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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Current vs Last, a Console Sales Story (COMPLETE!)


Final Smash: Should somone one do this at the start of every gen?

yes 65 75.58%
no 3 3.49%
show me the money! 7 8.14%
DietSoap said:

So Q2 ends the last day of June?

I think Pikmin 3 might be able to take it over 360/PS3 at this time, but purely week to week I'll think it would have trouble matching the 360's 400k each week. I could see it hitting 800k the month Pikmin 3 releases... Not just for Pikmin 3, but simply because Pikmin 3 comes as an excuse to jump on board to people that were planning to buy one anyways.

When exactly did X360 hit 400k a week? Or did you mean monthly?

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^ Yeah my mistake, I meant monthly.

Gamerace said:
That's a very weak line-up in my opinion.  Multi-plats won't sell systems.  Pikmin 3 might sell a few 10ks.   Wonderful 101 won't sell any systems and I doubt Game & Wario will either (but should sell well to existing base and new owners).

Wii Fit U - If Nintendo is expecting this to save WiiU I think they are very badly mistaken.  Wii Fit was a fad (even moreso than Wii Sports) in an industry (exercise/diet) prone to fads.  But that fad is long since over and everyone already owns Wii Fit(Plus).   If they hope to convince any soccer moms that they want to shell out $400 for a WiiU/Wii Fit U they'll have to prove it's far more effective than Wii Fit was, and be VERY clear it's not on Wii.    This game (and system) should have been out in 2010/11 to have had any sales potential.   It's far too late now.  With Wii, games like this helped convince mom's to get a Wii for everyone to enjoy, but they are not going to get a WiiU for themselves and their kids aren't asking for WiiU's.   

I expect trepid Wii Fit U sales followed by endless WiiU is doomed threads.    WiiU's sales this quarter should be better than Q4 but still far below 360/PS3 respective launch sales.

It's a step up from Q1 though. And I am very interested to see what happens with Wii Fit U actually. They managed to sell Wii Fit Plus as well as the first (2 years after the original) so it had some staying power.

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

Data updated.

Ugh oh... WiiU heading wrong way again. Need games... need a Nintendo Direct and get 1st party out!

Games wont do a thing now, only Christmas can help!

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Osc89 said:
Gamerace said:
That's a very weak line-up in my opinion.  Multi-plats won't sell systems.  Pikmin 3 might sell a few 10ks.   Wonderful 101 won't sell any systems and I doubt Game & Wario will either (but should sell well to existing base and new owners).

Wii Fit U - If Nintendo is expecting this to save WiiU I think they are very badly mistaken.  Wii Fit was a fad (even moreso than Wii Sports) in an industry (exercise/diet) prone to fads.  But that fad is long since over and everyone already owns Wii Fit(Plus).   If they hope to convince any soccer moms that they want to shell out $400 for a WiiU/Wii Fit U they'll have to prove it's far more effective than Wii Fit was, and be VERY clear it's not on Wii.    This game (and system) should have been out in 2010/11 to have had any sales potential.   It's far too late now.  With Wii, games like this helped convince mom's to get a Wii for everyone to enjoy, but they are not going to get a WiiU for themselves and their kids aren't asking for WiiU's.   

I expect trepid Wii Fit U sales followed by endless WiiU is doomed threads.    WiiU's sales this quarter should be better than Q4 but still far below 360/PS3 respective launch sales.

It's a step up from Q1 though. And I am very interested to see what happens with Wii Fit U actually. They managed to sell Wii Fit Plus as well as the first (2 years after the original) so it had some staying power.

Wii Fit started a whole gaming fitness craze that lasted 3-4 years before being turned into Dance/exercise craze.   At that time (When Wii Fit Plus came out) Julian Michaels, EA Sport Active, My Fitness Coach, Your Shape, etc., etc., were all selling well (1m+) but now the only extend of this craze left is a 'fitness' mode in games like Just Dance.  'Stick a fork in it' It's over and done with.   I don't see Wii Fit U bringing it back.

This IS a better line up than Q4 but that's hardly a compliment.  Certainly as WiiU's line-up grows it'll help encourage sales. I suspect Lego City will outsell ALL of these Q1 games though.

@ Superchuck - Yes, I appreciate you want these games but you (or many people here) don't need to be convinced to buy a WiiU like the rest of the world.


Gamerace said:
Wii Fit started a whole gaming fitness craze that lasted 3-4 years before being turned into Dance/exercise craze.   At that time (When Wii Fit Plus came out) Julian Michaels, EA Sport Active, My Fitness Coach, Your Shape, etc., etc., were all selling well (1m+) but now the only extend of this craze left is a 'fitness' mode in games like Just Dance.  'Stick a fork in it' It's over and done with.   I don't see Wii Fit U bringing it back.

This IS a better line up than Q4 but that's hardly a compliment.  Certainly as WiiU's line-up grows it'll help encourage sales. I suspect Lego City will outsell ALL of these Q1 games though.

@ Superchuck - Yes, I appreciate you want these games but you (or many people here) don't need to be convinced to buy a WiiU like the rest of the world.

The thing about a craze is that it is unpredictable, so we can't say it won't be brought back to video games. Something like health/fitness always have a latest one, whether it is fad diet, aerobics, Wii Fit, Kinect, Zumba, toning shoes etc. If this "Fit Meter" thing is well advertised, who knows if it will catch on.

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

Being able to have your weight displayed privately on the GamePad screen rather than the telly for everyone to see is going to be a huge selling point assuming Nintendo market it properly. And a Mum being able to use Wii Fit whilst her kids are hogging the telly should also help sales.

Man... Wii U has just flat lined. This is terrible. I hate this thread. And I hate YOU superchunk because you made it! But most of all I hate Nintendo for not doing anything ='(

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Welp. Pikmin 3 isn't even Q2 confirmed. August 4th.

 I guess Nintendo really is just going to let it ride. I expect only marginally better sales than Q1 sales now.