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but every wii contoller doesn't cost 150 dollars, and by that logic you can the xbox 360 controllers too.

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joke thread

Must be tough being confined a dreamworld where your limited to one console.

germibobi said:

So Kinect is 150 dollars is which the basic price of a Wii console these days.The Wii has sold 97 milion by far, Xbox 360 has sold 70 milion, but you add 20 milion Kinects and you get 90 milion.Xbox 360 sales will rise over the holidays and it could easily reach 75 milion or even 80.Add to that at least 1-2 milion Kinect and that will top the 100 milion mark, so in my mind Microsoft is the big winner.

Add 40m Wii Fit and who win this gen???????



You can't add Kinect + 360 sales. That's just stupid.
Most of the Kinect sales are from Xbox 360 bundles.

Will Microsoft win the generation? No, Nintendo already did.
I do believe the PS3 will be 2nd place before the real next-gen starts. I think by this time next year, the PS3 would have outshipped the Xbox 360.

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VGKing said:
You can't add Kinect + 360 sales. That's just stupid.
Most of the Kinect sales are from Xbox 360 bundles.

Will Microsoft win the generation? No, Nintendo already did.
I do believe the PS3 will be 2nd place before the real next-gen starts. I think by this time next year, the PS3 would have outshipped the Xbox 360.

This year Sony didn't have any real big exclusives and managed to catch up to the 70 Million of the 360 that just had their biggest Exclusive in the whole Gen + a big CoD boost.
Next Year the PS3 has like trillion AAAAAAA Exclusives and then the dinner will be ready.

Wagram said:
Must be tough being confined a dreamworld where your limited to one console.

I was thinking the same thing.. Sucks to only have one console so you have to make idiotic points (he's trolling I think, so annoying) in a gaming community to make yourself feel better about your purchase. Why can't people realize that the 360 is the worst selling console of this generation and leave it at that. The sales trends have been determined after 7 years, none of this comes with any surprise anymore. For a fact, I know the 360 will finish in last place, and that's fine. I own one of them and this doesn't bother me at all. But I want to know who will finish first. The Wii is a POS now in sales but by far the overall leader and this will not get any better with the WiiU launch. I have to ask because of the legs shown in the PS2 era, will the PS3 pass up the Wii and become the biggest selling console of this generation. This of course will be post PS4 release. Just how many people await a $200 PS3... This Black Friday I believe will tell the story some what as it doesn't accout for oversea sales really, and that is the real driving force to the PS2's high sales sucess.

germibobi said:

So Kinect is 150 dollars is which the basic price of a Wii console these days.The Wii has sold 97 milion by far, Xbox 360 has sold 70 milion, but you add 20 milion Kinects and you get 90 milion.Xbox 360 sales will rise over the holidays and it could easily reach 75 milion or even 80.Add to that at least 1-2 milion Kinect and that will top the 100 milion mark, so in my mind Microsoft is the big winner.

Argh_College said:
yea yea xbox 360 is going to win this generation, the nextbox will win next generation. we've heard it from a million other users here.

Nobody said 360 was going to win... in fact everybody said 360 would be destroyed

6 years ago - when will people stop living in the past? (answer ofcourse is: "when it stops suiting their agenda")

For me PS3 will end with over 115m (first place) this gen without bullshit counts .