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Gamerace said:
That's a very weak line-up in my opinion.  Multi-plats won't sell systems.  Pikmin 3 might sell a few 10ks.   Wonderful 101 won't sell any systems and I doubt Game & Wario will either (but should sell well to existing base and new owners).

Wii Fit U - If Nintendo is expecting this to save WiiU I think they are very badly mistaken.  Wii Fit was a fad (even moreso than Wii Sports) in an industry (exercise/diet) prone to fads.  But that fad is long since over and everyone already owns Wii Fit(Plus).   If they hope to convince any soccer moms that they want to shell out $400 for a WiiU/Wii Fit U they'll have to prove it's far more effective than Wii Fit was, and be VERY clear it's not on Wii.    This game (and system) should have been out in 2010/11 to have had any sales potential.   It's far too late now.  With Wii, games like this helped convince mom's to get a Wii for everyone to enjoy, but they are not going to get a WiiU for themselves and their kids aren't asking for WiiU's.   

I expect trepid Wii Fit U sales followed by endless WiiU is doomed threads.    WiiU's sales this quarter should be better than Q4 but still far below 360/PS3 respective launch sales.

It's a step up from Q1 though. And I am very interested to see what happens with Wii Fit U actually. They managed to sell Wii Fit Plus as well as the first (2 years after the original) so it had some staying power.

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89