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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2012 Discussion Thread: FINISH YOUR LISTS

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Clue for #14:

This game has beautiful European box art reminiscent of Salvador Dali, but it's North American box art is rather ugly.


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green_sky said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Clue for #14:

This game has beautiful European box art reminiscent of Salvador Dali, but it's North American box art is rather ugly.


That's it! Why did such a beatiful game get such boring box art?

Veknoid_Outcast said:
green_sky said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:
Clue for #14:

This game has beautiful European box art reminiscent of Salvador Dali, but it's North American box art is rather ugly.


That's it! Why did such a beatiful game get such boring box art?

Yay my first right guess. Could be because we North American's are less sophisticated and love and prefer as big of a rendition of main character on the box art as possible. Something along those lines were probably discussed in the marketing/pr department. Awesome game by the way. 

Michael-5 said:

35. Because of this game, Fire Emblem waslocalized outside of Japan
Correct Answer: Super Smash Bros. Brawl

32. This game also, almost didn't see localization, but when European branches of this publisher gave this game the green lights for localization, the Western branch followed suit.
Correct Answer: XenoBlade Chronicles

48. An under-appreciated SRPG which tells the story of a war from the perspective on honest fighters on both sides of the war.
Incorrect Guesses: Valkyria Chronicles

46. A precursor to CoD, one of the best online shooting franchises. This game was ported to consoles after a fair bit of time on PC.
Incorrect Guesses: Day of Deateat, Medal of Honor

43. Often regarded as one of the best games of all time, the main character is an iconic trademark which almost saw exclusivity on an opposing platform.
Incorrect Guesses: Final Fantasy VII

40. One of the first true 3D games on a Nintendo cartridge, also the last on this system.
Incorrect Guesses: Starfox

39. Of a team of 6, nobody makes it out alive. Prequel to #43.

38. This game almost wasn't localized outside of Japan because Nintendo thought no one would be interested. Good thing NoA changed their mind.
Incorrect Guesses: XenoBlade Chronicles

36. I specifically like the expansion, but this game was the last of the series before it was ruined by becoming a MMO.

34. First platform game in the franchise after an 8 year gap. Made a story where the previous game concluded the series.

33. Most people see me debate why this game is inferior to one higher on my list. Many think I dislike this game.

31. Since this game concluded the trilogy, the next interation, which was made by a new developer saw substantially less hype, and potentially killed the franchise.

30. EA-FU. Because of EA this game wasn't as good as it could have been.

40 - Winter Gold

38 - The Last Story

36 - Warcraft 3

34 - Rayman Origins

31 - Metroid Prime 3

#15. Bioshock (PS3) - From the first opening scene you feel that Rapture is awaiting and an experience like an other is clearly inevitable. The game's atmosphere and sound design is so well done that my heart was racing and mind alert as if i was transformed into this crazy world. It is not horror game per say but the chills it brings are full of thundering  lightning. At times one could just stand and admire the once beautiful utopian paradise turned nightmare. The world of rapture is full of surprises and the entire game is filled with calculated anxiety and enthralment. 

 Posting the annoucement trailer for the game that captures the spirit of the game. It is quite an experience to watch for both the people that  have taken the trip to Rapture and for those that have yet to enter the murky mysterious underwater city. 

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Hint for #14. This game was introduced at Macworld Expo in 1999 by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.

One epic birthday weekend over and done with, and it's time to resume...

17. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader (GC)

If you're a fan of Star Wars, then you'll probably love the Rogue Squadron games, which give you the opportunity to take part in some of the battles from the movies, as well as some original missions on top of that. The second game in the series stands out above the other two games simply because it did everything important just right, whereas the others did not. Do you want to go into the Death Star trench like Luke Skywalker and blow up the damn thing up? Go for it. How about getting involved with the Battle of Hoth? Sure, go right ahead. Or what about the climatic Battle of Endor. That's there as well, in truly epic fashion. Some of the original missions were a little uninspired, but the rest more than made up for that.


16. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)

A Link to the Past was my first Zelda game, and thus it started my love affair with the series. I was just a boy when I played it, and naturally the idea of playing the hero on an epic quest resonated quite well with me at the time, probably more so than it does now but that feeling does still show itself every now and then. After completing the game, I went back and played the first game in the series, and I didn't think it lived up to ALttP. At the time I was disappointed, but it would only be a few years before I got my next great experience with the franchise.


15. Super Metroid, SNES/VC (1994/2007) Nintendo

The Last Metroid is in Captivity... With these haunting words was this tremendous game launched into the pinnacle of 2D Metroid-dom (though not the pinnacle of Metroid), a game that, despite being a retread of the original Metroid, created a perfect balance of mood, bosses and secrets. This game gives you so many reasons to love it, whether you're into art, gameplay, speedruns, precision, exploration, or just dicking around.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

15. Mario Kart 64 (N64)

MK64 is something of a divisive game within the franchise. Many MK fans don't like, and many do. You can probably guess that I'm one of those that do, given it's placed at 15 in my list. In fact it's my favourite MK game, and is the one that I've spent the most time playing (it even gets played every now and then to this day, whereas I've long since given up on some other MK games).

Clue for 14. A spectacular high point in a world where such games are usually complete trash.
