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Forums - Sony Discussion - Does sony have a franchise that will sell the PS4 out of the gate

JayWood2010 said:
The comments that are making the most sense is the ones saying they don't rely on one franchise. What I'm asking and I should have probably include this is does Sony have a franchise that will sell it out of the gate?

Probably not.  But does it matter.  Compare the PS3 and the 360.  The PS3 sells well during the course of the entire year.  It builts upon a large library of exclusive content which Sony normally spreads out across every quarter.  The 360, on the other hand, depends mainly upon massive spikes toward the end of the year.

But really, so what?  At the end of the year, they've both sold a lot of units.  In business, there is seldomn only one way that's effective.

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JayWood2010 said:
Jay520 said:

They should be fine.

Gran Turismo is a 10 million seller. Uncharted is a 6 million seller. God of War is a 5 million seller. LittleBigPlanet is a 3-5 million seller(not really sure). Then they have plenty of medium franchises like Killzone and inFAMOUS that sell 2-3 million. There's also new Ips and the fact that developers like ND are splitting up into multiple development studios.

Sony actually had an impressive batch of exclusives who could have been used for the PS3. The problem is many of them were released much too late. As well as excessive pricing, etc.

As for Halo and Gears. Halo isn't that much bigger than Gran Turismo. And Gears isn't that much bigger than Uncharted. 

Best comment I've ever seen you make XD  

It really surprises me that Sony decided to keep games like Last of Us, Beyond, and even God of War Ascension on the PS3 this late in the gen.  Same thing with Halo 4 and 360.  If they would have kept these games for the neXbox and PS4 assuming that they're coming soon then they could have pushed alot of units out of the gate.

What makes you think that they won't blow us away with new IP's in the next gen =P. Naughty Dog has 2 teams now which one of them is most likely working on a game. Anything Naughty Dog touches turns to gold (true story). Also if Beyond does well in sales/reviews I can totally see Sony purchasing Quantic Dreams. Heavy Rain was very successful for a new IP and Sony would be crazy not to aquire such a talented studio if this new game does well. Also as I said that the game director of God of War III is working on a new game. Maybe these games are just a glimpse of what is to come on the PS4 

riderz13371 said:
You see what most people tend to forget is that all the people that want the Halo games or Gears games already have an Xbox.

But shouldn't this also be true for GT, GoW and UC?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

JayWood2010 said:

Best comment I've ever seen you make XD  

It really surprises me that Sony decided to keep games like Last of Us, Beyond, and even God of War Ascension on the PS3 this late in the gen.  Same thing with Halo 4 and 360.  If they would have kept these games for the neXbox and PS4 assuming that they're coming soon then they could have pushed alot of units out of the gate.

It makes sense to want your console to leave with a bang. If the PS3 is selling a lot during the generation transition, then the Playstation brand as a whole will have a lot of momentum, giving the pS4 a better launch. It's a smart decision. End strong with the PS3, and start strong with the PS4, in theory at least. The PS4 likely isn't missing much by missing out on TLoU, GoW, and Beyond. Beyond likely won't be that big anyway. And the PS4 can still have a combination of Uncharted, Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, and maybe even Gran Turismo within it's first 52 weeks on sale.

DanneSandin said:
riderz13371 said:
You see what most people tend to forget is that all the people that want the Halo games or Gears games already have an Xbox.

But shouldn't this also be true for GT, GoW and UC?

Yes but I also said that with Sony having a lot of first party studios then they can bring out more new IP's into next gen more easily than Microsoft can. 

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Jay520 said:
JayWood2010 said:

Best comment I've ever seen you make XD  

It really surprises me that Sony decided to keep games like Last of Us, Beyond, and even God of War Ascension on the PS3 this late in the gen.  Same thing with Halo 4 and 360.  If they would have kept these games for the neXbox and PS4 assuming that they're coming soon then they could have pushed alot of units out of the gate.

It makes sense to want your console to leave with a bang. If the PS3 is selling a lot during the generation transition, then the Playstation brand as a whole will have a lot of momentum, giving the pS4 a better launch. It's a smart decision. End strong with the PS3, and start strong with the PS4, in theory at least. The PS4 likely isn't missing much by missing out on TLoU, GoW, and Beyond. Beyond likely won't be that big anyway. And the PS4 can still have a combination of Uncharted, Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, and maybe even Gran Turismo within it's first 52 weeks on sale.

Damn, well put! I've been wondering why they were pushing out new, big IP's this late, but the way you explain it makes perfect sense.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

riderz13371 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Jay520 said:

They should be fine.

Gran Turismo is a 10 million seller. Uncharted is a 6 million seller. God of War is a 5 million seller. LittleBigPlanet is a 3-5 million seller(not really sure). Then they have plenty of medium franchises like Killzone and inFAMOUS that sell 2-3 million. There's also new Ips and the fact that developers like ND are splitting up into multiple development studios.

Sony actually had an impressive batch of exclusives who could have been used for the PS3. The problem is many of them were released much too late. As well as excessive pricing, etc.

As for Halo and Gears. Halo isn't that much bigger than Gran Turismo. And Gears isn't that much bigger than Uncharted. 

Best comment I've ever seen you make XD  

It really surprises me that Sony decided to keep games like Last of Us, Beyond, and even God of War Ascension on the PS3 this late in the gen.  Same thing with Halo 4 and 360.  If they would have kept these games for the neXbox and PS4 assuming that they're coming soon then they could have pushed alot of units out of the gate.

What makes you think that they won't blow us away with new IP's in the next gen =P. Naughty Dog has 2 teams now which one of them is most likely working on a game. Anything Naughty Dog touches turns to gold (true story). Also if Beyond does well in sales/reviews I can totally see Sony purchasing Quantic Dreams. Heavy Rain was very successful for a new IP and Sony would be crazy not to aquire such a talented studio if this new game does well. Also as I said that the game director of God of War III is working on a new game. Maybe these games are just a glimpse of what is to come on the PS4 

QD also have an unnanounced title

As you said Stig is making on a new game at Santa Monica

MM has another new IP in the works in addition to Teraway

Sucker punch new game

Evolution studios now with the help of ex PGR talent is making a game

GG is most definitely making the next KZ

As I said earlier, sony have already set the stage and in a very good position to provide some fantastic first party content.

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Jay520 said:

They should be fine.

Gran Turismo is a 10 million seller. Uncharted is a 6 million seller. God of War is a 5 million seller. LittleBigPlanet is a 3-5 million seller(not really sure). Then they have plenty of medium franchises like Killzone and inFAMOUS that sell 2-3 million. There's also new Ips and the fact that developers like ND are splitting up into multiple development studios.

Sony actually had an impressive batch of exclusives who could have been used for the PS3. The problem is many of them were released much too late. As well as excessive pricing, etc.

As for Halo and Gears. Halo isn't that much bigger than Gran Turismo. And Gears isn't that much bigger than Uncharted. 

1 on 1 Halo and GT are similar. But take into account franchise sales this gen, and Halo dwarfs it.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:

That is false. 3rd parties have carried the PS1 and PS2 with big blockbuster releases. PS3, nor PS4 will have that luxury.

OT - Gran Turismo. But I doubt Sony is gonna do that. They let PD take their sweet time.

People keep saying things like that, but they're assuming prematurely. They've had a long development cycle one time with GT5. One event doesn't mean you should expect a continuing trend.

riderz13371 said:
DanneSandin said:
riderz13371 said:
You see what most people tend to forget is that all the people that want the Halo games or Gears games already have an Xbox.

But shouldn't this also be true for GT, GoW and UC?

Yes but I also said that with Sony having a lot of first party studios then they can bring out more new IP's into next gen more easily than Microsoft can. 

Absolutely, I just wanted to high light that part since I've seen it more than once in this thread.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.