Chandler said:
Really? I thought you were taking a stab at Gilgamesh by talking about this.
Seems you might've unintentionally trolled him or you're just being modest.
Chandler said:
Really? I thought you were taking a stab at Gilgamesh by talking about this.
Seems you might've unintentionally trolled him or you're just being modest.
i can write anything on internet... so i don't believe in this "hacker" lol
34 years playing games.
Teriol said: i can write anything on internet... so i don't believe in this "hacker" lol |
So if this 'hacker' revealed that the Wii U had a super fast CPU that was miles better than what the PS360 had, would you be saying the same? I honestly doubt it.
Teriol said: i can write anything on internet... so i don't believe in this "hacker" lol |
This "hacker" belongs to the group that hacked the wii and developed the homebrew channel, and is the guy that was the first to connect the Kinect to a PC and develop an open kinect SDK, so he knows his shit.
I won't link the website to you, but if you look for the site of the homebrew channel, you will see which name appears in the credits.
This guy is pretty well known for hacking the Wii, so I'd say he's legit. I hope they hack the crap outta the Wii U to be honest as Nintendo is likely to take forever getting virtual console stuff up.
Chandler said:
PSVita will outsell 3DS |
Haha not yet at least, though it's not impossible in the future.
snowdog said:
It was just something that someone on Gaf pointed out. The thing with the Xenon and the Cell is that they're In-Order processors and that they have to handle a great deal more than the Broadway such as IO and sound. And every process has to be run in the order that they come in. If there's a process that needs doing is waiting for conditions to be met the CPU remains idle until the conditions are right. With the Broadway (and the Gecko in the Gamecube and now the Expresso in the Wii U) the Wii has dedicated silicon to handle sound called a DSP (Digital Signal Processor) and the CPU is an Out-Of-Order execution processor. If there's a process is waiting for conditions to be met the CPU switches to other processes that can be worked on until the condition is met, meaning you get less idle cycles. An OOOE CPU is more efficient. And having a DSP is a major advantage, developers have to have at least 1 thread out of 6 for the 360 and 1 SPE out of 7 for the PS3 reserved exclusively to handle sound. For sound intensive games such as racing games developers often have two threads handling sound - that's a third of the 360's processing power. :Oo It basically beats the 360 at general processing due to a combination of it being more efficient thanks to OOOE and having dedicated silicon to handle sound, it basically has less work to do and the work it does do is more efficient. |
Huh. I didn't know the processors were built THAT differently. Thanks for the info, man.
So then let me ask you: do you think that it will be efficient enough to really peel away from current gen performance?
gigantor21 said:
Huh. I didn't know the processors were built THAT differently. Thanks for the info, man. |
It's not exactly as snowdog says. It's true that Broadway is an OOE chip, but that alone can't make the difference of one core at 729 MHZ to three cores with two threads each, at 3.2 GHz. You can make a case with Expresso and the X360 CPU, but I still believe X360 is faster at the CPU level due to having much more bruteforce. The sound DSP helps, but sound proccesing doesn't consume all that much cpu cycles on a modern proccesor. That's why dedicated sound chips died on the mainstream pc level more than 10 years ago.
RE: hacked.
He's probably talking about getting some bits and bobs of Wii homebrew running on the Wii emulator, which has been done, but is a far, far cry from getting to U native mode, much like the Vita is basically 'hacked' on the PSP side, but the Vita side is a far from cracked nut.
If this is true then I was pretty much right on the ball mark saying it's most likely a dual or tri core running from 1-1.6GHz, damn I rock! :P