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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Digital Foundry Face-Off: Batman: Arkham City Armored Edition on Wii U

ethomaz said:

dahuman said:

eDRAM is not magic btw, what they need to do is have an actual working Wii U engine that's optimized. No port runs well with a shit engine even if  it's being run on a device that's 10x more powerful.

The problem lies here... I can't see a third-party dev optimizing any cross-engine specifically for Wii U... I already see that novel with PS3 (and the PS3 have a better third-party support).

Exclusives and first-party game will run better and optimized on Wii U... the other games, well I'm not sure.

They will have to, and they are prolly already doing it with Square's and Konami's new engines and there will be UE4 engine ports as well. Nintendo is pretty much dominating Japan, unless JP devs just don't want to make money in their own country. Not to mention this is not a Wii Situation where the architecture is just that far apart from the 360 and PS3 stand point regarding on the GPU situation. I don't know what the western publishers will do though, we have some really dumb people running those companies, but I'm pretty sure the devs are at least incorporating some Wii U support into their engines.

Also you are forgetting the Unity Engine and the type of Indie support that'd bring since the eShop is actually pretty good on top of possible retail release since that engine is constantly improving as well.

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pezus said:
In a world where the best version is available for $7.5, why would anyone pay $60 for this?

Because i'd have to plunk down hundreds for a graphics card that i can't install on my laptop anyway?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

d21lewis said:
ethomaz said:
d21lewis said:
GianCarmen said:
Most of the games have been rushed and are lazy ports. Its just that simple. Expect Black Ops 2. What a great game on the Wii U. It happens to all the systems. Its not fair to the customers. When these games dont sell well, we know what they are going to say. See our games cant sell on a Nintendo System. Same bullshit.

Technically, Black Ops 2 is possibly the best version.  In practice, though....we need more players!  Yesterday, there was 140 people online and they were all playing Core Team Death Match.  There were probably more people online playing Call of Duty 2 from 2006!

BOPS 2 have the same problems in Wii U.

The 360 version is technically the best (in a world without PC of course).

I just skimmed it but I didn't see anything about the Wii U.  That was a 360 vs. PS3 comparison!  Even then, the reason I went with the Wii U is for the Wii Remote pointer controls and the optional screen gameplay (which I love).  I can except a small loss in quality in exchange for those features.  We definitely need more players, though.

Yea the wii mote is perfect for Black Ops 2. Yea more players I agreed. 

I paid $47.99 plus free shipping for Black Ops 2 when newegg had the $12 off preorders.

GianCarmen said:
d21lewis said:
ethomaz said:
d21lewis said:
GianCarmen said:
Most of the games have been rushed and are lazy ports. Its just that simple. Expect Black Ops 2. What a great game on the Wii U. It happens to all the systems. Its not fair to the customers. When these games dont sell well, we know what they are going to say. See our games cant sell on a Nintendo System. Same bullshit.

Technically, Black Ops 2 is possibly the best version.  In practice, though....we need more players!  Yesterday, there was 140 people online and they were all playing Core Team Death Match.  There were probably more people online playing Call of Duty 2 from 2006!

BOPS 2 have the same problems in Wii U.

The 360 version is technically the best (in a world without PC of course).

I just skimmed it but I didn't see anything about the Wii U.  That was a 360 vs. PS3 comparison!  Even then, the reason I went with the Wii U is for the Wii Remote pointer controls and the optional screen gameplay (which I love).  I can except a small loss in quality in exchange for those features.  We definitely need more players, though.

Yea the wii mote is perfect for Black Ops 2. Yea more players I agreed. 

Why are more players needed.  Did most nintendo fans laugh at online multiplayer during the golden era of the wii?  Why the change?

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Train wreck said:

Why are more players needed.  Did most nintendo fans laugh at online multiplayer during the golden era of the wii?  Why the change?

What are you going on about TW? Silly goose.

The Wii had online play, Brawl was touted as being the big online game for the Wii (despite underdelivering). I don't think anyone was laughing. More online players has always been desired by Nintendo fans.

I did not laugh about online. True it was not perfect, but a lot of players played the call of duty games online and it was fun as hell.

happydolphin said:
M.U.G.E.N said:

I have actually read complaints about the wiiu version compared to the others. I will try and find some more info on it. 

So, what's the conclusion?

If the WiiU version is graphically sub-par (which I don't disagree about), what do we take out of that?

My personal opinion is that those games were quickly ported from a performance vantage point, with extra features being the bulk of the budget, is that a statement you would agree with?

A) porting to wiiU isn't as straight forward as previously implied

B) optimization = $  and therefore not as cheap to port as previously implied

C) and finally...if wiiU's processor is slow compared to ps360 how will it compare to MSony's next gen?  you can only optimize so much before things aren't technically feasible anymore or too cost prohibative to do so.  bottom line: i expect a lot of "lazy dev" threads in our future.

ethomaz said:
d21lewis said:
I just skimmed it but I didn't see anything about the Wii U.  That was a 360 vs. PS3 comparison!  Even then, the reason I went with the Wii U is for the Wii Remote pointer controls and the optional screen gameplay (which I love).  I can except a small loss in quality in exchange for those features.  We definitely need more players, though.

lol lol lol I did a epic fail here.

Wrong link...

The right link:

It doesn't have that issue online though, which is a good thing for sure, I was watching a Twitch channel the other day and somebody was just owning with the Wiimote, it was pretty funny. He just moved the cursor really fast, almost like a rail shooter and was capping people on the edge of the screen without having to turn to that direction much lol, pretty unfair haha.

keroncoward said:
Makes no sense comparing rushed 6 months ports. AC3 does look visually superior on Wii U and plays at 60fps but no one seems to be comparing that for some strange reason.

AC3 has graphic glitches on Wii U in my experience so far. It may be that those same graphic glitches exist uniformly on all the consoles :). That said, the only issue I have had with AC3 so far is that nobody on Wii U seems to be playing it online at the times I want to play. The game looks Uncharted 3 gorgeous on the Wii U most of the time. Only stupid people would complain about graphical fidelity that good.

Call of Duty - Black Ops 2 on Wii U is doing very well with online players always about. It is acknowledged to look better on Wii U than it does on X360/PS3. Network stuff also just as good.

Batman Arkham City on Wii U I think works very well and I like the Gamepad but also think it would be confusing for people new to the series since it exposes options well in advance of those features being introduced within the story progression. There are graphical glitches and technical polish differences between Wii U and PS3.

Darksiders 2 - Looks the same as PS3/X360, but I prefer the Wii U due to inventory on Gamepad and also for getting voice out of Gamepad + 5.1 speaker system for really good sound immersion.

Ninja Gaiden 3 - Razor's Edge is a completely new and better game than it was on X360/PS3. Looks and plays better.

So in terms of AAA 3rd party games on Wii U vs. PS3/X360

Wii U

+ for Black Ops 2
+ for Darksiders 2
+++ for Ninja Gaiden 3 - Razor's Edge
- on AC 3 for less of an online community (it does matter)
- on Batman Arkham City for lack of technical polish from PS3
+ on Batman Arkham City with Gamepad enhanced (sound from it, plus easier map, inventory, reading, etc)