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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 720 Might Lack A Years Advantage

Normando said:
I bet both launch next year. There was some news recently that MS has said that's the plan for them but it's not news that they've been having some trouble so it might be a "soft" launch like some have been saying.

As for what Sales2099 (pretty much anything I've seen him say actually). I'm pretty new to this site but his kind isn't rare. Sales matter when it suits him and don't when it doesn't. He leaves out information and gives "half truths" just to try and sound right.

Yes, the 360 has sold more lifetime than the PS3. But it's been out and extra year. Every year that the PS3 has been out it has outsold the 360. Even if you align the launches the PS3 has outsold the 360 every year. The ONLY reason the 360 has sold more is its year advantage.

This with a capital T!

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I haven't actually said it yet, but I've been thinking it for a while: The PS4 and 720 are going to launch at the same time holiday season 2013. I would guess November for both.

Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League

Ahem. Wii U, anyone?

I'm hoping Microsoft gets shown the middle finger by consumers just as they have showed it to us for the last years. I cant see Halo 5 getting ready in one year for launch aswell as Gears since one is coming out early next year. Microsoft is completely dry on IP variety. I hope they keep their Xbox Live fee and shove it up a place we know. I will enjoy seeing them crash and burn. Sick of their atitude and i believe they are gonna get whats coming to them. At least in Europe.

Sorry that was a bit passionate. I am really pissed off with their atitude. I got a 360, i dont regret it, but it was only worth it for the first 2 years. After that microsoft decided to shove us with Halo, gears, forza and fable. None of wich im a fan of.

Cub said:
Ahem. Wii U, anyone?

What about it?

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Sony can survive being one year late? Can MS?

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

What will also be important is the physical medium the consoles use. Will Sony push ahead with Blu Ray technology? Strong rumours suggest the Nextbox will not use discs at all, instead opting for a unique version of memory cards combined with downloadable titles.
If the Nextbox games can run faster from this medium that discs it might give them a point of difference.
As for now, well it's Zombie U for me.....

I have to agree that the WiiU marks the start of gen8. It's pretty obvious actually...whether you like it or not.

tripenfall said:
What will also be important is the physical medium the consoles use. Will Sony push ahead with Blu Ray technology? Strong rumours suggest the Nextbox will not use discs at all, instead opting for a unique version of memory cards combined with downloadable titles.
If the Nextbox games can run faster from this medium that discs it might give them a point of difference.
As for now, well it's Zombie U for me.....

Of course Sony will continue with the BluRay format since they pushed it from the beginning and they want PS to serve as a gaming + multi-media device.  They are not going to abandon it. We may see next generation BluRay XL discs that hold 100GB+ of data though.

Whoever started the rumor that Xbox 720 won't use discs but instead will use memory cards is off the mark. Right now the Wii U I believe accesses games at 22 MB/sec. The discs are dirt cheap to make. To beat this access speed, you need faster flash cards and those cost a lot of $. For 45 MB/sec,  you'll be paying $30-40 for 32GB. Even at cost, I can't see this being cheaper than $15-20.

This simply doesn't make sense. If anything, next generation consoles will come with either larger hard drives or allow you to upgrade to an SSD and load the games onto the console directly. Modern SSDs can read and write at 500+ MB/sec. That would be a real advantage. Nintendo botched this opportunity and Sony seems to be the most open to the idea of upgrading your storage in the console to anything you want, assuming you pick the right size of 2.5" drive.

I think PS4 and Xbox next will launch 6 months within each other, and most likely before Holiday 2013. Sony will not want to give MS a 12 months head start again and because they are ditching the Cell for an x86 AMD CPU, the console will be much faster in CPU speed than PS3, while allowing them to be more aggressive with pricing (or alternatively allocate more funds towards the GPU).

Normando said:
I have to agree that the WiiU marks the start of gen8. It's pretty obvious actually...whether you like it or not.

Wii U is current gen Nintendo. 360 is Microsoft and PS3 is Sony. As simple as that.


As far 720 will lack. I think there is very little incentive to get 720. Because whatever it offers will be avaliable on PS4 and more. 720 might get some timed exclusives that is the only thing I can see.