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Forums - General Discussion - No More Heath Ledger

stof said:
rocketpig said:
This is really unfortunate. The guy was really in some great movies, enough so that I'm give him a pass for the "spit in the hand" gay sex scene in Brokeback Mountain.

Anyone here ever seen Candy? It's really a good drug abuse movie starring Ledger, which seems appropriate given his overdose.

Well I'm glad you liked him enough to get over your fear of icky gay people. Seriously dude, Brokeback was a great film and he was terrific in it. If you don't like the movie, that's cool, film is subjective. but if you don't like it because of the "spit in the hand" gay sex scene...


Ok, that was harsh. I know you didn't mean it like that and I do really like you rocketpig. So lets just pretend I said that in a more diplomatic manner with some smiley faces thrown in, k?

Hahah, that's cool. My brother is gay so I'm pretty sure I'm not a homophobe. And yes, Brokeback was a good movie.

But that doesn't mean that the actual physical act is something I care to see and that scene made me a little squimish.

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Oh sure, anyone can have a gay brother, but until I see documented proof that you didn't cut him in half with an axe and burn his remains while chanting death to the ferries, I will not accept taht as proof your acceptance! :)

And back on topic, was I the only one who was absolutely disgusted by the 100 plus paparazzi waiting outside the building to take pictures of the stretcher? Yeah I know that's their job, but it doesn't make it any less despicable.

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stof said:
Oh sure, anyone can have a gay brother, but until I see documented proof that you didn't cut him in half with an axe and burn his remains while chanting death to the ferries, I will not accept taht as proof your acceptance! :)

And back on topic, was I the only one who was absolutely disgusted by the 100 plus paparazzi waiting outside the building to take pictures of the stretcher? Yeah I know that's their job, but it doesn't make it any less despicable.

*puts stof on "People I have to kill list"*

Damn, now you know the truth about my brother. You must be eliminated. And you're only partially right. Give me credit for chanting something a little more clever than "death to the ferries". C'mon, who do you think I am, Pat Buchanan? I'm insulted to my very core.


Anyway, back OT. Yeah, I saw that paparazzi zoo today. How could someone have a job like that and not want to shoot themselves every time they go home? Absolutely disgusting. 

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Guy isn't even worth sympathizing over. He's a tool, who left two daughters FATHERLESS. Hardly even worth the mention in the news compared to the thousands of others who died yesterday who DIDN'T kill themselves and leave their kids father/motherless intentionally.

@rendo, wow, didn't know that. I wasn't all that heartbroke *pun* anyways, but damn, kinda makes you dislike the guy.

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Man that really sucks, he must of been really depressed, it's hard to control yourself when you are depressed like that.

rendo said:
Guy isn't even worth sympathizing over. He's a tool, who left two daughters FATHERLESS. Hardly even worth the mention in the news compared to the thousands of others who died yesterday who DIDN'T kill themselves and leave their kids father/motherless intentionally.

 Last I heard on the news an hour ago, the authorities didn't know what the cause of death was. It certainly sounds like an OD or suicide OD, but for all we know the guy could have ate some bad shellfish.


I only have saw him in 10 Things I Hate About You and Monster's Ball, but both gave me a very positive impression of the guy. It's sad that a fella, who seemingly had it all, had to end up dead before 30. 

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

After more media reading, it looks like this was a genuine accident. He was stressed and unable to sleep due to the filming of the Batman movie (said he was sleeping about 2hrs/night on average).

He then had Pneumonia - and there are known side effects of the sleeping pills he was taking (which are actually under investigation in Australia for various reasons/nasty side effects).

If he had taken one too many sleeping pills, it may have interacted with his pneumonia condition - and caused his breathing to seize up completely.

We'll know more in the coming days, assuming the police release toxicology reports (etc). If it is shown to be caused by the sleeping pills (in a non-fatal dose) I wonder if any legal or other action will be taken against the makers...

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The title of your thread seems pretty insensitive if you don't mind me saying. But yes this is really sad. I really liked him as an actor. He was great in Brokeback Mountain and I heard such great things about him as the Joker. And shame on you ppl who automatically assumed it was suicide. Maybe you should read a lil more and would have saw that it was most likely an accident.

To honor him I think I will watch all his movies in the week leading up to Dark Knight.

That is unfortunate. I hope it wasn't suicide for his daughters' sake.