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JayWood2010 said:

Best comment I've ever seen you make XD  

It really surprises me that Sony decided to keep games like Last of Us, Beyond, and even God of War Ascension on the PS3 this late in the gen.  Same thing with Halo 4 and 360.  If they would have kept these games for the neXbox and PS4 assuming that they're coming soon then they could have pushed alot of units out of the gate.

It makes sense to want your console to leave with a bang. If the PS3 is selling a lot during the generation transition, then the Playstation brand as a whole will have a lot of momentum, giving the pS4 a better launch. It's a smart decision. End strong with the PS3, and start strong with the PS4, in theory at least. The PS4 likely isn't missing much by missing out on TLoU, GoW, and Beyond. Beyond likely won't be that big anyway. And the PS4 can still have a combination of Uncharted, Killzone, LittleBigPlanet, and maybe even Gran Turismo within it's first 52 weeks on sale.