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Why are people saying next gen everything!

Last of us is confirmed ps3 and dark souls is going current gen it's namco!

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

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MB1025 said:
The Last of Us could have had someone come out, take shit, and leave and people would have been going crazy about it.

No, that would have aroused them, though.

Boooo! I want videogames, not Linkin Park!




The CEO of Moby Game Studios is called Joakim

Joakim is anagram for Kojima

Moby Game Studios -> M G S

It very clearly was Big Boss and it was Fox Engine

I believe Kojima trolled us and showed us some gameplay or just what the engine can do :)



Also the game is called Phantom of something... ->


ninetailschris said:
Zappykins said:
If that is truly game-play for Dark Souls II, then it totally looks next gen, and I may even want to play it (even as hard as it sounds.)

People do realize that was cgi?

Ah, I was thinking of the earlier announcement about everything being game play.  But now that you mention it, that most likely didn't apply to this trailer.

Sigh, I got carried away in getting excited about and by the beauty of the game.

Now I realize it probably just was CGI, and I'll go be sad over here in the corner by the fruit punch. 



Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

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Frankie from 343 reaction to Halo 4 winning Best Graphics and Best 360 Game

So many awards for Journey. I need to play this game!


JOURNEY 3 awards! AMAZING! Even got to go up and accept it :'D

TLOU for May has made me feel so complete right now. And that trailer oh my GOD.

I am so happy right now ;_;!!!!!

No I really saw GT5 in VGA minutes ago... EPIC!!!