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Forums - Gaming Discussion - More proof that Nintendo is ripping us off for lesser game available on Sony's

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Another thread about this? Do you really think Sony wants to drop the price of its games? First of all if it was too expensive people wouldn't buy it, which is not the case for many of Nintendo's games especially NSMB just look at sales. Second, if the price was actually inflated the used price would not be inflated. LBP being better is subjective, but the market in general doesn't agree with LBP being better. It is selling much less copies and dropping in price much faster.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

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novasonic said:

Whether or not one game is better than the other has nothing to do with pricing. Nintendo and Sony are trying to run a business. When your product is in demand, you can charge a premium for it. When your product starts to slip from the spotlight, you drop the price to boost sales. Obviously Nintendo is very happy with NSMB sales and sees no reason to lower the price. Sony sees LBP sales dropping below what they'd like to see and drops the price to increase sales. That's just how business works.

Quoted because it's right.

Need something off Play-Asia?

the_dengle said:
And Sony is trying to sell us Smash Bros Brawl at $60, when you could just get it for Wii for half that price.


Id rather play as sony characters than with the Nintendo Characters that my 5 year old brother seems to enjoy.

Nintendo have been doing this since forever, this is nothing new. If something sells why bother lowering the price? I imagine that's their mentality.

think-man said:
the_dengle said:
And Sony is trying to sell us Smash Bros Brawl at $60, when you could just get it for Wii for half that price.


Id rather play as sony characters than with the Nintendo Characters that my

I'm happy for you and I'm gonna let you finish, but Nintendo owns some of the most iconic, universally celebrated characters of all time.

Around the Network
the_dengle said:
think-man said:
the_dengle said:
And Sony is trying to sell us Smash Bros Brawl at $60, when you could just get it for Wii for half that price.


Id rather play as sony characters than with the Nintendo Characters that my 5 year old brother seems to enjoy.

I'm happy for you and I'm gonna let you finish, but Nintendo owns some of the most iconic, universally celebrated characters of all time.

Your reply is about as foreign to me as the man in your picture.

manuel said:
novasonic said:

Whether or not one game is better than the other has nothing to do with pricing. Nintendo and Sony are trying to run a business. When your product is in demand, you can charge a premium for it. When your product starts to slip from the spotlight, you drop the price to boost sales. Obviously Nintendo is very happy with NSMB sales and sees no reason to lower the price. Sony sees LBP sales dropping below what they'd like to see and drops the price to increase sales. That's just how business works.

Quoted because it's right.

Woah, I usually only get quoted when someone wants to tell me I'm wrong!

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

think-man said:
the_dengle said:
think-man said:
the_dengle said:
And Sony is trying to sell us Smash Bros Brawl at $60, when you could just get it for Wii for half that price.


Id rather play as sony characters than with the Nintendo Characters that my 5 year old brother seems to enjoy.

What confuses me is that your other post seems to have repaired itself in your quote...

the_dengle said:
think-man said:
the_dengle said:
think-man said:
the_dengle said:
And Sony is tryiSmash Bros Brawl at $60, when you could just get it for Wii for half that price.


Id rather play as sony characters than with the Nintendo Characters that my 5 year old brother seems to enjoy.

Whatour other post seems to have repf in your quote...

Because you felt the need to delete it, do you take offence to my younger brother enjoying Nintendo?

Look I can do it to.

novasonic said:

Whether or not one game is better than the other has nothing to do with pricing. Nintendo and Sony are trying to run a business. When your product is in demand, you can charge a premium for it. When your product starts to slip from the spotlight, you drop the price to boost sales. Obviously Nintendo is very happy with NSMB sales and sees no reason to lower the price. Sony sees LBP sales dropping below what they'd like to see and drops the price to increase sales. That's just how business works.

^^^this. Basic buisness guys.