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Forums - Sony Discussion - Unconfirmed: Square Enix Holding Special Conference Early Next Year, New Final Fantasy Versus XIII Details Expected

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forevercloud3000 said:
Nem said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Nem said:

What i'd like to see:

FFXIV:ARR release date announced (im hoping beta is already started by then).
FF Type-0 ported and enhanced on the 3DS for worldwide release.
FF Versus XIII renamed as FFXV and released multi-platform.
FFXVI teased and confirmed for next gen (Maybe with Wii U already confirmed as one of the systems).

EDIT: I forgot to add: Lightning Returns FFXIII - Cancelled. Releasing a cg movie on dvd for the end of the story (or just leave it like that really). This is a good idea!

Everyone wants to forget FFXIII ever existed, and square should do the same for their own good.

Fixed :)

Its the PSP crowd who have been patiently waiting on FFType-0, lets just pretend for a second they actually matter and not slap them in the face by putting it on a completely ajacent platform after ORIGINALLY ANNOUNCED for PSP.

Versus should/and better stay exclusive(I know the unlikely hood of this tho). We have already seen what this MP mind set has done to SE and the FF series after FFXIII. Sickening to a die-hard fan like me. FF's fanase is synonomous with Playstation, that is no secret, just pure fact. FFXIII's sales on PS3 far outstrip what they did on 360 and many of those buyers would have/should have bought a PS3 simply for that game. Spreading a game to multiple platforms does not magically grow the fanbase. The same number of fans will exist, and the same avg of buyers will grow with each entry, or decrease on the game's merit. Every single previously exclusive game fro mthe PS2 years, that is now MP has proved this. Many times they sell WORSE, and inevitably lose money for having to develop for 2+ systems in the first place. It is far better to stick to the one platform where 70+% of your fanbase resides, save the money you would put into being MP. Ninja Theory and From Software both learned this recently.

I wish people would wake up and smell the coffee. Multiplatform is something propagated by Microsoft to perpetuate developers couldn't survive with just Sony and NIN in order to weaken their hold on the market. Its one of those self fullfilling profecies that if you say it long enough it starts becoming true (IE: Handheld market being taken over by phones). As far as I can see, it has done nothing but hurt every series it has touched, and the market as a whole.

Fixed your bad fix.

I am not interest in Sony fanboyish rampages, i want to see the games out in the systems where they will find the most players/sales and Squeenix makes the most money in. You are terribly mistaken if you think all FF fans have Sony home systems this gen.

I would rather FFType 0 released in the PSP, but guess what? Sony isnt letting Squeenix do it. Therefore, they should lose the game altogether. Its the same kind of crap they pulled with Monster Hunter and Capcom.

You really don't know what you are talking about. Sony is most assuredly not stopping them from putting it on the PSP, why would they? SE has already released FFIII on PSP, well after Vita's arrival. The issue is only that they want Sony to fund the port to Vita, or basically do whatever MS has been doing for them this gen to get them to bring them games. If it is possible, I do think Sony should fund FFType-0, it would benefit them greatly if they want it and it would be stupid not to.

as for the rest of what I said, its not fanboyish. It is a fairly accurate assessment of the outcome of going multiplatform, which in turn is virtually non existant or detrimental. When a game has been exclusive for 2 gens, people are set in their mind where it will be and where they want to play it. That mindshare right there is killing Square Enix after repeatedly handing every game off to anyone but Sony, the console with the strongest concentration of SE/JRPG fans. 

Bottom line is no game is going to do mysteriously better by being multiplatform And if it is a well known IP, sticking to what has already been layed out is the most cost efficient choice. Multiplatform-atism does nothing but devide up resources that could be better appropriated and decrease the possibilities of that product. Why does every other gen base itself on exclusives? Because when you don't you end up like....well this gen's console cycle.

For you and Basilzero:

look on this thread:

"What’s more is that we have confirmation from a second source that Square Enix is having a hard time coming to any sort of resolution regarding a western release. They claim that Sony Computer Entertainment hasn’t been much help either, and so the title is at a standstill as they’ve exhausted all options."

Who doesnt know what their talking about now? You are blinded by fanboyism, so its not an argument worth having. You completely ignore the fact FFXIII sold 2 millions on the Xbox 360. That is pretty good evidance that the fanbase is not limited to the PS3 or Sony systems. The delay's FFXIII had were not due to the 360 port but poor organisation and planning by square. Exclusives are a thing of the past, get over it. And its most certainly not cause for lack of quality. The whole japanese market home console development is in decline and yet you make the argument that this is because of lack of exclusives.

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I'm still interested in this game, but I just have a difficult time getting hyped for it anymore.

Nem said:
forevercloud3000 said:

You really don't know what you are talking about. Sony is most assuredly not stopping them from putting it on the PSP, why would they? SE has already released FFIII on PSP, well after Vita's arrival. The issue is only that they want Sony to fund the port to Vita, or basically do whatever MS has been doing for them this gen to get them to bring them games. If it is possible, I do think Sony should fund FFType-0, it would benefit them greatly if they want it and it would be stupid not to.

as for the rest of what I said, its not fanboyish. It is a fairly accurate assessment of the outcome of going multiplatform, which in turn is virtually non existant or detrimental. When a game has been exclusive for 2 gens, people are set in their mind where it will be and where they want to play it. That mindshare right there is killing Square Enix after repeatedly handing every game off to anyone but Sony, the console with the strongest concentration of SE/JRPG fans. 

Bottom line is no game is going to do mysteriously better by being multiplatform And if it is a well known IP, sticking to what has already been layed out is the most cost efficient choice. Multiplatform-atism does nothing but devide up resources that could be better appropriated and decrease the possibilities of that product. Why does every other gen base itself on exclusives? Because when you don't you end up like....well this gen's console cycle.

For you and Basilzero:

look on this thread:

"What’s more is that we have confirmation from a second source that Square Enix is having a hard time coming to any sort of resolution regarding a western release. They claim that Sony Computer Entertainment hasn’t been much help either, and so the title is at a standstill as they’ve exhausted all options."

I've Read this already and it doesn't discredit what I said above, or affirm what you stated. As the article says, there is very little chance they would release it for PSP knowing it's state in the US. If it is going to be localized it will be for the 2 next best pics:PS3 as HD collection or Vita. I doubt it is anything Sony is doing to explicitly BLOCK the release of this game, rather it is what Sony is NOT doing (IE:Paying them to) bring it to Vita or as PS3 HD collection. If they want it to be on PS3, it would have to have significant upgrade as well as come with something else (IE:Crisis Core:FFVII) to be aproved which is nothing new. Sony might not have the cash for it as of right now, who knows. Like I stated above, if they do have the means to give them what they want they should as FF name is a sure fire system seller that they desperately need.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

BasilZero said:
Nem said:

For you and Basilzero:

look on this thread:

"What’s more is that we have confirmation from a second source that Square Enix is having a hard time coming to any sort of resolution regarding a western release. They claim that Sony Computer Entertainment hasn’t been much help either, and so the title is at a standstill as they’ve exhausted all options."

Who doesnt know what their talking about now? You are blinded by fanboyism, so its not an argument worth having. You completely ignore the fact FFXIII sold 2 millions on the Xbox 360. That is pretty good evidance that the fanbase is not limited to the PS3 or Sony systems. The delay's FFXIII had were not due to the 360 port but poor organisation and planning by square. Exclusives are a thing of the past, get over it. And its most certainly not cause for lack of quality. The whole japanese market home console development is in decline and yet you make the argument that this is because of exclusives.


I already saw that and I agreed with you on Sony has strained their relationship with SE so much that (I mentioned my reasons in my last post) nothing has been done that needs to be done.

Sorry, i meant just the link for you. The argument was for the other poster. ^^

"Who doesnt know what their talking about now? You are blinded by fanboyism, so its not an argument worth having. You completely ignore the fact FFXIII sold 2 millions on the Xbox 360. That is pretty good evidance that the fanbase is not limited to the PS3 or Sony systems. The delay's FFXIII had were not due to the 360 port but poor organisation and planning by square. Exclusives are a thing of the past, get over it. And its most certainly not cause for lack of quality. The whole japanese market home console development is in decline and yet you make the argument that this is because of exclusives."

Oh please, you are dilusional. Lets call a spade a spade shall we. I went to school for Digital Entertainment and Game Design so I like to think I at least have a rudimentary understanding of how the game development process works. Making a game Multiplatform takes more than just transferring files to the other console. It takes massive amounts of recoding and debugging. This costs time and money. The fact of the matter is, every Multiplatform game is essentially a port. You can only start development for one system if you are going to be cost effective. Once the basic outline of the code is drawn up, you will then have to reshape and tweak that code to fit the standards of another platform. This is no simple task. Just to put things in perspective, Programmers are some of the highest paid in the industry. Long story short, it often comes out to be more than it is worth. How do I come to this conclusion? Look at the sales...

  • -DMC3 totaled around 4.30m, DMC4 on 2 platforms, 2.70m
  • -MGS3 sold 4.23m, MGS4 remained exclusive and sold 5.69m (on a much smaller install base)
  • -FFX sold 8.05m and XII sold 5.95m , FFXIII on 2 platforms sold 6.60m (first entry of the series each gen always sells more). 4.5/6ths of the sales on PS3.
  • -Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas sold 20.5m, GTA IV on 2 platforms sold 19.30m
  • -Demon's Souls sold 1.66m, Dark Souls on 2 Platforms sold.....1.86m (mind you it dropped in price far quicker with 3/4ths of sales on PS3)

There is the proof I need that going multiplatform does not equal more sales, it just moves the fanbases around but at the chance of losing some along the way. Especially when the supposed "Extra Sales" they obtained most assuredly did not offset the cost of porting. If anything the increase or decrease in sales is simply attributed to the rise and fall of the franchise popularity. Yet the fall often times can be directly linked with the fact it was multiplatform in the first place. I won't even go through the catalog of proof left in FFXIII's wake as I am sick of reiterating it.

This isn't fanboyism, this is fact.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

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Hmmm, silence.....strange.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

I want to be hyped for this conference...but..7...years

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He who hesitates is lost

@ Nem

I've read your posts and your arguments lack reason. What the others have said is not fanboyism. They bring up good points. Multiplatform =/= More sales. SE deciding to make FFXIII multiplatform was a very bad idea for many reasons. SE decided to do that right in the middle of their development of the game. Also, the storage limitations of the 360 discs limited what FFXIII would've been. So what that FFXIII sold 2 million on the 360. Had SE put all of its focus on the PS3 only, we would've gotten a higher quality game that could do what it was originally envisioned to do. This could've led to more sales than the combined sales of the 360 and PS3 versions. Your suggestions that SE make FFvXIII multiplat is one of the most foolish suggestions I've ever seen. Why all of a sudden go multiplat when you're already so far into the development of the game? Look what that did to FFXIII. Nomura, the mastermind of FFvXIII, only wanted to make this for the PS3 and I bet he still does today.

Aura7541 said:
@ Nem

I've read your posts and your arguments lack reason. What the others have said is not fanboyism. They bring up good points. Multiplatform =/= More sales. SE deciding to make FFXIII multiplatform was a very bad idea for many reasons. SE decided to do that right in the middle of their development of the game. Also, the storage limitations of the 360 discs limited what FFXIII would've been. So what that FFXIII sold 2 million on the 360. Had SE put all of its focus on the PS3 only, we would've gotten a higher quality game that could do what it was originally envisioned to do. This could've led to more sales than the combined sales of the 360 and PS3 versions. Your suggestions that SE make FFvXIII multiplat is one of the most foolish suggestions I've ever seen. Why all of a sudden go multiplat when you're already so far into the development of the game? Look what that did to FFXIII. Nomura, the mastermind of FFvXIII, only wanted to make this for the PS3 and I bet he still does today.

Just commenting on this part, but Final Fantasy XIII turned out exactly how the game directors/designers wanted it to be. I just happened to read about how the guy who was directing the game wanted it to be an interactive movie RPG. They made it linear on purpose, they decided to get rid of towns, shops, mini-games and other aspects not central to the story and character development. That's the reason people disliked the game, and it had nothing to do with Xbox.

See here, PlayStation 3 era.

Makes sense, was the same time they held the 2011 conference and released the 2011 trailer