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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nextbox "Durango" has 1.6GHz CPU?

Can I ask how many of you aren't going to buy 360 2 if this proves correct. Just as a 'what if' scenario. I really couldn't care less in fact I would argue a stop gap is exactly what the industry needs to recover next gen. So what if this proves true? Would you really not buy it?

To me it isn't about power. It is about games.

One more thing to complete my year = senran kagura localization =D

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D-Joe said:
BluGamer23 said:

careful with threads like this.. it angers and infuriates the xbox fans.. we might have to put them on suicide watch.. they might not be able to handle such news.. its what they live for.. moarrr poweerrrr!

... I cant wait till they reveal the PS3 specs too.. and its not 100000x leap in power.. suicide watch! i tells ya!

Why would xbox fans anger about 1.6GHz?if 1.6 is ture it's likely nextbox will have 8+cores CPU

so if this becomes true... you telling me it wont anger the elitist in this forums?.. really?.. 

nextbox will have 8+cores CPU <--only 8 !! ... too low!.. i expect 16! or else the games wont be much fun!


Why anger?were not in /v/

A source from a source lol.