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Forums - Sony Discussion - Does sony have a franchise that will sell the PS4 out of the gate

forevercloud3000 said:
JimmyDanger said:
FatalInertia said:


HUH? Outside gears ms barely has any lol.  I am not playing a game the entire discussion was on first party exclusives.  Ms had an extra year on the market......................................duh.  take that year away and its a different story.on top of this most of those sales are multiplats.


Mas literally has juyst a couple franchises that sell well, sony has way more in abundance then MS only a fool argues otherwise. MGS 4 over 5 mill, uncharted, gran turismo, God of war, little big planet. Heavy rain is at near 3 mill, first resistance is over 4, killzone 3 is well over 3 million.

Yes because that extra time on the market - traditionally helps the sales?

I am so sick of this argument being used - it's pointless and also historically inaccurate.

Like Genesis/Megadrive vs SNES? - No

Like Saturn vs. PsX? - No

Like Dreamcast vs. Ps2? - No

Consoles sell what they sell. In most cases the later to market one can try to better the product already on market, as its strenghts and weaknesses are there to see, and  and over the medium term, clean up. I think after 6 years on the market, we can see that hasn't happened, so some will try to shift the goalposts. Maybe it will, but at this stage late in the game, it wouldn't be far from the equivalent of bragging the PsP outsold the DS last week.

Remember - if your auntie had a willy - she'd be your uncle.

The only reason this is brought up is because litterally, the amount 360 obtained in the year head start (6million) is the only distance it has ever had on PS3. PS3 has actually been creeping on that amount since it's release, with it now only about 1.5million. This is proof if the PS3 came out first or even the same time, we would be having a totally different discussion right now.  Simple Mathmatics.The Wii came out the same time as PS3 also, so yes it beat both by a huge margin. Yet at least with the PS2's lead on Xbox, the lead was irefutable with PS2 owning like 70%+ market share by themselves alone.

I would also like to add MS has plenty of games, it is just a lot of them are not for their typical Hardcore crowd so they get quickly overlooked.Most of these popped up recently.  MS only makes what they think can sell. If it doesn't do decent numbers you will never see a sequel. Sony gives games a lot of chances before they throw in the towel.

It's proof of nothing, except that even with an extra year in development over MS, they still couldn't sell more units in that First 5 years - even now in this sixth year.

If the PS3 released a year earlier - would they have had the library? Would it have been even MORE expensive? Less powerful?

If the 360 released a year later would it have been more powerful? With a larger library? Cheaper?

And how would either of these variable factors have affected sales for each platform? Would every single one of those 6 million people bought a PS3 instead, and never bought an xbox (giving Sony a 4.5 million unit lead) - have 75% of those 6 million bought a PS3 already either as a companion console or straight up replacement? It's all just complete speculation. If you think the ONLY reason PS2 outsold GC/XBX was because of it's earlier release - which really , was probably the most minor factor when weighed against full software/controller BC (probably the main reason I bought a PS2 initially, as the launch lineup wasn't so hot) , DVD playback (without additional addon), first/3rd party exclusive library  - then - well I know nobody believes that the primaray reason the PS2 dominated was because it was out first. The same way no one attributes the NES's success due to the fact it was out first, or the Gameboys (vs Lynx/Gamegear) - or any other historical sales comparison.

No - there is no proof of anything in "what if"/"elselworlds" speculation. The only variables we can account for in reality are those based in our reality. Not Counter Earth/Earth 2 where the PS3 released in 2005 for $300 or the 360 released in 2006 for $500. That is pure fanboy fantasy.

Complete thread derailment - initially just replying to the point you made.


On topic - Yes they do. Gran Turismo. Though if they brought out Last Guardian at PS4 launch - they'd absolutely win a lot of hardcores over straight away - and also give Team ICO their best selling title ever. Can we call Team ICO a franchise? Technically not - but they are a brand that carries a lot of weight.

Though if they brought out a TRUE Parappa/Lammy sequel (the threadbare Parappa 2 doesn't count for me!) with multiple co-op/competitive modes, replayability with different versions of songs (the same way that when you finished Lammy, you could do the songs as PaRappa or Dark Lammy either solo or in co op/competitive - with different mixes of the track for each -  rather than do the same song while wearing a different colored beanie) - I would pay whatever it cost and preorder it now!



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JayWood2010 said:
babuks said:
JayWood2010 said:
bananaking21 said:
JayWood2010 said:

Everybody wants to predict how well the PS4/ NeXbox and the WiiU will sell, however people has left out important info on why they think each will sell well.  So here is my question, what does Sony have that will make the PS4 sell well.  Microsoft has Halo and Gears which are both system sellers to a mass amount of people and on top of that the XBOX brand is higher than ever in America, as well as Nintendo having Mario, DK, Zelda, and this list never ends.  Sony has a ton of franchises but does any of them really have that mass appeal that people will just blindly go in and buy the system right off of the bat for a high price?  The two biggest franchises that they have is Uncharted ,God of War, and Gran Turismo, but are they big enough?  

Explain your answers and try not argueing.


Serious question.  Uncharted and God of War are both possibly ending and neither one are 10 million + sellers.  Which leaves it up to gran turismo.

If 10 million is the scale, then you cannot put Gears in there and Microsoft has only one franchise (halo).

Then sony has none.  GT5 has not sold 10 million yet.  It will no doubt but Im just saying.  I got my answer already so leave it.  I was posting the biggest franchises by both sony and microsoft and I could have named more. Seriosly you all nitpick everything.  


What is called a system seller then? If Halo sells 10 million in lifetime it is system seller, if GT sells 9 million it is not? If Gears sells 5 million in first couple months and crawls to 6 million it is a system seller, but if Uncharted and God of war continuously sells 5+ millions in the same time it is not system seller? 

Sony is selling more consoles throughout the year without any 'system seller'. Imagine they have one or two system sellers according to your 'consideration', Microsoft will be blown out of water. 

KylieDog said:
JayWood2010 said:
riderz13371 said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
Gran Turismo is Sony's one large mass-appeal franchise. It doesn't have the draw of Halo, and is nowhere near the level of Mario Kart and New Super Mario Bros. So no, Sony doesn't have 1st party software that is at the level of its competitors. In an increasingly multiplatform world this will be a challenge difficult to overcome.

Doesn't have the draw of Halo? GT5 just hit the 9m shipped mark and GT Prologue is around the 5m. What are you talking about? 

And Halo 3 12m, Halo 4 likely 4m already, Halor reach is at what 10m? Combat Evolved 2-3m? Halo Wars is even a multi million seller if I'm correct.  Then Odst with 5m+.  i'm not looking at the numbers so don't quote me on any of this but yes Halo has been bigger than GT this gen and at this rate will catch up to GT in franchise sells.  Not taking anything away fromGT, just saying.

Every Halo except the CE remake has been heavy bundled, the CE remake has sold significantly less that any other Halo, coincidence?  It is a big seller but heavy bundling is what is pushing it higher than GT.

And GT has never been bundled?


You obviously don't live in a PAL territory.

Seriously - I love me some Sony, and they're very important to the industry - but the reality disconnect from their fans (and in some cases themselves) - bugs the hell out of me.

Crash Bandicoot would be a great system seller if it was as well known as the PS1 era. That is the problem with sony, in that they have no true mascot for their system. If I had to say anything, it could be exclusive CoD content or a new IP that will draw customers in. Uncharted might do the trick too.

Estelle and Adol... best characters ever! XD

Sony doesn't need one title to make their launch successful, they need a fleet of them

Year 1 (First wave)

Killzone, InFamous, new IP

Year 2 (Second Wave)

Uncharted 4, Two more slots.

Sony can do it this way to ensure two years that are filled with first party.Third party exclusives will be made, so it doesn't matter.

Around the Network
KylieDog said:
JimmyDanger said:
KylieDog said:

Every Halo except the CE remake has been heavy bundled, the CE remake has sold significantly less that any other Halo, coincidence?  It is a big seller but heavy bundling is what is pushing it higher than GT.

And GT has never been bundled?


You obviously don't live in a PAL territory.

Seriously - I love me some Sony, and they're very important to the industry - but the reality disconnect from their fans (and in some cases themselves) - bugs the hell out of me.

Sony bundles aren't very heavy and never last very long, they have quite a number out at a time compared to MS.  Infamous 2 was bundled and its sales are barely over a million, shows how little effect a Sony bundle has.  Compare to Halo 3, got a special edition console bundle, then several regular console bundles between various SKUs, the Fable II combined bundle, the Halo 3  and ODST bundle, Halo 3 and Halo Wars bundle...and oh fuck it, I've lost count


So we've gone from "GT not bundled" - to "GT not bundled heavily" - to "GT5 not bundled as heavily as teh Halo3s .

And the pot is arguing, that while black - he's not quite as black as the kettle.

This is a slippery slope isn't it?

It's a system seller in PAL territories - no doubt - that's why it's heavily bundled here.

I wasn't getting into a Halo3/GT5 willy waving contest with you - I was just pointing out - I've seen it bundled plenty.

xLeftyx said:
Uncharted, God of War, Gran Turismo, and no doubt Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale.

Judging by pre-orders and lack of buzz it'll be lucky to do 2 million without heavy bundling... 

Realistically it will have:


  • Killzone 4
  • New IP
  • Infamous 3 or another new IP
  • Half dozen downloadable titles


Ideally it will have


  • Uncharted 4
  • Gran Turismo 6
  • Half dozen downloadable titles

I think the realistic suggestions will still be great provided it's a good and affordable console ($400). Third parties, PS+, media functions/aps, super streamlined OS, Gaikai (meaning PS3 BC maybe), technical improvements and god knows what else are a lot of other pillars to stand on. 


I don't know. Resident Evil and Tomb Raider sold me on the PS1. Zone of the Enders (with MGS2 demo!) sold me on the PS2. Metal Gear Solid 4 sold me on the PS3.

Sony has some great franchises. I probably would have gotten a PS3 for Uncharted 2 if I didn't already have one but part of me can't help but feel that Sony has franchises that sell to Playstation owners instead of franchises that sell Playstation consoles.  I mean, if Sony has such a franchise, why don't they use it to sell the Vita?

I wish they let LBP die and come up with something new. Resistance, Killzone and Infamous don't need sequels either. (Maybe some spin-offs for the Vita though). I'd keep Uncharted and Gran Turismo and make a God of War reboot with a new setting.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey