. (I will admit that I kinda f***ed up and perhaps implied things that I never meant to say). You say the stuff I said makes me look bad. Just look at your first reply. You didn't even bother saying anything constructive until after I pointed it out.

Now to actually reply to your opinions, I'm not going to agree whether much of 360 sales are earned. That does not mean I disagree. I don't know how many of those sales are replacement sales and how many of the 360's are actually still consistently used. Of course, to figure out the actual numbers of these variables is impractical. There are a lot of earned 360 sales, but there are also a bunch of spotted sales.

Aura7541 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:

This is key, right here. I feel like the 360 is a one hit wonder that mostly benefited from a year head start and Sony's huge stumble at the beginning of this gen. The NextBox is definitely not going to have that kind of success again mainly because Sony is much more prepared.

OT: The PS3 getting at least 50% marketshare next year is quite possible. Though, will I be ecstatic about this? Not really, but nor will I think it's meaningless.

Wow, lmao  You're not even worth the debate.  Have a Merry Christmas.

Says the person that just dismisses my comment without any constructive input. Merry Christmas.

No I haven't had the time or even wanted to debate about things like this lately.  If you want to get all angry then go right ahead but I expect facts not some opinion piece of garbage that has nothing to back it up.  So yes I don't even want to waste time on you guys.  But I'm glad you took the time to reply to me twice talking about the same thing.  

Funny because I also expect facts and not garbage opinion. It's funny that you claim to be more on the right when your comment before didn't even pertain to the actual topic. But hey, if you prefer to rile me up with snarky comments like this and not give constructive criticism, be my guest. However, don't expect me to get all angry as you claim. Good day.

As I said before I dont feel like taking the time to write this stuff out.  S I'll just copy and paste my previous comment.

Both mistakes and things you do right defines you.  You act as if Sony has sold a lot more than MSFT and that is simply not true. They virtually sell the same, while sony has been outselling it lately but not by a lot either. And no Sony did not spot MSFT those sales.  X360 has more western games than Sony so most likely the NeXbox will stay dominate in the West next gen.  It hasn't been some fluke like you act like.  MSFT has proven to be a great competitor and has topped Sony in many ways.  What mistakes has sony made?  Releasing a $600 console?  Besides that what was a big mistake they've made.  No you just aren't giving credit where it is due.  Both MSFT and Sony has captured hardcore gamers but Kinect has been a success and XBL as well.  MSFT brought Achievements, a great online, and many others to this generation.  What has sony brought new?  MSFT has had a good business strategy and by you acting like they were some fluke and they don't deserve it makes you look bad.  Sony has done well with the PS3 but it lost a lot of market share to both Nintendo and MSFT, so instead of making excuses step up and realize that both Ninetendo and MSFT has done extremely well this generation.

You and others seem to think Sony is some dominate force like they use to be, but in present day it isn't.  MSFT and Sony will continue to compete next gen at a high level.

My whole point is MSFT was not spotted those sells, they earned them.

Way to go into hasty conclusions. Microsoft's strategy did well in this generation. However, most likely it'll only do well in this generation. It is unlikely that the same strategy will work next gen due to Sony adopting a much different strategy next gen.

"What has Sony brought new?" Why would you ask a question like that when the answer is so obvious? You asked the question as if Sony didn't do anything new.  Just look at Journey for crying out loud and that's just one example.

"You and others seem to think Sony is some dominate force like they use to be, but in present day it isn't." You wouldn't be saying that had you not instantly resort to such snark, so quit crying wolf. Have I ever said the 360 was a fluke? No, I meant to say that Microsoft's strategy of this gen will only work as well as it did for one generation. (I will admit that I kinda f***ed up and perhaps implied things that I never meant to say). You say the stuff I said makes me look bad. Just look at your first reply. You didn't even bother saying anything constructive until after I pointed it out.

Now to actually reply to your opinions, I'm not going to agree whether much of 360 sales are earned. That does not mean I disagree. I don't know how many of those sales are replacement sales and how many of the 360's are actually still consistently used. Of course, to figure out the actual numbers of these variables is impractical. There are a lot of earned 360 sales, but there are also a bunch of spotted sales.

As I've said before I wanted to avoid this converstation.  You have already made up your mind before either console has been announced so I don't feel like explaining all of this.  Sony has been diminishing for some time now as shown with the Vita.  People are no longer just going to buy playstation because it has playstation slapped on their.  Your PS4 and neXbox predictions are nothing at the moment because we dont know what either is doing.  You say sony has adapted but they have yet to prove that either looking at the vita once again.  And then you act like MSFT can't adapt as if they havent been in a business for decades.  In fact they took Sony head on head this generation and then you say it was spotted sales. I guess that is why MSFT sells more software than sony? No people bought it because they wanted it. In fact I bet you predicted the PS3 to dominate based on last generation huh?  Now how did that prediction turn out?

BTW Journey was not created by sony, it was published.  Their is a big difference from publishing a game and creating a game.  So don't credit Sony for something they did not do.  That should be credited to ThatGameCompany.


JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Aura7541 said:

This is key, right here. I feel like the 360 is a one hit wonder that mostly benefited from a year head start and Sony's huge stumble at the beginning of this gen. The NextBox is definitely not going to have that kind of success again mainly because Sony is much more prepared.

OT: The PS3 getting at least 50% marketshare next year is quite possible. Though, will I be ecstatic about this? Not really, but nor will I think it's meaningless.

Wow, lmao  You're not even worth the debate.  Have a Merry Christmas.

Says the person that just dismisses my comment without any constructive input. Merry Christmas.

No I haven't had the time or even wanted to debate about things like this lately.  If you want to get all angry then go right ahead but I expect facts not some opinion piece of garbage that has nothing to back it up.  So yes I don't even want to waste time on you guys.  But I'm glad you took the time to reply to me twice talking about the same thing.  

Funny because I also expect facts and not garbage opinion. It's funny that you claim to be more on the right when your comment before didn't even pertain to the actual topic. But hey, if you prefer to rile me up with snarky comments like this and not give constructive criticism, be my guest. However, don't expect me to get all angry as you claim. Good day.

As I said before I dont feel like taking the time to write this stuff out.  S I'll just copy and paste my previous comment.

Both mistakes and things you do right defines you.  You act as if Sony has sold a lot more than MSFT and that is simply not true. They virtually sell the same, while sony has been outselling it lately but not by a lot either. And no Sony did not spot MSFT those sales.  X360 has more western games than Sony so most likely the NeXbox will stay dominate in the West next gen.  It hasn't been some fluke like you act like.  MSFT has proven to be a great competitor and has topped Sony in many ways.  What mistakes has sony made?  Releasing a $600 console?  Besides that what was a big mistake they've made.  No you just aren't giving credit where it is due.  Both MSFT and Sony has captured hardcore gamers but Kinect has been a success and XBL as well.  MSFT brought Achievements, a great online, and many others to this generation.  What has sony brought new?  MSFT has had a good business strategy and by you acting like they were some fluke and they don't deserve it makes you look bad.  Sony has done well with the PS3 but it lost a lot of market share to both Nintendo and MSFT, so instead of making excuses step up and realize that both Ninetendo and MSFT has done extremely well this generation.

You and others seem to think Sony is some dominate force like they use to be, but in present day it isn't.  MSFT and Sony will continue to compete next gen at a high level.

My whole point is MSFT was not spotted those sells, they earned them.

Way to go into hasty conclusions. Microsoft's strategy did well in this generation. However, most likely it'll only do well in this generation. It is unlikely that the same strategy will work next gen due to Sony adopting a much different strategy next gen.

"What has Sony brought new?" Why would you ask a question like that when the answer is so obvious? You asked the question as if Sony didn't do anything new.  Just look at Journey for crying out loud and that's just one example.

"You and others seem to think Sony is some dominate force like they use to be, but in present day it isn't." You wouldn't be saying that had you not instantly resort to such snark, so quit crying wolf. Have I ever said the 360 was a fluke? No, I meant to say that Microsoft's strategy of this gen will only work as well as it did for one generation. (I will admit that I kinda f***ed up and perhaps implied things that I never meant to say). You say the stuff I said makes me look bad. Just look at your first reply. You didn't even bother saying anything constructive until after I pointed it out.

Now to actually reply to your opinions, I'm not going to agree whether much of 360 sales are earned. That does not mean I disagree. I don't know how many of those sales are replacement sales and how many of the 360's are actually still consistently used. Of course, to figure out the actual numbers of these variables is impractical. There are a lot of earned 360 sales, but there are also a bunch of spotted sales.

As I've said before I wanted to avoid this converstation.  You have already made up your mind before either console has been announced so I don't feel like explaining all of this.  Sony has been diminishing for some time now as shown with the Vita.  People are no longer just going to buy playstation because it has playstation slapped on their.  Your PS4 and neXbox predictions are nothing at the moment because we dont know what either is doing.  You say sony has adapted but they have yet to prove that either looking at the vita once again.  And then you act like MSFT can't adapt as if they havent been in a business for decades.  In fact they took Sony head on head this generation and then you say it was spotted sales. I guess that is why MSFT sells more software than sony? No people bought it because they wanted it. In fact I bet you predicted the PS3 to dominate based on last generation huh?  Now how did that prediction turn out?

BTW Journey was not created by sony, it was published.  Their is a big difference from publishing a game and creating a game.  So don't credit Sony for something they did not do.  That should be credited to ThatGameCompany.

Again with your hasty conclusions. "In fact I bet you predicted the PS3 to dominate based on last generation huh?" Actually, I was skeptical because of the ridiculously high price tag and lack of software. Actually, at one point, I wanted a 360 more than I wanted a PS3. As I've said before, stop crying wolf. DId I ever say MSFT can't adapt? No. I'm skeptical of whether MSFT will change its strategy, which is a lot different from what you keep claiming I've been saying.

"In fact they took Sony head to head this generation and then you say it was spotted sales." Again, with your wild presumptions. Please read my previous comments more carefully. DId I even mention spotted sales or a term similar to that? No, you were the one that began talking about that and now we're in this messy fail of a debate.

And Sony shouldn't be given any credit for Journey. Sony was responsible for acknowledging ThatGameCompany's potential and took the company under its wing. Indie devs have complimented Sony for being flexible with what they want to make.

We can keep on going and going with this, but looking at what this conversation has gone to, I bet we both agree that we're not going to be in consensus with anything. You may say your spiel, but I won't reply unless you say something of undeniable substance. If this conversation is to continue, we should move it somewhere else since it doesn't even relate to the forum's original topic anymore.