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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Ruh-Roh ... GameSpot Gives ZombiU A 4.5?

The problem with this review is that it flies in the face of pretty much every preview/impressions I have read. This will most certainly be an outlier that will make most people ask: "Wtf?"

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While I'll try not to argue against this review until I've played the game for myself (for an extended period of time... unlike the measly three minutes I got to spend with it at the Eurogamer Expo. After a two hour wait in line as well <_<). I stopped reading Gamespot's reviews last year. There where several where they made false comments, with the final straw being the Super Mario 3D Land review when they claimed that Nintendo hadn't tried to capitalise on the 3D effect.

I guess people don't give a shit about Gamespot here in Germany ;P


Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

HoloDust said:
Soundwave said:

There's no reason Nintendo cannot create a franchise as good as Halo or Uncharted or Assassin's Creed or Resident Evil on their own (in terms of appeal). And own that franchise forever (no Resident Evil 4 going multiplatform .... ooops).

I honestly doubt Nintendo can create anything like titles you mentioned on their own - but I would love to see them doing what they did back in the day when Retro was making exactly that kind of games that were complementing nicely their 1st party tiltes.

Doesn't Nintendo already have several franchises with more appeal than Halo or Assassin's Creed? Uncharted, definitely.

Also, Retro hasn't stopped complimenting Nintendo's line up. DKCR was one of the most crushingly difficult platformers in recent memory - a perfect antithesis to, say, Kirby's Epic Yarn. It absolutely belongs in the celestial pantheon of hardcore games.

My lord, I don't understand the appeal of Resident Evil (the newer ones, at least). Uncharted and Assassin's Creed, sure. Even so, Nintendo already has games in the action/adventure genre, though Zelda and Metroid lean towards a more puristic approach.

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Fayceless said:

5 stars with 5 half stars is exactly the same as a ten-point scale.

Oh, four star scale.  Still, it's very similar. 8-point scale instead of 10.  I suppose it would help eliminate the "grade" mentality of only 70+ being acceptable (a "C" grade) and only 90+ being good (an "A" grade)

where does this grade mentality come from? is that a US scale?

For example in AUS

A (Excellent) 90 and above
B (Good) 75-89
C (Satisfactory) 51-74
D (Limited) 31-50
E (Very Low) 26-30
F (Failed) or UG (Un-Graded) 25 and below


The point I am making every scale is different in every country.

Websites that use the 10 point scales shoudl define what each of their grades mean, if they going to stick to that scale system.



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Metallicube said:
Well, chalk up yet another third party failure on a Nintendo console. If I was Nintendo at this point, I would simply give up on third parties, expand my company to create more games, and buy out more 2nd party studios. At the very least, they need to return to the tight quality standard they had in the NES days, where companies were limited to the amount of games they released for the console and Nintendo had to oversee production closely to make sure it was up to the standard.

I agree they shoudl use their money to buy out studios or create new ones to develope games jsut for them. I htink they are some what trying this already, with Bayonetta 2 and even NG3.

I agree about the standards need to be lifed, but there is a fine line with that, as Nintendo tried this already with N64 and GCN. Guess where the 3rd party went? to to PS1?

The only eased of during Wii days to try and win back 3rd party support. But that just resulted in shovelware.

I also think they have stepped up a bit on WiiU. Tekken 2 developers wanted to dumb it down for Wii and Nintendo told them no we want the full game.



Cobretti2 said:
Fayceless said:

5 stars with 5 half stars is exactly the same as a ten-point scale.

Oh, four star scale.  Still, it's very similar. 8-point scale instead of 10.  I suppose it would help eliminate the "grade" mentality of only 70+ being acceptable (a "C" grade) and only 90+ being good (an "A" grade)

where does this grade mentality come from? is that a US scale?

For example in AUS

A (Excellent) 90 and above
B (Good) 75-89
C (Satisfactory) 51-74
D (Limited) 31-50
E (Very Low) 26-30
F (Failed) or UG (Un-Graded) 25 and below


The point I am making every scale is different in every country.

Websites that use the 10 point scales shoudl define what each of their grades mean, if they going to stick to that scale system.

Many websites do, here's Gamespot's in fact:
(But I'm still not convinced of the integrity of Gamespot reviews.)

Here are some other ones for comparison:
"Games are not scored until a review is written and finalized. Once a review is complete, the reviewer meets with a group of senior editors to determine which score on our scale properly reflects the text as written. We do not write with scores in mind."
Destructoid's is actually fascinating to read through because they address how negative reviews don't generate more hits for them, and they address how they don't care whether or not their advertisers pull out depending on the review scores. 

Heavenly_King said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Heavenly_King said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Heavenly_King said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Heavenly_King said:
I expected this. the graphics suck, and the gameplay did not look like anything revolutionary. And having to watch the damn controller screen instead of the TV is annoying.

Graphics aren't everything.

Gameplay doesn't have to revolutionary to be awesome (check your avatar).

Watching the controller while you're being hunted by zombies is the point. It's supposed to be annoying, unnerving, and disorienting.

Well, considering the fact that when you play a game you want to have fun, there is your reason for the score.

Surely you've played Silent Hill or Resident Evil 2? Or Doom 3 or BioShock? Or Eternal Darkness or Dead Space? Or one of dozens of horror games designed to disorient, disturb, frustrate, and frighten? I totally understand if you don't like the sub-genre, but it's not fair to say that a game that handicaps its users to create a frightful experience automatically deserves a low score.

In none of those games I felt annoyed, unnerved or disoriented.     Maybe intrigued or clueless, of what should I do at a certain moment; but defenitely not annoyed nor angry or disoriented.   I have had lots of fun in those games.   Sub-genre games, are still games and their main purpose is to bring fun.

OK I guess I have to take your word on that. As for me, I get scared and anxious playing scary games. I think that's the point of them. Maybe we should just agree to disagree, because I don't think we're making much forward progress here.

Yeah, we agree to disagree, but still, let me ask you something kind of "off-topic"; how can you be scared of something you know is not real?  It really intrigues me.   I mean, you may be surprised of certain event, but to be scared?  As a child sure, most "scary" things are scary, but when you grow up and  you realize that stuff is not real; every game and movie that attempts to be scary it just something funny, that can surprise you sometimes or maybe end up being a bit repulsive depending on how they are pretending to cause fear. At least for me that is.

I guess it's because I allow myself to be. I go in wanting to be scared, because sometimes it's as enjoyable as being amused by a funny game or fortified by a great action game. The point of art, I think, is to transport you from reality to some other place for a while. So we, as the audience, need to participate in the process to make it work. We need to believe it. Otherwise we're just looking at words on a page, celluloid in a reel, or computer graphics on a television screen.

F0X said:
HoloDust said:
Soundwave said:

There's no reason Nintendo cannot create a franchise as good as Halo or Uncharted or Assassin's Creed or Resident Evil on their own (in terms of appeal). And own that franchise forever (no Resident Evil 4 going multiplatform .... ooops).

I honestly doubt Nintendo can create anything like titles you mentioned on their own - but I would love to see them doing what they did back in the day when Retro was making exactly that kind of games that were complementing nicely their 1st party tiltes.

Doesn't Nintendo already have several franchises with more appeal than Halo or Assassin's Creed? Uncharted, definitely.

Also, Retro hasn't stopped complimenting Nintendo's line up. DKCR was one of the most crushingly difficult platformers in recent memory - a perfect antithesis to, say, Kirby's Epic Yarn. It absolutely belongs in the celestial pantheon of hardcore games.

My lord, I don't understand the appeal of Resident Evil (the newer ones, at least). Uncharted and Assassin's Creed, sure. Even so, Nintendo already has games in the action/adventure genre, though Zelda and Metroid lean towards a more puristic approach.

In terms of IPs they have to offer to "hardcore" PS360 gamers, I wouldn't say they have (and all 4 titles originally mentioned could be put in that group). That's why I said it would be nice to see some 2nd party developer do it for them, I just made a big lapsus linguae and put Retro instead of Rare.

HoloDust said:

In terms of IPs they have to offer to "hardcore" PS360 gamers, I wouldn't say they have (and all 4 titles originally mentioned could be put in that group). That's why I said it would be nice to see some 2nd party developer do it for them, I just made a big lapsus linguae and put Retro instead of Rare.

Better. Now I must wonder about the wisdom of agressively going after the gun simulator crowd (360 gamers) and the interactive movie crowd (PS3 gamers).

Okay, no more joking. You put quotation marks around "hardcore", so I feel compelled to take you more seriously. Now, Retro Studios would be a fine candidate for making games for people who don't normally like games Nintendo, but they've positioned themselves as a developer existing only to please Nintendo diehards. The solution might be to buy some talented studios... or do what Microsoft and Sony has done - cultivate partnerships with third-parties. It's something Nintendo has been doing more of lately, and it's a trend that needs to continue. Every deal is a blow to a competition, and a potential wave of "hardcore" cash. I don't think there's anything Nintendo can do to become the patron saint of dedicated gamerdom at this point, but chipping away at the issue is better than avoiding it.

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